Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 973 Fighting energy turns into a horse

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As one of the creators of ghost and god abilities, Cheng Ying had difficulty predicting how difficult it would be to use. Just like Newton, he may not have known how difficult it would be to learn calculus in later universities.

As the creators of the system, they often make countless attempts before deducing a pattern. So it's not clear how difficult it is to learn a skill from scratch without a reference.

Oscar had learned it all at once before, but Cheng Ying thought the runes he had simplified were simple enough. But after switching to Ma Hongjun, even after trying four or five times, he only barely succeeded. The summoned girl flickered on and off as if the signal was bad, and those who didn't know thought she was haunted.

From this point of view, it may not be that the runes are too simple, but that Oscar is quite talented in this aspect. In this way, the shortcomings in the offensive sense brought by food-type martial arts can be eliminated to a certain extent.

Of course, the premise is that Oscar is indeed talented, and it is not that Ma Hongjun is not born to learn this.

After all, it was a greatly simplified rune, even if Ma Hongjun was not very proficient yet, after trying it a few times. I have also initially mastered the release, which only needs to be practiced for a period of time before you can use it skillfully.

The next day, the competition was held on the playground, and the fifteen-kilometer cross-country race was actually run in a circle. This was somewhat of a slap in the face for Cheng Ying.

Because on such a track, if you run too fast and make a circle around the opponent. You may still be attacked by other players. But running fast still has an advantage after all.

The more than 300 players were not divided into batches. Because the track is wide enough. A space-expanding formation is arranged in the arena. Although the expanded space is extremely fragile and cannot be used as a battlefield. But it's more than enough to provide these little beans with which to fight.

Following the coach's order, all the contestants rushed out of the track. Oscar and Ma Hongjun were not particularly in the front position. Fortunately, the track was wide enough, giving them enough room to overtake.

The two people summoned them almost at the same time. Kaija of Afterimage. As the translucent woman emerged behind them, the speed of the two people suddenly increased.

In the blink of an eye, he surpassed the others and reached the front of the first echelon. This is where competition becomes fiercest. Everyone behind them will attack them. If you're not fast enough, you're likely to get caught and fall back behind again.

At the same time, the afterimage Kaija summoned by the two people also changed.

The changes in Ma Hongjun's body were quite normal. The translucent female ghost turned into a spiral whirlwind and wrapped around his body, like a layer of flowing armor, protecting him. The stones, keys and other small things thrown behind him were all covered by this layer of whirlwind. Block. The deviation did not affect his progress.

Compared with Ma Hongjun's normal painting style, Oscar's side is much weirder. The breeze does not spiral around him, nor does it turn into a tornado armor.

Instead, they gathered under his speed, and then condensed into a translucent war horse, lifting him up.

Cheng Ying: "???"

"What the hell? Are you making a horse out of your energy?" He remembered that his runes had no such function at all. His runes are only responsible for summoning ghosts and gods, and theoretically this is indeed possible. But how much pain does a ghost have to look like to give himself an equine form?

Or maybe Oscar was favored by ghosts and gods and developed such a form for him alone. It seems that this is the only possibility. Oscar may indeed have the talent to use the power of ghosts and gods. It's just that this talent seems a bit crooked.

In the competition field, if the abnormality displayed by Ma Hongjun is still within the understandable range. It seems quite outrageous that Oscar suddenly summons a horse.

Even Oscar himself was confused. He was dumbfounded when he suddenly sat on the horse. He can't ride a horse at all. Afraid of falling from above.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary.

A suction force came from the horse's back, sucking him onto it. He could sit firmly on it without falling off, and his speed was even faster than Ma Hongjun's.

But this cool one has a completely different style of painting from the others. It also made him the target of public criticism. Everyone's attacks were directed at him.

Throwing everything, all the sundries on his body were thrown towards him. Although the intensity of the attack was average, it was as heavy as rain. A normal person wouldn't be able to endure it. Oscar was ready to be knocked off his horse.

But the horse beneath him was more capable than he imagined. The breeze wrapped around him. First turn away from the trajectory of those flying objects. Then, the horse under his crotch moved with flexible steps, dodging all attacks.

It looked like he was just strolling around, asking everyone to pass him, and then giving him a hard dunk. It can be said to be very heartbreaking.

Even their coach looked dumbfounded. Although I have known for a long time that this child has good talents and his grades have always been among the best. But I didn't expect this to be a trouble-making master. And he can turn his fighting spirit into a horse like this, so he has the potential to become an official team member.

Even if he can't win the game with him, this skill can turn his fighting spirit into a horse. It's enough to be used as a mascot or to disgust an opponent using this system.

There was no doubt about the result of the game. Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who had cheated, won without any suspense and got two hundred-year soul rings.

These two century-old soul rings. Value is much more than what they are. After adding them, it means that the team has made its first investment in them.

In order not to let this investment go to waste. The two of them are more likely to receive a tilt in resources in the future. It's even a bigger investment from the team in both of them.

This is the greatest significance of these two soul rings, although Oscar did not see this. But he didn't ask for the soul ring that the dormitory gave him for free. Instead, he chose to participate in the competition and win the soul ring, which was undoubtedly the right thing to do. This is probably largely influenced by the halo of the protagonist.

As for how fighting energy turns into a horse, further research is needed. Chengying was going to go directly to the ghosts and gods and ask what was going on?

Anyway, half of the ghosts and gods were created by him. To him, the ghosts and gods who were illusory and aloof to others were just his own little brothers.

After passing this news to his own body, he rushed directly to the Hall of Valor, where ghosts and gods also lived. With the help of the Hall of Valor, they could easily project their power to the human world.

[To be continued]

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