Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 967 The Assassin’s Troubles

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In the original work, Zhu Zhuqing has always been an assassin among the Shrek Seven Monsters. With her powerful Nether Civet Spirit, her agility is extremely high and she can definitely take on the profession of assassin.

But as an assassin, there is one thing that makes her extremely unqualified...

Among the women of the Shrek Seven Monsters, her secondary sexual characteristics are the most obvious... In short, her breasts are the largest among the Shrek Seven Monsters...

This is simply fatal for an assassin. Having two extra loads on the chest has a great impact on speed. Not only that, these two loads also have a great impact on the swing of the arms. There will be With two small attack blind spots, it is easy for experts to catch the flaw in a duel.

Of course, master does not mean the type like Cheng Ying who is irresponsible and blows up mountains when faced with difficulties.

In addition to affecting attacks, these two loads also have a huge impact on crossing some narrow terrain and avoiding attacks.

It's like crossing a fence gate, like Zhu Zhuqing, who can't get through, or dodging bullets like in The Matrix, obviously dodging the body, but the result is that there are too many bullets in the chest... Bang! Can not bear to look.

Although he has not yet reached puberty, Zhu Zhuqing's growth is already very exaggerated. He is obviously not as tall as Ice Emperor, but the size of his chest makes Ice Emperor beat his chest in anger, especially after learning that Zhu Zhuqing is troubled by this and is even thinking about how to shrink. their size. Hyokui really wanted to rush over and have a real PK with her, telling her that those two lumps were a gift from God to the girl. Her wasteful behavior should be strongly condemned! It can be seen that the Ice Emperor's resentment is no longer as deep as usual.

She can indeed control her own cells to form fat on her chest to achieve the effect of breast augmentation, but her true self image cannot be changed in this way. It should be flat and it is still flat. Changing the skin is just self-deception. If you admit If Kage hadn't been a lolicon, Hyokui would have exploded on the spot.

"She has worked so hard, so of course her wish will be fulfilled!" Compared to Ice Emperor who wishes he could take his own life, Cheng Ying is the type who just enjoys the excitement and is not afraid of big trouble.

On the same day, he sneaked into the Xingluo Palace, put on a white beard and dyed his hair, pretended to be an old man, added a translucent filter to himself, and found Zhu Zhuqing.

"Girl! I have received your wish. Do you want to sacrifice the fat on your chest?"

Zhu Zhuqing: "?!"

The sudden appearance of the translucent old man with a white beard almost scared her to death. Fortunately, she was considered half a royal family and had a strong psychological quality. She did not faint from fright and nodded instinctively.

"Okay! Your wish has come true!" After Cheng Ying said that, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt that the originally tight pajamas suddenly became loose. When he reached out and touched it, his chest actually became smooth!

Zhu Zhuqing was pleasantly surprised when he saw this scene. He wanted to thank the old man with the white beard, but found that he had disappeared.

Zhu Zhuqing, who thought she was dreaming, pinched her thigh hard. The pain made her face twist, and she finally believed it was true.

"You're going too far! It took a long time for him to grow so big, but he was killed all at once!" When Ice Emperor saw Cheng Ying coming back, he threw him down on the sofa angrily.

"Ahem! Have you ever heard of beards?" Cheng Ying asked with a smirk.

"What's wrong with the beard?" Ice Emperor wondered.

"If a boy's beard is not shaved from the beginning, it will remain soft and fluffy for a long time and will not even grow long. Only after shaving a few times will the beard grow faster and faster. The denser they grow.”

"so what?"

"So think of the fat on your chest as an analogy, and you can imagine the result!"

ice King:"?!"

"You won't turn into a cow if you do this to others!"

"I don't know. I've never tried it before, but it should be possible. After all, the phenomenon of overcompensation is very common in the human body."

The human body can increase its muscle mass through exercise.

It relies on overcompensation, that is, some muscle cells will be damaged during exercise, and the body will make compensatory growth after the exercise, and the number of muscle cells grown is slightly more than the damaged ones. This makes people continue to exercise. Become stronger.

"You are too bad! How can I be an assassin in the future?"

"The worst case scenario is to stop it. Assassin is just a hobby for her at most. How can there be any assassins in this era? Even if there are, they use guns and cannons. Those who assassinate by their own strength are not called assassins, they are reckless. .

Who doesn’t wear a shield these days? How can assassination at close range be as safe and reliable as long-range sniping? "Cheng Ying is just using strong words to make excuses for his bad taste. At worst, when Zhu Zhuqing regrets it, she can have an operation to avoid future troubles.

"Speaking of which, Oscar should also join the team. We need to let the clone keep an eye on him! Well... we need to let him go online more. It's best to follow Ning Rongrong's account. I remember that Oscar is against Ning Rong in the original novel. Rong fell in love at first sight, and then licked it to the end.

Thinking about it, as long as he follows Ning Rongrong's account, it won't take long for him to become a fan. "Chengying is very much looking forward to the plot of welcoming the Supreme Dragon King when the three-year period has come, so he is also very concerned about Oscar, the future protagonist of the chat group series.

After letting himself go, Chengying no longer cares much about Douluo's future. Whether it will be extinct due to periodic disasters or destroyed by contained objects, the worst he can do is run away with his girl. Before he destroys Douluo, , Chengying just works on things, and maybe by doing them, he can solve the problem.

As a dormitory manager, it was easy for Oscar to pay attention to Ning Rongrong's account.

As the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Rongrong also has quite a lot of fans. Because she is still young, the account is managed by her father Ning Fengzhi. It is full of cute little loli photos, which does not make Ning Rongrong any less The little devil's side is revealed, and the damage to Oscar is absolutely strategic.

This is also true. After pushing Ning Rongrong's account to Oscar's terminal, Oscar fell instantly. While frantically swiping the screen in the barrage and comments: "Ah, I'm dead!" while holding the mobile terminal, showing a brilliant smile. My aunt laughed and twisted into a maggot under the quilt...

Cheng Ying: "..."

Did I use too much force? I feel like Oscar is going to be completely turned into a brain-dead fan! Maybe he will become the ultimate licking dog who won't fight back or retaliate, but then he will have no choice. The three-year period has come and we welcome the Supreme Dragon King!

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time! If we lick it to the end, it won't be an unacceptable ending."

[To be continued]

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