Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 961: Building the Main Universe

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Chengying is immersed in the virtual world and preparing the basic structure of the game. After laying the foundation, it can be handed over to thousands of programmers to refine it.

In the Tulip game world, game design and modeling have bid farewell to pure code. It is not that the network infrastructure has changed, but that the intelligence of programming software has greatly improved.

Today's programming software can directly extract the user's ideas, integrate these ideas, extract the programming logic, and put it into practice.

Modeling can also be done in this way. You don’t need to deduct data one by one, and you don’t need to deduct K frames one action at a time. You only need to conceive the model in your mind, and then the computer will automatically fit the programmer’s ideas and convert the model into It is constructed together with the action logic.

However, this fitting is not 100% perfect and needs to test the programmer's spatial imagination. If this is the first time the operation is performed, it may produce something that looks so different that it can cause cardiopulmonary arrest at a glance.

It is precisely because of this that even though they use compilation software that makes countless programmers on the earth envy their long hair, Tulip programmers are still a bald profession.

However, this baldness problem is not impossible to solve. There is no shortcut to improving imagination, but improving the ability of spatial conception can be solved by improving mental strength.

It is precisely because of this that the prices of medicines, grass jelly and raw liquid that can enhance mental power have remained high. In an era when everyone can eat jelly grasses such as Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, the less precious jelly grasses such as Wang Chuanqiu Shui Dew are in short supply. Even if the price remains high, every time it is released, it is always sold out. Sold out in three seconds.

Under the official account of the grass jelly dealer, there are all comments urging delivery. With the development of the times, everyone is increasingly discovering that mental power is much more precious than the energy in the body. If the energy in the body is used up, you can replenish it with a piece of energy amethyst. The energy contained in that thing is hundreds of times what can be stored in the human body.

It's like the difference between the oil stored in a motorcycle's fuel tank and the fat stored in the human body. Even if you run out of oil, you can easily refuel, which is definitely much faster than eating.

In contrast, when mental energy is empty, it is not that easy to replenish it, except for natural recovery. All he could do was chew some extremely expensive potions or grass jelly.

Compared with the residents on their own territory, they also have to worry about how to improve their mental power and mental power recovery speed. Chengying doesn't need to worry about these problems at all. Don't say that his mental power is not enough, even now, part of Tulip's network is still based on his lunar brain to function properly. If he wants his mental energy to be exhausted, at least the whole Tulip must be disconnected from the internet.

Cheng Ying asked himself that his imagination was only average, but fortunately he didn't have to rely solely on his imagination to construct the world. AI can help him complete most of the work, and all he needs to do is make a rough idea.

"Goudan, let me describe it and you can help me construct the prototype of the world." Fortunately, his artificial intelligence is not strong artificial intelligence. Otherwise, if he calls him Goudan, he will rebel sooner or later.

"The Lord of Time controls the long river of order, the leader of the demons rules the scorched earth of chaos, the King of the Abyss rules the kingdom of the dead, and the Court of Truth judges the good and evil of all worlds." Although Cheng Ying has an average imagination, he can recite his lines!

The miserable artificial intelligence known as Goudan began to extract some of Cheng Ying's memories and constructed the main universe based on his description.

The first is a land with an almost infinite area and an almost infinite vastness. On the earth, there are four gods who rule one side, the leader of the demons who is full of destruction, the Lord of Time who is like an octahedron, the King of the Abyss who wears the crown of the dead, and the king who does not exist in reality and is based on an idea. The tribunal of truth that exists.

Among the four gods. Only the leader of the demons and the Netherworld King have real territories, while the other two gods have almost conceptual existences, and their actual ruling areas are located in other dimensions that overlap with reality.

Other areas are the real world, like cities on the earth, but here, there are supernatural legends, real haunted schools, the collapsed House of Usher, and cities that are in a time loop and separated from the long river of time.

In addition to the ordinary real world, there is also a monster kingdom inhabited by various strange creatures. The king of the monster kingdom is a piece of poop, and his ultimate move is Big Shit, which summons a large amount of shit to form a tsunami, which is infinitely powerful and damages the opponent's body at the same time. The body and mind are a combination of spiritual and material attacks.

In addition, there are many strange independent areas in the main universe, such as the Truth Club, which stores endless knowledge, and Jumo Island, which is a prison that disrupts the order of the main universe.

Watching Goudan outline the framework of the world according to his description. Cheng Ying nodded with satisfaction. Next, many programmers were needed to fill in the details, fill in the personalities of the NPCs, refine the decoration of the houses, fill in the details below the surface, etc.

"By the way, if you find bugs in the game, don't erase them. Try to see if you can give them self-awareness. If you can, mark these special existences and call them derivatives. .”

Cheng Ying is very clear that there are certain mutations in the underlying architecture of his own network, and even a certain degree of chaos in time, which can directly affect the real world and even the past.

If the game he built could also create derivatives like in "Thriller Park". Maybe he can really reverse reality and illusion. Anyway, he is the type who just watches the fun and doesn't take it too seriously. Who doesn’t like to cause trouble if it can be done?

"Oh! By the way, since you want to copy, let's copy the whole set! The world view of the game is a multiverse world view. In addition to the main universe of the main plot, there is also a martial arts world, but the force value is very high, similar to that of Xianxia That type, the Super Dimension Brawl world, is the Dynasty Warriors. The Thunderbolt Puppet Show plus the Dragon Ball world. The Universe Super Hero League world, this is the literal meaning. By the way, remember that there must be Breakdancer and Tap Monster in it. If you want Ah San’s style of painting, I should have told you what Ah San is!

correct! The world of SCP is also indispensable. Well... you can consider going to this world. In the matrix universe within the underlying logic of the network, take one or two real containment objects and place them in the SCP world. Although I don’t know what the consequences will be, it will definitely be interesting to think about. "

[To be continued]

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