Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 960 Private Interview on WeChat

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Chengying and Ice Emperor came to the school where Oscar was about to enter. In order for Oscar to smoothly transform from an ordinary person to a professional player, Chengying had to arrange something in his growth path.

After the plot was messed up by Cheng Ying, it is unknown whether Oscar can counterattack. In this era, the difficulty for the bottom of the Tiandou Empire to counterattack is a hundred times higher than in the original work. If not, Oscar will die on the way and be defeated. Eliminated by cutthroat competition.

"The teachers here have made arrangements, what's next? How about we join Oscar's future team directly!" Ice King suddenly thought.

"Want to be a coach? It seems interesting! That's it!"

At the recruitment office of the Chixiao team, the receptionist was listlessly playing with the mobile terminal. Their team needed to recruit two alternate team coaches, that is, coaches who would manage the little kids under the age of ten.

She is said to be a coach, but in fact she is not much different from the dormitory aunt. Not only does she have to manage a large group of naughty children, she cannot stop them from fighting, and she must also ensure that no serious injuries occur. It is a troublesome group, and the salary is not very high, so it takes a long time. Can't recruit anyone.

Today seems to be another day when we can't recruit anyone. Just when the receptionist was about to leave after get off work, the sliding door of the room was suddenly pushed open by a slap. A man and a woman stood awkwardly at the door. The man kept extending his hand to push. The movement of the door showed an awkward expression.

"Damn! My door! You must be sick! Why are you using so much force!" The receptionist looked helpless. The door was broken, so he would have no chance to get off work for a while.

"Ahem! Sorry, I didn't expect that you didn't push the door." Cheng Ying was extremely embarrassed. He originally wanted to make a handsome appearance by pushing the door, but he had already thought about his entrance moves.

As a result, he accidentally exerted too much force. When he discovered that the door was not a sliding door, it was already too late. Cheng Ying's power was so great that with one slap, the whole door flew out.

"I'll help you repair the door right now." As he said that, Cheng Ying snapped his fingers, and the broken door frame flew up and automatically put back into place. Not only that, the cracks on the door frame also healed as if time had gone backwards, and every bit of it was broken. No trace of cracking can be seen.

"Huh? Is it repaired? How can it be so simple..." Halfway through the words, the receptionist suddenly couldn't continue because he saw the faces of a man and a woman clearly.

It was Cheng Ying, the Duke of Tulip, and the Ice Emperor, the strongest person in the world. If he saw these two people normally, he would think that they might look alike or have plastic surgery or cosplay.

Coupled with the ability to repair the door frame as if they were able to turn back time just now, it is clearly the two people's signature skill, atomic control, to repair the cracks in the door frame from the atomic level to achieve the effect of going back in time.

"Two... two adults, yes... I'm sorry, I just..."

"Okay! I understand! You just made a slip of the tongue, no offense intended, right?" Ice Emperor waved his hand.

"Deal, deal!"

"Actually, you don't need to be so nervous. When we came here, we hired a coach for the alternate team. seems difficult to expect you to calm down on your own, so..."

Snapped! Chengying snapped his fingers, and immediately, the receptionist felt that all his nervousness and anxiety had disappeared. Although he still maintained his awe for the strong, he could talk like an ordinary friend.

"What kind of soul skill is this!"

"It's not a soul skill, it's just a small technique for using mental power. It's much simpler than a soul skill that can read memories. It just makes you calm down. Is it possible for the two of us to apply for coaches?" Cheng Ying hesitated. Rubbing his fingers together, he adjusted the mental energy he had released and adjusted the receptionist's mood to that of an ordinary applicant.

If Cheng Ying can't do this, it would be meaningless for him and Bing Di to apply for the same position as the dormitory aunt. It is true that private visits in private and pretending to be slapped in the face are very satisfying, but if they happen too often, it will inevitably become a bit annoying. Yes, Cheng Ying can imagine. If I don't cast a spell to affect the mentality of the team's staff,

What will be the consequences?

I'm afraid that I have to have someone cheering me on every class, bringing tea and water. When I work, I just need to think about it and experience life, and someone will help me solve the rest.

That's so damn obvious. How could he secretly guide Oscar? He could tell with just his toes that there was something wrong with this coach.

The receptionist who was affected by Chengying's spell asked Chengying questions like an ordinary employee. Except for the tone being a little more polite than a normal interview, there was almost no difference. Even he himself felt a little strange. Why did I have the courage to ask Tulip Duke whether he had any work experience? But in my heart, I felt that it was logical and it seemed that it was the right thing to ask.

After working together, Chengying and Bingdi successfully joined the job. Both of them performed subtle disguises. For them, disguises were a piece of cake. As long as they slightly changed their facial muscles, they could change their appearance. There's not even any makeup, masks or surgery required.

Hyokui adjusted his face to be a little more mature, making it less delicate than the lolita form. Chengying did the same thing. People who are familiar with them can recognize them at a glance, and those who are not familiar with them will basically not distinguish them. Connect with the two people on the poster. At most, when you see the poster, you will feel that the two people look a bit alike.

The next step is to get familiar with the job and then wait for Oscar to join the team.

These experiences were a bit boring, so Chengying simply threw his clone to deal with it, and the main body began to develop the horror paradise. Although developing a holographic game is not difficult, but if you want to restore the horror paradise in Chengying's impression, you still have to It takes some effort.

Compared with ordinary virtual games, the world view of Thriller Paradise is unusually huge. It is similar to the setting of All Worlds. The main universe where the main plot takes place is just the tip of the iceberg of a huge world.

Even with Tulip's computing array, if you want to complete this level of worldview construction, you will need to consume a lot of computing resources and perform long-term calculations and modeling.

Fortunately, Chengying is not in a hurry. There are still many years before Oscar can get access to the game. New servers can be slowly built, and maps and NPC modeling and personality data can also be slowly generated.

Even compared to Tulip's top games, this game is still a top quality game.

This is just like under normal circumstances, all game companies are making games. Suddenly one day, a big country on the earth gets crazy and prepares to produce a game in the name of the country. All major domestic industries have allocated resources to support this. , even if it only mobilizes a drop in the bucket of national resources, it can still do better than the world's top companies.

[To be continued]

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