Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 956: Addicted to Sister

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Compared to Oscar and Ma Hongjun, Tang San's future is even more difficult. From a purely family environment perspective, Tang San is actually much better than the former, plus he has a father who is a Titled Douluo.

Tianhu should have started the game, but the problem is that his father is now a gangster and is still wanted. Many things that require a clear identity cannot be done. They couldn't even find a formal training institution for him.

We can only find ways to manage the relationship. Find those informal training institutions. Tang Hao also thought about teaching his children. But the problem is that being strong does not mean that you are also good at teaching.

Even if Tang San is a time traveler with more than twenty years of experience, it doesn't mean that he can directly access all kinds of knowledge in this world. In particular, some modern knowledge will be difficult to master because of his inherent experience. For example, surfing the Internet and so on.

This is easy to see from the fact that young people are more likely to accept mobile phones than older people.

As a last resort, Tang Hao had no choice but to find an informal training institution. Because it was like a gangster, the scale was quite small. There was only one teacher there. He looked unkempt, with messy hair and stubble on his chin. Not shaved clean.

However, after watching him take a few classes, Tang Hao recognized his teaching ability.

And this slovenly teacher is named...Yu Xiaogang, nicknamed Master by others.

Ape dung is so wonderful. Tang San did not escape the clutches of the master after all, but compared to the serious and responsible master in the original work, this slovenly guy was completely different.

Tang San accidentally broke into the master's office and saw that the cabinets in the master's office were filled with all kinds of figures, including white-haired twintails, orange-haired tsundere, and white-haired lolita. In the whole room, this place was the most Clean and tidy.

On the screen of the monitor, a clip from "The Story of Fate" is playing. The master has a fat house with happy water and a fat house with happy things. Apart from the difference in body shape and fat house, there is no difference.

The playlist also includes "My Sister", "Teacher Eromanga" and many other girl-oriented dramas. There is no doubt that these things were copied from Chengying. As a time traveler, I don't want to copy any entertainment. The product is simply uncomfortable. Qiao Xiu can make movies in another world, and Cheng Ying can do animations in another world without any problems.

It's just that some animations clearly hit the master's cuteness, and ended up dragging him into a trap.

This cannot be entirely blamed on the master. At that time, he was experiencing the most frustrated moment in his life. He learned that his lover Liu Erlong was his sister. The golden iron triangle fell apart. The master seemed to have lost his purpose in life and happened to come into contact with this virtual world.

The forbidden love between brother and sister in the drama simply made everyone unable to extricate himself, and then he fell deeper and deeper into it, almost to the point of calling the paper man his wife. As for Liu Erlong? Who is Liu Erlong? Is Kirino cute?

When Tang San saw this side of the master for the first time, he was stunned, and his worldview was shocked.

If Douluo's various modern facilities can be explained by advanced mechanism skills, everything in front of them is a real cultural shock.

In the world of martial arts, it is impossible to produce animations and figures anyway. The moment Tang San opened the door, his brain went into a downtime.

"Mistress! Come in! Sit wherever you want." The master glanced at the door, then continued to read, skillfully adding remarks such as AWSL in the barrage.

"Have you never been online before?" The master looked up at Tang San, who was reshaping his world view, and threw him a terminal: "You learn Chinese characters very quickly, figure out how to use it yourself!"

Today is technically a holiday, and the master will never work overtime, so he threw a terminal to Tang San to let him pass the time.

Although he had never come into contact with a mobile terminal, it was easy to figure out how to use the terminal, which was basically a fool-like operation. There were only a few applications on the entire desktop. Even if Tang San was seriously affected by inertial thinking, he quickly found them. browser,

And start trying to search by handwriting.

Compared to the master who was obsessed with his sister, Tang San was still somewhat familiar with the profession of time traveler and didn't search for any random things.

Instead, he went straight to the point and searched for "weapon", which was a very broad category. After seeing the advanced mechanisms in this world, he began to worry about his Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

With the level of machinecraft in this world, the weapons that can be created would probably be quite powerful.

The search results came out soon. Because they were connected to the Tiandou Empire's network, the search results tended to be very obvious.

"The nuclear bomb can only rank third among the top ten weapons that make the Star Luo Empire tremble."

With the familiar title of the marketing account, an experienced netizen would basically not try to open this thing, but Tang San was obviously not the one, so he took the bait.

The article was arranged from the tenth to the first row, so the first thing Tang San saw was the tenth one: the city security management law enforcement brigade standard armor.

The standard armor of the Urban Public Security Management Law Enforcement Brigade is 3.15 meters high and weighs 2.8 tons. It is equipped with a 30mm triple rapid-fire cannon on the left shoulder, a 12mm six-barreled Vulcan cannon on the right arm, and a rocket on the left arm. It uses soul power hybrid power. , the 12-core engine is powerful, the propeller behind it can fly short distances, has super jumping ability, and has strong maneuverability in complex urban terrain.

Below the text is a battle GIF of this standard armor. In the picture, the armor jumped up and climbed to the top of a five-story building, firing wildly with a six-barreled Vulcan cannon in its right hand.

Bullets rained down, and the shield of the hit suspect flashed rapidly. At this time, the three-barrel rapid-fire cannon on the left shoulder completed its aim, boom boom boom.

The 30mm shell became the straw that broke the camel's back, breaking the flashing shield in one fell swoop. Only then did the bullets fall to the ground. Each bullet could make a crater on the cement floor. The powerful impact The human body is absolutely full of flesh and blood.

Because it was too bloody, the scene where the suspect was shot was cut out, but it could be seen from the blood on the ground that the injury was definitely not light.

Tang San tightly grasped the terminal in his hand, his hands that were extremely stable while practicing hidden weapons were shaking like Parkinson's disease.

This... was only the tenth-ranked weapon. Not to mention its destructive power, its rate of fire was comparable to that of a peacock feather. There were also rockets that sounded more powerful but had not yet been used, which made Tang San feel... Enormous pressure.

However, he could still comfort himself. After all, the top ten weapons that made the empire tremble must be extremely precious. The number of these mechas may not be many. He tried not to think about what the standard armor meant and continued to look down.

[To be continued]

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