Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 971: Synthesis of Soul Ring

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As the training progresses, Oscar's strength is gradually improving. His innate soul power does not affect his continued cultivation. None of the children who participated in the training have obtained soul rings. This is because soul rings in this era are too precious.

Even if Chengying has successfully decrypted the soul ring and developed the function of the soul ring to record ancient history, he still cannot complete the synthesis of the soul ring. Ling Dong, who participated in the experiment, is still in a frozen state, waiting for the experiment in the matrix network to be completed. Resurrection is possible only with progress.

One can imagine how difficult it is to obtain a century-old soul ring through non-hunting methods.

As a carrier for recording information, the quality of a soul ring is actually related to the amount of information it stores. The more excellent the soul ring, the more content it can record.

Therefore, if you want to improve the quality of the soul ring, there is a clear way to do it, which is to synthesize the soul ring. As for inputting junk information into the soul ring to fill in the year, it is not impossible, but the amount of information required is too large and the cost is simply impossible. accept.

Back then, Cheng Ying unlocked the soul ring seal and released the information about Winter's ten-thousand-year-old soul ring. The information in it was turned into runes, covering almost half of the sky of the continent. There were layers upon layers, no one knew how many layers there were, stretching to Outside the atmosphere, even if the amount of data could fill up the database of the entire Tiandou Empire and store all its subordinates, it would only be a ten thousand year soul ring, and there would still be one hundred thousand and one million years left on it.

Even if it is only a hundred-year soul ring, the information contained in it can fill up tens of thousands of mobile hard drives. If you want to accumulate junk data and upgrade it to a century-old soul ring, with the transmission speed of the Tiandou Empire, it will take who knows how many years and the cost will be high. It is better to breed on a large scale and wait for more than ten years to automatically advance to a century.

After the concentration of soul power is high, the promotion speed of low-level soul beasts is significantly increased. Even if there is no talent, a soul beast that is used as food can reach a hundred years of cultivation in a dozen years.

Compared with information transmission, the cost of soul ring synthesis is undoubtedly much lower. Once the seal of the soul ring information is mastered, the soul ring synthesis only needs to connect two pieces of information end to end, and combine about ten pieces of information. After ten years of soul ring synthesis, there is a chance of getting a hundred-year soul ring, and so on.

But the disadvantage of this is that the soul skills that can be obtained after acquiring the soul ring become uncertain. The influence between too many soul beasts makes the information in the soul ring extremely confusing, and acquiring soul skills is almost random.

However, considering that the source of the soul ring is only a few kinds of soul-eating beasts with almost no intelligence, this kind of randomness can be regarded as an advantage. At least there is a probability of randomly obtaining the best soul skills.

If Oscar wants to obtain soul skills, he basically relies on these synthesized soul rings. He is going to compete professionally. Although you can still participate in the competition with a ten-year soul ring. But there is no doubt that it is difficult to gain an advantage in the competition with such a soul ring configuration.

Unknowingly, the color and quality of the soul ring have once again become a symbol that can intuitively judge the strength of the contestants.

In the early days, due to the power and difficulty of finding soul beasts, many soul masters were unable to obtain soul rings that lasted for their limit years. The configuration of soul rings was uneven, and the best configuration of soul rings undoubtedly meant strong strength.

But as humans gradually become stronger, it becomes easier to encircle and suppress soul beasts. The vast majority of people can obtain soul rings with the best color matching, and the red and yellow colors can no longer be used to determine the strength gap between the two parties.

Now, the establishment of the Soul Beast Empire and the hunting of Soul Beasts is expressly prohibited by law. The difficulty of obtaining high-quality soul rings has been greatly increased again. The quality of the soul ring can once again be used to intuitively determine the strength of the soul master.

Those ordinary people who practice casually usually have all white soul rings. Although the price of the white soul ring is also very expensive, it is roughly equivalent to the price of half a pig. Grit your teeth, as long as your family is not too poor and you save more than half a year, you can still afford it.

As a professional player, the configuration of the white soul ring is a bit of a hindrance. At least a century-old soul ring is enough, and because most of the players participating in the competition are not from particularly good families, the source of the soul ring can generally only rely on the team they belong to.

Only after sufficient value is shown, the team may invest in the players.

This also resulted in some players whose first soul ring was white, but their second soul ring jumped two levels in one step and turned purple.

This usually happens when the player doesn't show much potential at the beginning. He didn't get any resources from the team, so he had to pay for a white soul ring himself.

After adding a soul ring, his first soul skill showed its value and gained the attention of the team. That's why I got the investment for the second soul ring. There are many such players. But the deficit of the first soul ring could not be made up after all.

Oscar's biggest goal in the near future is to obtain a century-old number one soul ring. With his own financial strength, it is simply impossible to obtain a century-old soul ring.

So we can only hope that the team will invest in him, but it is not that easy to get investment from the team. You need to win the team's assessment and become the best among this batch of candidates, in order to be rewarded with a hundred-year soul ring. As for a thousand-year soul ring, or even a ten-thousand-year soul ring, it is even more difficult to obtain. At the ten-thousand-year age, Level, even for the team, is a strategic level resource, and the allocation of every ten thousand year soul ring must be carefully considered.

To use a slight analogy, the price of a ten-year soul ring converted to earth value is about 5,000 soft sister coins. A hundred years would cost at least 50,000, a thousand years would cost 500,000, and a ten thousand year would cost 5 million.

Even for the team, a ten thousand year soul ring is a huge expense. Every ten-thousand-year soul ring can be used as a trump card for the team, let alone a hundred-thousand-year soul ring. Ten thousand-year soul rings may not be able to be synthesized into one hundred-thousand-year soul ring. One can obtain a hundred-thousand-year soul ring. The player is definitely the ace among the aces.

Oscar was participating in the assessment at this time. The assessment content was very simple. He was involved in a fifteen-kilometer cross-country trip. He could attack other contestants along the way, but only the first and second placers could obtain soul rings. If they wasted time due to fighting, they would be separated from the soul rings. The ring misses, but if you don't allocate your physical strength properly, you may be attacked by someone behind you, and you may fall in front of the key line.

The physical fitness, physical fitness, fighting skills, competition strategies, communication skills, etc. of the children participating in the training are all severe tests. Even Oscar, who has always been among the best, is not sure of victory.

He needs a reliable teammate. Oscar, who has a cheerful personality and a bit of fun, is not bad at popularity, but it is not that easy to find a teammate who can support him. Fortunately, there is someone who once studied with Little Shrek. Ma Hongjun...

[To be continued]

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