"Douluo Live for a Long Time ()" Find the latest chapter!

Oscar has been participating in team training for some time, and he has begun to gradually adapt to life here.

Get up early every morning for physical training. It is a very scientific exercise method. The only problem is that the training volume is a bit heavy, and even adults may not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, they have all awakened, and Wuhun has soul power in his body. Nourished by soul power, their physical fitness steadily improved during such training.

After the morning physical training it is time for morning reading. The content of the original compulsory education in the Tiandou Empire was compressed into this small amount of time for learning. The content of learning is literacy and arithmetic.

In this regard, apart from not having enough study time. Other problems are actually not big. Oscar, who has begun to gradually learn how to use his mental power, is not too difficult to deal with such a workload.

Speaking of spiritual application, it is actually a very advanced skill. But Oscar learned it from the dormitory manager.

Although the dormitory supervisor is also a coach in name, he does not need to teach them anything. In fact, these hostels should be. There are no advanced skills either. But their dormitory manager is not an ordinary person. Chengying's application and understanding of spirituality are unparalleled even in the entire continent.

After giving Oscar a little guidance, he initially mastered the training of mental power. In conjunction with the eye exercises that were once called Purple Demon Eyes. In a short period of time, Oscar reached a state where he could self-observe the spiritual sea.

After his mental power reaches his level. The increase in learning ability is very large. In particular, their main learning content is still how to become a qualified professional player, and the cultural content is only the most basic common sense.

After the short cultural class in the morning. It's lunch break. Team members with better grades can apply to take medicinal baths during lunch breaks. Although to Tang San, all kinds of herbs were extremely precious and couldn't be bought at all. But compared to the entire era, the prices of these herbs are actually quite low.

There is nothing wrong with issuing rewards in the name of the team.

Oscar's family background is average. He had not used any precious medicine before participating in the training camp, so he did not have much advantage in terms of physical fitness or cultural classes. I just relied on my pretty good talent to not fall behind.

Such scores are not enough to apply for medicinal bath. This is also the reason why the gap between children with different talents will gradually widen. The better your grades, the benefits you can enjoy will increase accordingly.

But Oscar feels that he is pretty lucky. Although the scores are not enough to apply for medicinal bath qualifications. However, the dormitory management will hold a lottery or a quiz competition with prizes every once in a while.

The prizes are various types of liquid solutions. Compared with medicinal baths, the value of the original solution is much higher. Each one can directly improve the skill. This kind of thing is already half a military material. The quantity available on the market is extremely limited.

But the magical hostel can always get these things and distribute them as their benefits.

Oscar thinks he is lucky. Talking about a few bottles of liquid is simply not enough for them to share. There were three Oscars in total, one of which was drawn in a lottery. The remaining two were obtained by answering questions in the prize-winning quiz.

Apart from him, the other award-winners have only received one at most, although it is not very reliable to rely on luck. But the dormitory manager also told him that luck itself is part of strength.

The opportunity to inject the original solution three times made Oscar, who was not very outstanding at first, suddenly rise to the top. This is the case in training. The further forward you are, the easier it is to survive. On the other hand, if you remain mediocre, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

The hostesses causing trouble were none other than Chengying and Bingdi. In fact, they didn't actually cheat Oscar much, they just gave him some pointers on how to use his mental power. The lottery and the Youjiang Q\u0026A are all conducted in a relatively fair environment.

In other words, Oscar's luck is indeed quite good. Even without any cheating methods, you can get the rewards smoothly.

Maybe even if the two of them don't interfere, Oscar will seize the opportunity to stand out. At best, the process was not as smooth as it is now.

After the lunch break, Oscar and the others were going to study tactics. How to develop and play in a group? How to cooperate with teammates? There are also classic tactics that have appeared in history. They must study it carefully and be able to apply it as soon as possible if it is useful.

Compared with the short cultural class in the morning, these tactical contents accounted for most of the knowledge they learned.

This is also normal. In the final analysis, the problem of the team is to make money and gain social influence. Not for charity. If the country hadn't stipulated the content of compulsory education, I'm afraid the team would have canceled all the cultural classes in the morning. After all, classes cost money. If cultural classes can be stopped, a lot of costs can undoubtedly be saved.

In addition, if the members participating in the training only learned content related to professional players, they would not make any achievements in other cultural courses. Then when they want to leave the team, they will also find that they can't find a job after leaving. Everything they study is to become a professional player, so they have to rely more and more on the support of the team, thus forming a feeling close to personal dependence. Relationship.

Capital always says it will choose the path that is most beneficial to itself. Therefore, as long as it is not mandated by the state, the proportion of cultural classes will only become smaller and smaller. The boss behind the team wishes his professional players could do nothing but play games.

It’s a pity what the team boss thinks. Chengying doesn't care. There is no need to care. He was just teaching Oscar how to use his spirit. Teach him some basic scientific knowledge.

These things may not play a big role in the game. But it is of great significance for Oscar's future exploration in the game world. After all, the world built in Thriller Park is as real as the real world. Without a game interface, it is even impossible to tell whether it is reality or a game.

For such highly realistic games, Tulip has even issued many laws and regulations. The game cannot rewrite the game interface privately for any reason, and cannot hide the existence of the game interface during the game for any reason. Otherwise, it will be extremely severely punished. punish.

It is very important for people to distinguish between reality and virtuality. If there is any negligence, it is likely to cause players to mistakenly believe that reality is the world in the game. As a result, he was controlled by others and even committed some serious crimes.

[To be continued]

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