Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 958: Shatter the land! 3 views

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The man and woman in the video acted like normal martial arts practitioners at first, talking flirtatiously before turning on the power.

As the saying goes, attacking the heart is the most important thing, and trash talking is also an indispensable part of the competition. But then the style of painting started to go wrong. I saw two people flying into the air. It was obviously not jumping, but flying.

"Such a strong internal force! To be able to fly in the air, I'm afraid it's only the top three powerful people in the Three Flowers Gathering." Tang San couldn't help but sigh, only the top martial arts masters could fly in the air.

The master twitched the corner of his mouth, wondering about the child's father, fearing that he had not educated him well. This child has the illusion that his father is the top strong man in the world, and he should be a guy with a little bit of talent in cultivation. He barely had the strength of the Soul Saint level to fly in, but the master thought for a while and decided not to break the child's fantasy with his own hands, because the video of the game for a while was enough to destroy his outlook on life.

After the two people jumped into the air, the next scene was that the man suddenly disappeared and appeared behind the woman. Although space teleportation is a rare ability, it is not too amazing for Douluo with all kinds of strange martial arts spirits.

But it was different in Tang San's eyes: "What kind of movement technique can cross a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant? Let alone ghost shadow, even if you can catch a cicada in eight steps, it will never be that fast. I'm afraid this It’s no longer just a physical technique.”

Tang San was still thinking about what happened with that teleportation, when the man teleported behind the woman had already slapped her with a palm. Layers of hexagonal box force fields were pressed down from the sky. The smallest hexagon has a side length of at least fifty meters, and it is pressing down layer by layer, as if the sky is about to collapse.

Although this scene is huge. But for Tang San, who didn't know the absolute strength of the field, it was still barely acceptable. It is understandable that a top master's full blow would have such a wide range of destructive power.

But the woman's counterattack was completely incomprehensible to him. The ground beneath the woman's feet was instantly frozen. The entire arena with a radius of a hundred miles turned into an ice field. And at the woman's feet, there are icebergs rising into the sky. The hexagonal box force field in the sky is greeted like an angry dragon.

Tang San:"!!!"

His impression that martial arts masters could move mountains and reclaim seas was just an exaggerated description in people's records. I have never seen any martial arts master with such strength as to lift a mountain and hit someone with it.

But the scene in front of him couldn't be fake at all, at least that's what Tang San, who didn't know about the PS magic, thought so. The iceberg rising into the sky didn't seem to be humanly possible. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a miracle.

That wasn't what frightened him the most. The next moment after the iceberg takes shape. The entire iceberg exploded violently from the bottom. That scene looked like the end of the world.

Even if one hundred martial arts supremes in Tang San's impression were thrown in, they would all be killed.

The towering iceberg was thrown high into the sky by the explosion at such a terrifying speed that it seemed as if it would never fall again. No natural disaster could ever reach such a terrifying level.

When Tang San saw this scene, he was speechless for a long time. The destructive power was really terrifying. However, the man hit by such an attack was not seriously injured. He was still alive and kicking, and even had the ability to fight back.

The following Super Earth Explosion Star refreshed the three views, as if a huge sphere like the moon was artificially created and suspended in mid-air. Such a doomsday-like move made it difficult to accept that it was human power.

Being shocked too many times will lead to numbness. Tang San has already reached this stage of numbness. Whether it is the next beam of destruction or the cutting of a single molecular cloud, it is beyond the scope of his understanding and beyond the martial arts secrets he knows. the extent that can be achieved.

When these two peerless experts finally faced off in a decisive battle, when the energy storm that filled the entire arena and the terrifying attack that evaporated everything in the arena wiped out everything in the arena, Tang San's brain had completely failed. Machine.

Such a monster,

In the world of his previous life, anyone could sweep the martial arts world! Not only in the martial arts world, but even in the imperial court, no one can compete with this kind of monster. It is easy for one person to destroy a country.

"With monsters like this suppressed above our heads, no wonder there is no war on the mainland." Tang San's eyes were blank, with a spoiled expression on his face. If a monster like this were to casually attack the country that started the war, there would be no need to fight, and he could just Prepare to destroy the country!

The master paused the drama on the monitor for a moment, shook his head and said: "If it is only to this extent, the empire can still resist to some extent. With the infinite energy of the vast sea of ​​mysterious energy alliance, sooner or later it will be drained dry.

The power that really prevents war from breaking out on the continent is not as simple as what you see on the surface. "The master has noticed that Tang San was born with precocious intelligence. Even if children in this era are generally precocious, there are few who can be so organized at more than one year old, so he did not treat him as a child when speaking.

"It's not their peerless strength? What is that?" Tang San originally thought that such a strong person should be able to sweep across the continent, but now he realized that he still underestimated the people of the world, and actually had a way to fight against such a strong person. , that is to say, even if he is unlucky and has achieved this kind of strength, he still cannot be invincible, which will undoubtedly make people feel discouraged.

"Haven't you noticed? What was this video shot? Why did such a terrible attack not affect people outside the stadium? You have seen the eggshell shield made of hexagons, right? Think about it, how strong is the shield to guarantee that you will remain unscathed under such a level of attack?

Such a powerful shield means what kind of technology is behind it, and what kind of terrible weapons can be produced? "

When Tang San heard this, he couldn't help but get goosebumps on his back. He could create the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle that could break all kinds of protective energy, but he couldn't create any armor that could withstand the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle. In his previous life, he had obtained any Even craftsmen cannot create such a thing.

Therefore, Tang San knew very well that weapons always developed faster than armor, and he was more able to understand how terrifying a shield that could withstand terrifying attacks actually represented.

I am afraid that such an attack can destroy all the creatures on the entire continent in one blow. It is no wonder that there is no war on the continent. As long as whoever dares to start a war, let's finish it together!

In his knowledge, even gods could not do such terrible things. Tang San couldn't help but look at the sleeve arrows he had just forged on his sleeves and remained silent for a long time.

[To be continued]

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