Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 975 Tang 3: Integrity or strength, that is the question

"According to what you put it like, if you only need to customize a special form of power for one or two people, it would be a very simple matter, right?" Cheng Ying was ready to put his bold idea into practice.

"One or two is definitely no problem. With my computing power, it won't have any impact on me within three digits." Kaija waved his hand and said it was all a small problem.

"You don't need so many, just a few. Other ghosts and gods should be the same as you! If so, I would like to ask you to customize some special forms of power. The form of power may be a bit like that... Anyway, it's not easy to describe. , it’s just more shameful. I don’t know if you guys would mind.” Cheng Ying’s bad taste arose again.

"Other ghosts and gods should have no problem except for the initial Kazan of Soul Sword. That guy of Sword Soul is different from us. He is originally unconscious, so I'm afraid he can't do this kind of operation. The rest is fine, but it requires If you want them to agree to it, you have to convince them yourself.

There's nothing wrong with what I say, um... shame doesn't matter at all, just treat it as an adult's taste. But I don't know if other ghosts and gods would agree. After all, some of the sisters are shy. "Kaijia looked at Chengying with interest, wondering what kind of blessing he wanted to customize.

"I have a few different ideas. Since I found you first, I'll let you choose first." With that, Cheng Ying took out a bunch of cartoon character portraits.

There are Pleasant Goat, Calabash, and Concave Man with zippers.

"If possible, you can try to transform your power into this form. Appear next to the user."

Kaija: "..."

Grab the bamboo shoots! You have snatched away all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!

"If you are not satisfied, I have other plans here. Come and take a look. Here is a set of transformation videos of Balala Little Demon Fairy. Since it can change the form, can the user also Do you have to say a specific incantation to summon your power?”

Kaijia had a bad premonition after hearing this, but facing the head of state, she could only nod honestly: "This is easier than changing the form of power. But I think you still have to be merciful and merciful." , People who use this kind of power will become perverted!"

"Ahem! Calm down! Calm down! Don't panic, the magic boy next door can shout loudly, the waistband that hides the power of darkness! For such a shameful line, I will make people say Balala Energy, Little Magic Fairy It’s nothing if your whole body changes.”

"I think the fact that you, the head of state, can read out these two lines without changing your face is quite scary in a sense. But I like this idea~ I will choose the little devil fairy one! This suit is actually quite nice. It’s just not suitable for wearing out.”

The only person who could enjoy the benefits of Cheng Ying going to all the major ghosts and gods to get him, without a doubt, was Tang San.

Originally, Tang San didn't have much talent in the field of ghosts and gods. It's not even an exaggeration to say it's bad. If Chengying hadn't opened the back door, it would have been impossible for him to take this route.

Cheng Ying said that he was doing this out of kindness to help others. Broaden the path for Tang San's future. No one is forcing Tang San to choose this path. If he really doesn't miss the shameful lines, he can continue to practice normally.

On the other side, Tang San's team was about to start the first round of the Centennial Soul Trials. If Tang Hao wanted to, he could sneak attack the residents of the Soul Beast Empire, or even sneak into the Star Dou Forest. Go and attack those soul beasts that can't leave the forest and turn into human form.

But when Tang Hao thought about his wife who had been sacrificed, and when he remembered that all the tragedies in those years were caused by his insistence on investigating the illegal trading of soul beasts in the Wuhun Palace, he could not make up his mind to sneak attack on the young soul beasts.

So now this level can only rely on Tang San himself. Even though Tang San had a master's guidance in the early stage, he still had some advantages in terms of physical fitness. In addition, I won a lot of original liquid later. He also has an absolute advantage in fighting skills. He also couldn't guarantee that he would win a hundred-year soul ring in the competition.

Different teams have different selection methods. Compared to the relatively mild racing mode used by Oscar's Chixiao team, Tang San's team directly adopts the big battle mode. Even if he is stronger than everyone else, he may be attacked by a group of people as soon as he comes up.

Even being attacked by a group is almost inevitable. The quota is only three, and all the younger brothers he recruited in the team are useless. There are no more than two companions you can trust. And when he collected protection money, he offended too many people. If you can only learn from two companions, it is impossible to withstand the siege of so many people.

Tang San fell into anxiety for a while, unable to sleep for a long time even at night. I finally fell asleep, but suddenly I dreamed of a strange scene, a big sister with a lot of fat on her chest. Ask him, do you desire power?

Looking at the mountain of fat on my eldest sister’s chest, I was also baptized by Internet information. Tang San almost blurted out: "No, I long for Naiko!"

The eldest sister seemed to be stunned by his answer. Then he laughed out loud: "Okay! If you want them, I'll give them to you! Originally, I thought they were a bit too big. They hinder movement."

Before Tang San realized what was going on, a cloud of smoke hugged his chest in his dream. Then it swelled high. The clothes were bulging up, and a button on the chest suddenly flew out.

Tang San:"???"

Even if he really desires Naiko, he doesn’t want it to grow on him! What the hell kind of enterprise-level understanding is this!

"I'm not joking with you anymore. I am Kaija of the Afterimage. I am one of the seven ghosts and gods on the mainland. If you don't believe it, you can check the information. When you wake up, you can look at the portrait in the information. Are you the same as me?

I like you very much. Although your power is not very compatible with mine, I can give you an extra power. However, because it is an extra power, it requires some special spells to activate it. Just like the soul spell of a food soul master. It's up to you whether you accept it or not. "

Saying this, the ghost who looked like a big sister floated over and touched Tang San's forehead gently. A seed of power was transferred to his body along his spirit. At the same time, the spell required to activate the seed and the effects after activation were also transferred to his mind.

It's just like Oscar's soul curse, this spell...

"Balala energy, Sharo Sharo, the little demon fairy's whole body changes..." Tang San recalled the spell in his mind, his expression slightly broken.

"Integrity or strength, that is the question!"

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