Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 959: No comparison, no harm

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The sleeve arrow has a range of a hundred steps and can break the body's protective aura. It takes several years of training to use. A skilled hidden weapon master can shoot the wings of Chinese characters at a range of a hundred steps without damaging the mosquito's life.

The sleeve arrow is one of the most basic and easiest to master among the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect. The structure is relatively simple. A skilled blacksmith can forge one or two pieces in a week. It is suitable for sneak attacks on unsuspecting enemies. Assassination weapon.

However, the sleeve arrow in his hand is not even as useful as an ordinary antique assault rifle. It is indeed powerful to hit the wings of a mosquito from a hundred meters away, but on the battlefield, as long as it can kill the enemy, it is enough. There is no difference between shooting in the left eye and shooting in the right eye. Not to mention pricking different eyelashes.

One of its biggest advantages is accuracy, but this accuracy lies on the battlefield. But it is of no use. No one would expect you to use darts to carve the enemy's carrots on the battlefield, but no one who hasn't suffered from cerebral thrombosis for more than ten years can do this.

Compared with the shield of Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena...

Tang San didn't want to talk. Although hidden weapons could break the body's protective aura, the thickness and strength of the shield had to be taken into account. This kind of perverted shield can force him into the crater even when a volcano erupts. Not to mention the arrows in his sleeves, even the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus and the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle couldn't do anything.

Tang San even suspected that he had mastered hidden weapons to the extreme and had learned the Tears of Guanyin, which ranked first among the Tang Sect's secret arts. Can you poke a small hole in this terrifying shield?

The master raised his eyebrows when he saw the Xiu Jian in Tang Sanxiu's mouth. In this era, weapons like Xiu Jian can only be reduced to toys, but for children, they are still somewhat useful and can practice the stability and balance of their hands. Ability, whether it is for learning to shoot or control mechas in the future, is beneficial.

Thinking of this, I yawned and decided to make an exception and work overtime today to teach Tang San something interesting.

"If you like Xiu Jian, you might as well learn a set of moves from me. It may be helpful to your practice." After saying that, he moved his body and cleared an open space in the messy room.

"Look, I'll only do it once. It's up to you whether you can remember it or not. The name of this move is the second set of national middle school student radio gymnastics. The times are calling."

As he spoke, Dashi's feet stepped on mysterious steps, and his body turned into a phantom, flashing around in the small open space in the room. Obviously the actions he made were not very exaggerated. The speed is not very fast, but it gives people the illusion of pulling out an afterimage.

The master did it casually, but Tang San was stunned. When his eyes came up, the shock was a hundred times more intense than before. Because what he saw was not the second set of national middle school students’ radio gymnastics, nor was it the call of an era, but the genuine ghost shadow of Tang Sect’s secret skill.

Wait until the master has used this set of ghost shadow fans completely. Only then did Tang San suppress the shock in his heart. He reluctantly asked in a trembling voice: "Is this... the teacher's unique skill?"

"A unique skill? Didn't I tell you? This is the second set of radio gymnastics for middle school students across the country. Middle school students all over the country are doing radio gymnastics. After the second class in the morning, they all go to the playground to listen to the exercises done on the radio.

This is not my unique skill. I'm afraid there are millions of students across the country who can do this. After you awaken your martial soul and possess soul power, you can learn another set of radio gymnastics and dance your youth. "As he spoke, the master put on another show, but this time he was still running the soul power in his body while doing exercises. The air flow was pulled by his movements. Toilet paper and the like in the trash can were pulled out and sat in the air. After making an arc, it flew back into the trash can.

Tang San's widened eyes were even wider this time. The scene in front of me is clearly the Tang Sect's secret skill of controlling the crane and capturing the dragon. Although there is a slight difference. It seems that someone has improved the method of operating internal energy, but it is still basically the same. How could this not shock him? If, as the master said,

I'm afraid there are millions of people across the country who master these two special skills.

What so many people know can no longer be called a unique skill. The master saw Tang San's expression so shocked. Shao Shao's interest was also aroused, so he prepared to teach Tang San something else.

"You don't need to think about practicing the second one. In addition to these two broadcast gymnastics, I also have a set of eye exercises that I can teach you. But you need to get up early every day and do it when the sun rises. If you can get up If you want, you can try it, it’s good for your eyes.”

It is said that the master used his kung fu to move his eyes, but this time he just did simple exercises, because it was not that there was no purple energy coming from the east in the morning. His set of eye exercises cannot absorb any energy to nourish the eyes.

But in Tang San's opinion, this eye exercise looked exactly like his Tang Sect's Purple Demon Eyes. Obviously, this set of eye exercises is the same as the previous two and is a technique that students all over the mainland know.

In the world after his time travel, everyone knew the secrets of the Tang Sect. This made his sense of superiority as a time traveler disappear. Tang San gritted his teeth secretly, vowing in his heart to get rid of that bastard who casually spread the Tang Sect's secret knowledge to the mainland. But he forgot that he was forced to death because he secretly learned the secret skills of the inner sect of the Tang Sect.

On the other side, Chengying, who was preparing to make clear arrangements for Oscar's life, was inspecting the school where Oscar would go to with Hyokui. Chengying looked at the students who were struggling to do radio gymnastics and couldn't help but smile full of malice.

"I remember that this set of broadcast gymnastics was during the Holy Grail War. I learned it from the heroic spirit Tang San. I didn't know about Tang San, the time traveler in our world. When I saw students all over the country doing this set of exercises, , what will it be like?

He must be very happy to see the Tang Sect's secret knowledge spread all over the world. "

"That's too bad! You're passing on other people's secret knowledge indiscriminately. Tang San, who finally traveled through time with his own cheat, will cry." The Ice Emperor stuck out his tongue.

"The Tang Clan's secret knowledge that I learned based on my ability is not a disciple of the Tang Clan. Why can't I spread it? I have never been a disciple. I have never joined the Tang Clan. I have learned the secret knowledge based on my ability. Naturally, what do I want to do with it? Just spread it how you want it to be spread.”

When fighting against the heroic spirit Tang San, Cheng Ying relied on his strong mental power to directly read the movements and energy movement of the heroic spirit Tang San, and directly read the Tang Sect's secret knowledge in the simplest and most direct way.

Out of bad taste, he directly compiled these sets of exercises into radio gymnastics and spread them to the entire continent.

[To be continued]

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