Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 974: Zhou Weiqing’s Journey into the Sea

Hall of Heroes, a separate hall for ghosts and gods. After Cheng Ying teleported over, he saw an ancient castle full of exotic style standing in the Hall of Heroes full of black technology and steel style. This is the residence of ghosts and gods.

It is really difficult to unify the architectural styles in the Hall of Heroes. It is not that the heroic spirits living here cannot change their customs, but that the environmental conditions will affect the performance of the heroic spirits.

The power of heroic spirits comes from the praises of them in the world, and their residence must be consistent with the painting style in the legend. If the painting style is too different, it will greatly weaken the power of the heroic spirits coming.

The residences of ghosts and gods are pretty good, but the worst one is that of Meng Shu. When compiling the legend, in order to create the image of a worldly master, he lived in a cottage in the mountains, and it took decades of meditation to gain a glimpse of it. The avenue soared into the sky.

Although his level was improved, the residence he was given by the Hall of Heroes was a grass shack in the mountains, so he could only live in Chaotianxiang's house every day.

The ghost god Kaija lives in this exotic castle. Just at the entrance of the castle, there is a figure squatting that is incompatible with this place.

As the creator of ghosts and gods, it should be natural for Roddy to appear in the palace of ghosts and gods. However, considering that his settings for ghosts and gods are girls and Lily, this problem is a bit big. In short, Roddy is greedy. However, they were unable to obtain their bodies due to their own settings, so they turned into salty uncles and stayed in front of the ghosts and gods' houses every day.

"Damn! You haven't given up yet!" Cheng Ying saw this scene when he came out of the teleportation point, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"That's right! Let me tell you, Kaija is the most talkative among all the ghosts and gods. She has a gentle big sister tone throughout the whole process. I have been doing this for many days, and I feel like I am having fun!"

Cheng Ying rolled his eyes: "I advise you to save it! There is a difference between ghosts and gods and heroic spirits. Heroic spirits at least have self-awareness and will change their personalities due to communication. The self-awareness of ghosts and gods is completely generated based on settings. , if you set them to be Lily, then you are destined to be an outsider.

If you ask me, you might as well set up a new system, and equate your position with their partner when setting it up. You can even directly add the setting that you are the king of the harem in the legend, and then the new system will be added. If the ghosts and gods are formed, they will naturally rely on you! "

"Damn! That's too shameless, and it's not challenging at all! Besides, even if we want to do this, no evil god will come to kill us. Those guys in the God Realm are already working employees. It's really hard to turn them into ghosts and gods after killing them. Not very suitable..."

Rody shrugged. Considering the importance of his neurosurgery department in the Tulip system, he couldn't find any kind of girl. If he said he couldn't find it, it was because he didn't have enough manpower and material resources.

Apart from anything else, the logic in the Three-Body Problem means that if you tell him the appearance of your dream lover, Da Shi can find someone who meets the conditions. That is only if he can use a small part of human resources. Roddy, there is no difficulty at all in doing this kind of thing.

"It is indeed a problem that there is no evil god to kill. The boss of the Dzi Bead Transformation has been killed by us. There are really no qualified evil gods nearby. How about the protagonist of the Dzi Bead Transformation? The capacity of the space channel over there is relatively small. Current development The level is only average, so it shouldn’t affect the style of painting!”

"You say Zhou Weiqing! That little fat guy is very hot right now!" Luo Di's tone was very strange, and then he opened an R18 website for Cheng Ying. He checked the popularity list and found that three of the top ten were labeled Zhou Weiqing. tag.

"Pfft! What the hell? After all, he is the protagonist's fate, so why did he end up in the sea? And he seems to have become a people's artist with both virtue and art?" Chengying spit out Sprite a kilometer away.

"No, no one has touched the halo of the protagonist, so his luck is as good as ever, but because there is no final boss,

The protagonist lives a quite comfortable life.

Daily life consists of picking up girls and applauding for love. Currently, he has picked up saints from the five major holy places, and there is also a saint from a holy place who has triplets.

Let me tell you, even on the r18 website, it is quite difficult to find six or seven people to hang out with without repeating the same tricks. In addition, the girls there are all beautiful online, and they are also secretly photographed and sold. It can be said to be quite good. Basically, it belongs to the type that dominates the top ten all year round.

Currently, this harem is still expanding further. And I suspect that he seems to be the Saint Kong, even the Saint from the empire across the sea. It is said that the guy is a giant dragon that is hundreds of meters long. Just thinking about it makes me crazy! "

Cheng Ying: "..."

Suddenly I feel like this is the winner in life. If he dared to open a harem like this, it would definitely be the core of the family and the core of the nuclear bomb.

"Ara ala~ Little Roddy is here again. Although I can't agree to your request, I still come in and have a seat! Well... the head of state is here too! What's the matter?" Just as the two of them were talking about the halo of the protagonist. When there was a heated discussion about the application of picking up girls. Keja returned to her mansion.

"I almost forgot about the real thing. There is a boy I'm paying attention to over there in Douluo who summoned your power, but he summoned a horse instead. Do you know about this?"

Kaijia folded her hands on her chest, making a thinking gesture. There was too much fat on her chest, and when she picked it up, people were worried that it would accidentally burst.

"I seem to have some impression of the kid you mentioned. He's a little guy that I'm quite optimistic about. How should I put it? As soon as I saw him, I felt that his strength matched mine very well. So I made a little joke with him. It seemed He doesn’t seem to mind.”

"By the way, are you ghosts and gods so free? You actually have the leisure to joke with a little kid." Even if Cheng Ying has many clones. I also feel like I have endless things to do. Even if he is very good at multi-threaded processing. You won't feel like you have much free time.

"It's not that he's very idle anymore. His power is very suitable for me, so I paid attention to it. Speaking of which, the head of state who came to me specifically to find this should have more leisure time." Kaijia said with a smile.

"Ah...this...ahem, I actually have other things to do. Seeing that your power can be transformed into the shape of a horse, I was wondering if you can change the person who summons you as long as you want. The form of the summoned power." Cheng Ying was so embarrassed that he quickly made an excuse.

"Of course there's no problem. In fact, it's a very simple matter. Just pay a little attention to it. But it's best not to have too many, otherwise it will take a lot of energy." Kaijia's answer made Cheng Ying suddenly think. A bold idea.

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