Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 970 Ideology and Morality

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Just a few days after Tang San enjoyed the treatment like the Mountain King, he was sanctioned. The Tiandou City Police Department personally intervened to warn him not to continue to use violent methods to obtain wealth, and confiscated his previous "illegal gains".

This is also done to educate, to let him know what is forcibly obtained through violent means. It cannot be preserved.

Let him realize that no benefit can be obtained through violence. Only then can it be possible for him to reform. But it was obvious that the Tiandou City Police Department had made the wrong decision. This kind of education method is only suitable for educating children. For adults whose minds have matured and whose three views have been fixed, it is not of much use.

Having the protection money collected was not the most painful thing for Tang San. Even if he doesn't collect protection money, with his talent. You can also get resource tilt in future training.

The problem is that he has one more lesson than others, which is called Ideology and Morality. He was almost the only student in this class, and few people attended the lecture with him. Generally, only children who have made serious mistakes will be sent here to receive education.

The content of the course is actually not that difficult. They are basically prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious. Freedom, equality, justice, rule of law and so on.

It also mentions some moral aspects. Although it seems a bit verbose, it is still very useful for children to establish a correct outlook on life.

Just telling some people whose three views are mature and completely different from this kind of harmonious society is probably no different from telling Monkey King a tightening curse.

The effect is roughly equivalent to forcing you, and the boss of 996 will catch you and feed you chicken soup every day. Tell you to work hard and work overtime seriously. You can make a fortune and become a boss in the future. Anyone who listens to this kind of nonsense all day long will have the urge to strangle the boss. And Tang San's dislike for the ideology and moral character of a harmonious society was much higher than this.

Several times he almost attacked the teacher who was giving the lecture. The content in the class sounded like he was opening his mouth and feeding him shit.

The Tiandou City Police Department is very concerned about this first case in Tang San Town. Although they don't believe the lie that human nature is inherently good in the beginning. But at least they don't think human nature is inherently evil.

But there seems to be such a special case in front of us. At just over three years old, he has shown anti-social tendencies and has refused to change despite repeated admonitions. He is simply a representative of the evil nature of human nature.

Whenever Tang San showed impatience in the ideological and moral classes, the teacher would record his performance. Uploaded to the database of Tiandou City Police Department.

Use analysis to build a model of his personality. The conclusion was that there was little saving value. And after focusing on him. Problems with his identity were gradually discovered.

There is no doubt that his identity is entrusted with the relationship. His paternity in particular seems to be a big issue. Even if it depends on building relationships. It was also some time later that he successfully solved the problem of his illegal account.

No clue can be found in a short period of time, and Wang's official relationship is complicated. In addition, Tang Hao was clean enough in his work. There is no obvious beginning or end left, and it will take some time to find out the results. There is no way, after all, they are professionals. before being expelled from the sect. Tang Hao is a gangster, how can he be unprofessional?

There was some discussion within the Tiandou City Police Department, and Tang San's special case was attached as an extremely rare special subject for research. Speculations were made. Tang San's antisocial personality was probably developed just a few years after he was born. Maybe it has something to do with his origin.

Adhering to the belief that experience can determine a person's character, the police officers at the Metropolitan Police Department did not think that Tang San was a born evil person. For this reason, they began a close investigation into Tang San's identity.

Tang Hao never expected that his son's strength would cheat his father, and he would be sitting at home while the pot came from the sky. An identity that was finally achieved. All of a sudden, he was under intensive surveillance and investigation, and his game was about to collapse.

Tang Hao had offended Wuhun Palace very badly back then. Even if the Metropolitan Police Department and Wuhun Palace are not in the same system, in the final analysis they both belong to Tiandu City officials. Expect them to do something about this guy who has a huge government scandal on his hands. Enforce the law impartially. It is better to believe that capitalists will take the initiative to improve benefits for employees.

Compared to Tang San, here he faced a tough ideological and moral education. Oscar's training life is much more relaxed and enjoyable. After drawing a few bottles of raw liquid in the lottery, his physical fitness and total recovery power were already among the best, and he could basically win the opportunity to take a medicinal bath once a week. With this, he could gradually build an advantage as long as he played steadily. Increase the gap between you and other players.

Oscar was even thinking about whether he could take some of the medicinal bath medicines here home for his parents to use. At this time, he had just had a similar idea. I was told that this behavior is not allowed. After all, the owners of the team are capitalists. He won't spend his money on useless things.

Especially for a player like Oscar who has potential but has not yet created value for himself.

In this circle, he has seen countless talented players. But there are only a few who can truly become professional players and win honors.

Although Oscar's talent is good, it is still unknown whether he can realize it. At this time, he started investing in his family, which was obviously a loss.

Oscar looked disappointed when he learned he couldn't take the precious medicine home. In order to motivate him, telling him like that was not because the potion should never be taken away. It's because he's not good enough for his boss to make an exception.

Oscar, who had not fully formed his three views, immediately drank this bowl of chicken soup and worked hard to practice. After learning how to use mental power, his mental energy began to improve rapidly at a rate far exceeding that of his peers.

The additional effect is that learning ability is greatly enhanced. What kind of book can you remember at a glance? Even advanced knowledge can be understood at a glance. After watching the competition video as a teaching material, you can quickly analyze the tactics and strategies adopted by the contestants. Although there will be deviations. But this is helpful for him to learn the techniques and tactics of other strong men. Very helpful.

Cheng Ying looked at the Oscar improvement with joy. It seemed that the halo of the protagonist played a role all the time. It was like Tang San in that hellish beginning. Strength is still improving steadily. Oscar isn't off to a much better start. But even without Chengying's secret help, he would probably be able to gradually stand out from the training. Become a top student.

[To be continued]

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