Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 957 Tang 3’s despair

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Tang San, who tried hard to hypnotize himself and told himself that there must be very few equipment that could be called the top ten weapons, pulled up the screen with trembling fingers.

It was Tang San's first time to operate a touch screen. Because his hands were shaking so badly, he couldn't hold himself steady and flipped over from tenth to third. Originally, he wanted to flip back and watch it again, but when he saw the gold medal in third place, With the red picture, he couldn't help but think of the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus. The three Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus he made by himself should be of the same color when they explode.

The weapon in the picture really attracted him a lot: "I didn't expect that someone in this world would make a similar weapon. I guess it must be a master of weapon training. With his tireless research and conscientious craftsmanship, Only then did he successfully polish this terrifying weapon part by part with his own hands.

It seems that the power is a bit greater than that of the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus. Perhaps this respectable weapon refiner finally threw himself into the weapon refining furnace and used his own body to refine the weapon to achieve this terrifying effect. "

Tang San had a lot of inner drama when he thought of hidden weapons. After all, it was something he had been obsessed with for his whole life. As he thought about it, he also began to read the content of the third place.

"Nuclear bombs have always been a terrifying strategic weapon. They are rarely used unless it is a last resort. But this just shows how terrifying its power is.

The nuclear bomb was first invented by the Tulip Principality. Adhering to the Tulip Duke's philosophy that art is explosion, the nuclear bomb has unparalleled explosive power.

A nuclear bomb with a yield of 100,000 tons can destroy a small city. As of before the Tulip evacuation, the maximum yield of the nuclear bomb that had been developed had reached a terrifying 30 million tons. It was later discovered by our country and used to deter the Star Luo Empire. .

In the past, nuclear bombs were precious non-renewable resources. Only evacuated tulips knew how to produce them. There was almost no other way to obtain them except to excavate the remains of tulips. "

When Tang San saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the above description, the power of the nuclear bomb was much greater than he imagined. Capable of destroying a small city. This is already ten times as powerful as Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus, but it can be seen that the output is extremely limited. Although it is not polished by a certain craftsman, the manufacturing cost must be extremely high, and even the manufacturing method has been lost. If it is a lost technology, then there is nothing to worry about.

But as he continued to read, his heart sank.

“But it took our country seven years and countless manpower and material resources to finally successfully reverse engineer the manufacturing technology of nuclear bombs and successfully achieve industrial mass production.

So far, our country has about 70 nuclear bombs of more than one million tons, about 500 nuclear bombs of 100,000 to 1 million tons, about 3,500 nuclear bombs of less than 100,000 tons, and countless tactical nuclear bombs of less than 10,000 tons. It is ahead of the Star Luo Empire in all aspects. Becoming the first superpower on the mainland to independently develop and build nuclear bombs. "

The author of the article is obviously a liar, adhering to politically correct choices and consuming readers' national pride, but these data are still of some reference significance.

Tang San didn't have a clear understanding of the equivalent, but he could guess with his toes that one million tons of equivalent was much stronger than 100,000 tons of equivalent. The nuclear weapons reserves of the empire in front of him simply made him despair.

Even if he works day and night to create the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus, he will do nothing in his life. I am afraid that only a few hundred of these top-notch hidden weapons can be created, but according to the data written on it, a few hundred Buddha's Angry Tang Lotus may not have much impact on the war in this world.

Times have changed. It is no longer like in the original work that killing dozens of Soul Saints with one Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus can determine the victory of a war. Today, killing dozens of Soul Saints on the continent can only be regarded as a comparison. A nasty regional terrorist attack. Whether you get on the national news depends on luck.

Tang San held the mobile terminal with his fingers so hard that his fingertips turned slightly blue.


I need to stay calm and not get confused. The biggest advantage of concealed weapons is surprise. The nuclear bomb in the picture also needs to be released by a sacred eagle flying in the sky, but the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus can be kicked in the arms. The functions of the two things do not overlap.

People will die if they are killed, as long as they are caught by surprise enough. Even if the firepower is not as powerful as these machine weapons, it can still kill the enemy. He is calm and calm, and cannot waver in his determination to revive the Tang Sect just because of this setback! "Although he has been comforting himself in his heart, his red eyes have shown that he is by no means so calm.

"What are you looking at? Are you so excited?" The master glanced at the screen of the mobile terminal in Tang San's hand and said boredly: "Don't look at it, they are all marketing accounts to trick people into clicking. How can there be any chance of fighting in a short time? .Except for those used to maintain law and order, all these gadgets must be thrown into the warehouse to gather dust. "

"Why won't there be a war?" Tang San felt even heavier when he heard this, if there was no war. Who did he sell his hidden weapons to? You can't sell it to people for hunting. That's such a waste.

"Although you are still young, you should pay more attention to the actual facts. Don't you know about the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament? Come, let me help you search for the videos of the finals and take a good look at the real top players. Because the champion of the competition They are pacifists. So before they burp, they have little chance of fighting."

While he was talking, the master had already created a video of the game. It was the last game, the video of Cheng Ying vs. Hyokui. It was also the most played video among all the games.

Tang San took the mobile terminal and saw a man and a woman standing opposite each other on the screen, looking at each other in the devastated arena. This scene made him feel very intimate. In the competitions in his previous life, similar scenes often appeared, but there were not so many exploding craters in the background.

Thinking about it, if these two people were top experts, the battle would be filled with swords and swords. Maybe he also has the Sword Qi Fist Gang. He can be called a top powerhouse. He must have a powerful means of releasing internal energy. He may be able to crack a mountain with a full blow. This is already the most powerful thing in his memory. A top martial arts master.

As a martial arts practitioner, he was also looking forward to seeing it. High-quality martial arts competitions, peak battles between the strongest in the entire continent, are temptations that no martial arts practitioner can resist.

This world's superb mechanism skills do have some skills. It is the ability that allows the whole world to see the scene of the competition. It is the immeasurable merit. Tang San, who has all kinds of sexy thoughts in his mind, can't control his hands. The screen of the mobile terminal is pulled closer to him.

[To be continued]

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