Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 954 The three-year period has come and we welcome the Supreme Dragon King

Compared with other declining sects, the Qibao Glazed Sect, which recognized the reality first and gave up the violent struggle to seize power, occupies much more social resources.

After controlling a large amount of capital and political figures, the Qibao Glazed Sect has become the invisible family behind the empire, and even Xue Ye must pay attention to their opinions.

Compared with the status of the Qibao Glazed Sect, it has even slightly improved. Therefore, as the newly born little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect and the only heir in the future, Ning Rongrong's status can be imagined.

Marrying Ning Rongrong is something that almost ordinary people can't even imagine. Even if Oscar has a smooth future and successfully becomes a professional player, and even wins the continent's senior soul master soul fighting competition with his team, he is even ranked No. 1 in the world. After winning the first martial arts tournament, the gap between him and Ning Rongrong was still an insurmountable chasm.

For example, the gap is like the gap between an Olympic champion and the daughter of a head of state. There is an unknown number of classes in between.

Oscar wants to get together with Ning Rongrong, which is a hundred times more difficult than in the original work. Even Chengying has no clue about it. Without cheating, it seems that only a miracle can make Oscar equal to Ning Rongrong. identity of.

"What do you think?" Cheng Ying asked the Ice Emperor who was holding a trophy and drinking a milkshake next to him.

"I'll just sit and watch." Ice Emperor stuck out his tongue: "Actually, whether they can get together is not something you have even thought about. Since a miracle has not happened, then just think about creating a series of miracles. Rich family The plot of a young lady falling in love with a poor boy seems pretty good."

Cheng Ying shook his head: "If I say it, I don't like Oscar and Ning Rongrong at all. Ning Rongrong is actually not a good girl. In the original work, Tang San's Nine-Hearted Begonia, let Ning Rongrong kissed her, so forget it. When Ning Fengzhi proposed that he marry Tang San, he didn't show any resistance. If it weren't for Xiao Wu, he might have married Tang San.

Xiao Ao is like her spare tire. Oscar has no background anyway, so just be grateful to get her love! in this way. If I were really asked to interfere, I wouldn't bring them together. "

"I feel that your subjective consciousness is at work. I think you are biased against wealthy daughters." The Ice Emperor drank up the huge trophy in one breath. The storage soul guide at the bottom of the trophy immediately released the drink and refilled the quilt. .

Because the trophy was originally reserved for the Ice King, many similar convenient functions were designed in it.

"I remember you were like this last time. The little girl obviously admired you, but you ignored her because she was the daughter of a wealthy family. If the girl hadn't been good-tempered, you would have turned away and left."

Cheng Ying touched his face and searched through his memory: "Have I ever done this before? Hmm... It seems that I have done it. Please go and apologize when you have time! It seems that I am a little prejudiced against wealthy daughters, but that's okay. , this thing cannot be changed if you want to, anyway, under normal circumstances, Oscar and Ning Rongrong would not be able to get together, so they might as well follow my script."

"Your script? Let me guess!" Ice Emperor poured out the Coke in the cup and randomly selected a drink again. This time it was Sprite, so Ice Emperor licked it happily and narrowed his eyes.

"In your script, do you want Oscar to become a professional player step by step, win the championship of the continent's senior soul master fighting competition, and then take the opportunity to express his love to Ning Rongrong and say no?

In the next three years, Oscar went through a series of adventures and became a big shot that even the Qibao Glazed Sect could not afford to offend. Then he came to slap you in the face. The three-year period has come. Welcome to the Supreme Dragon King. Back then, you ignored me, but now I let you climb high. Sorry. "

Cheng Ying listened and nodded: "Wonderful! That's it! I've even thought about the soundtrack, so I just need to use Dragon King's exclusive BGM!"

"You really want to do this! I always feel that it's so unfair to Ning Rongrong.

" Hyokui complained while squinting his eyes while licking his drink.

"It's not unfair! We only need to influence Oscar's life. If he succeeds in confessing his love after winning the Continental Senior Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition, then there is no need to execute the subsequent plans. Whatever the outcome is, it will be up to him. It’s a choice. There’s nothing unfair about it.”

"Okay! Whatever you want, it's too troublesome. I'll just watch the show. By the way, what kind of adventures are you going to arrange for Oscar? I always feel that no matter how you design it, it seems very abrupt. Considering the social environment of the Tiandou Empire, Shuangwendu Those who dare not write like this might be directly harmed by the Qibao Glazed Sect, which controls the entertainment industry."

Cheng Ying took a straw and inserted it into Ice Emperor's trophy, and drank all the drink in one breath.

"It's indeed a bit difficult. In this social environment, it's not easy for Oscar to establish a relationship with a big shot. Let me think about it..." Cheng Ying muttered:

"We can find a way to set up a chat group and bring in some big names. This is simple, but in what name? It will take a long time, so we can discuss it in the long term."

"The chat group is easy to handle! You can either have a pornographic group or open a black group. Well... let's open a black group in the game! I feel like the big shots don't really need pornographic groups, um... except for you." Ice Emperor bites. It was very cruel to break Cheng Ying's straw.

"Game? Hacking? With the current technical level, 3A masterpieces can no longer meet the needs of players. If you want to be popular, you probably need immersive online games!

Suddenly I want to play a game. I have already thought of the name of the game. It is called Thriller Paradise. How about it? "

Ice Emperor glanced at Chengying: "This is a good name, tell me! Where did you copy it?"

Cheng Ying: "..."

Are you so confident in my naming ability? It’s so heartbreaking!

"Ahem! That's what it means anyway, mainly because I remember a lot of scripts for this game, which can be used to cheat Oscar!

This thing is actually a puzzle game disguised as a horror game. Anyway, it takes a long time, so it is not difficult to develop it.

When the time comes, we will recruit a bunch of big names to team up with Oscar to participate in the dungeon. By the way, we will be able to join a group after the game. By then we will have communication, and things will be easier to handle. As the saying goes, it is love after meeting! "

"But you have to find a way to cheat Oscar in the game. Otherwise, he, an ordinary little soul master, has no advantage at all compared to those extreme Douluo, 900,000-year-old soul beasts, demigods and the like. I hold the boss back in the game, but in reality I ask him to help me. As time goes by, no one will help him play."

Hearing this, Cheng Ying smiled mysteriously: "I've already thought about the plug-in for him! Just seal the fear!"

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