Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 955: Grass Chicken Phoenix

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After a short discussion, Chengying and Bingdi were ready to put the plan into practice. In fact, it was not difficult at all. It was nothing more than developing a new immersive virtual game. For the experienced Tulip team, it was simply too difficult. Simple.

As for sealing fear, it is not urgent. Surgery on the brain is more or less dangerous. If it is performed in early childhood, it may affect intellectual development.

The top priority is to develop Oscar's mind and improve his intelligence. Otherwise, even if there is no fear, in the game he is just a reckless man who is not afraid of death.

It happened that Oro was looking around for tutoring institutions, and Cheng Ying was thinking about dressing up and training the protagonist himself.

But whether it was fate or something else, before he took action, the Oro couple had already found a cheap tutoring agency. Compared with similar tutoring agencies, its price was obviously one level lower.

The only requirement that it has more than other tutoring institutions is to have innate soul power.

After making inquiries from various parties and confirming that the tutoring institution that had registered Little Shrek's name was not a scammer, Oro was also ready to send Oscar for training.

Under the influence of spiritual energy recovery, children of the same age are becoming more and more intelligent. Many children have some ability to take care of themselves by the time they are three years old.

Although it is a bit cruel to send a child over one year old to day school, for the sake of their child's future, the Oro couple made a resolute choice.

Chengying didn't stop the Oro couple because he saw Flanders, the dean of this small Shrek academy and a well-known four-eyed owl among professional players.

At this time, he was introducing himself to a group of little beans: "I will be your principal from now on! My name is Flanders, don't ask me if I am happy or not, my surname is not Flanders!"

Cheng Ying, who was observing secretly, curled his lips and was a little disappointed. Oscar could be named Ao, but Flanders was not named Fu.

Cheng Ying glanced at the rows of little bean sprouts. They all had baby fat on their faces, and they were obviously less than three years old. At this time, they were reporting their names one by one.

When he saw Flanders, Chengying had a hunch that Oscar might not be the only one joining this academy. Sure enough, in the process of reporting names one by one, a little guy who was obviously a little fatter than the other little ones loudly announced his name: "Ma Hongjun!"

Although he was a little slurred in speech, the words Ma Hongjun were indeed correct. It seems that the few of the Shrek Seven Monsters who were originally from civilian backgrounds can only be regarded as average.

This is the consequence of allowing capital to develop. Although the privileged class such as soul masters have been eliminated. However, the increasing gap between rich and poor still makes promotion in the stratum more difficult.

"By the way, Ma Hongjun's martial spirit is the evil fire phoenix! Ordinarily, as long as he awakens his martial spirit, he will vent the evil fire regularly. The problem is that nowadays, the privileges of the soul master have become less and less. With the financial strength of his ordinary family. I'm afraid I don't have enough money to let him vent his anger!" Cheng Ying muttered quietly, and then was kicked in the knee by Ice Emperor.

"You are less than three years old. Even if you awaken your martial spirit, you will still be powerless!"

"I'm just curious! In the original book, this guy's vitality was released when he was ten years old. I was very curious about how he did this? Obviously, normal people don't have that function at the age of ten. I really want to see it. , three-year-old Ma Hongjun, how can he vent his evil fire?" Cheng Ying's eyes flashed with extremely evil amusement.

Flanders's academy is still as poor as in the original work, especially the name Little Shrek looks like a copycat version. If it weren't for the low price, I'm afraid no one would come.

Coupled with his insistence on only accepting students with full innate soul power, Wish's financial situation was once quite pessimistic. Even so, he did not compromise at all when it came to teaching.

The competition in team training is extremely fierce. Without strong hard power as a basis, you will be eliminated in a few weeks.

Therefore, Flanders designed quite brutal training content for his students. Physical training, including five-kilometer long-distance running, seemed beyond the capabilities of these little beans.

If it weren't for medicinal baths and other methods, the little guys in the academy would not have been able to survive. In addition, education in cultural subjects will never fall behind.

The more basic knowledge you have before joining a team. The advantage will be greater, although it is to train children towards professional players. However, corresponding basic knowledge education is still necessary. You need to be able to do at least four arithmetic operations and be literate.

These educational contents are time-consuming. If this time can be saved, it will be able to occupy an advantageous position in the training of the team.

For the team, results are everything. The intrigue between a bunch of brats means nothing to the team. No one will take care of things like ostracizing freshmen and bullying on campus. As long as the candidate's grades are good enough, he can continue to stay no matter how he fares.

On the contrary, even if you become the king of children. Let’s talk about it in this session. If the results are not good, the corresponding training items cannot be completed. He will definitely be kicked out.

Oscar seemed quite sensible during the training. His learning speed is also very fast, and he is basically a model for academic masters. His physical fitness is slightly inferior due to the drag of martial arts, and he also belongs to the first echelon.

In contrast, Ma Hongjun is more casual. If Oscar is a model of a top student, then he is a typical model of a bad student. He basically failed all cultural classes, which meant that his physical fitness improved quickly enough and he was among the top few. He was not kicked out by Flanders, but he was still on the verge of being beaten every day.

Not only Flanders, but also his parents who wanted to beat him up. As the saying goes, the sword in the hand of a loving mother can be struck by a wanderer. When the father saw that his son was still alive, he drew out seven wolves.

Cheng Ying even doubted whether the little fat man's current figure was swollen from being beaten. But he does have a good mentality and gets beaten every day. Still stubborn, still stubborn as hell.

Perhaps due to the inertia of the plot, Oscar and Ma Hongjun are clearly top students and bad students, but they have become gay friends who talk about everything, which can only be described as ape excrement.

Compared with Oscar, who is from the food department, and has to work hard to become a professional player, Ma Hongjun's future is much brighter. The mutated evil fire phoenix spirit. Coupled with the innate talent of full soul power, it is a top match even in this era after the spiritual energy has been revived.

This is like the same college entrance examination. You are taking the normal test, but not only are they from ethnic minorities, but they have also participated in various scientific and technological projects. Even before taking the test, they have scored dozens of points more than you.

[To be continued]

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