Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 976 The great battle of 0-year soul rings

Tang San looked at the spell in his mind and fell into deep thought. Integrity or strength is a question. In terms of integrity, Tang San was not very high to begin with, but these lines and his appearance after transformation were really too shameful. , even Tang San, who had never seen any relevant special effects films, felt his scalp numb.

It's just that the pressure of reality left him without much choice. At least this was an opportunity.

Cheng Ying didn't expect Tang San to be turned into a pervert by such a skill. As long as his mind was firm enough, he could force himself not to care about the appearance of power even if it was extremely shameful.

Power is just power. There are many soul masters with weird appearances, and there are some that are even more shameful than the transformation of the Little Demon Fairy, like Oscar's soul curse.

But those soul masters did not give up the use of martial souls because of this, and they got used to it after using them for a long time.

What Cheng Ying wanted to know was whether Tang San could resist the additional effects of this power. There were actually two possibilities for using this shameful ability in public, one was social death, and the other was a fire.

Many people have a mentality of judging ugliness. As long as the ugliness is unique and shocking, it will be popular. Even without Cheng Ying's guidance, Tang San might become famous because of his ghostly transformation. Become an internet celebrity.

This is an era where traffic is king. Videos do not need to be meaningful or require much thought. As long as someone watches and pays attention, it can bring endless benefits.

Tang San may be able to resist the temptation of strength, because he has the Tang Sect's unique skills, he has twin martial souls, and he is innately full of soul power. Even if he starts in hell, his strength will be cultivated sooner or later.

However, the improvement of social status, the accumulation of wealth, and becoming a star that attracts much attention do not come with the opportunity. Being noticed is addictive, just like a drug addiction. Once you experience the kind of attention that attracts everyone, It feels like you can never go back.

At that time, no matter what the situation was that attracted so much attention, it no longer mattered. As social animals, humans can never resist the temptation of self-realization. Even if this process is distorted, it can still make countless people flock to it.

Perhaps compared to the temptation of the power itself, the added value brought by this power is more tempting to fall.

The day after Tang San gained the favor of Kaijia of Afterimage, the battle for the first century-old spirit ring began, with hundreds of people fighting in the playground.

Tang San was standing in the middle of the playground, surrounded by the two most reliable younger brothers. Even if the start was miserable, the protagonist's halo was still standard, and the two devoted younger brothers could still receive it.

The coach announced the start of the game expressionlessly and started recording the game at the same time. Speaking of which, the team almost asked him to be expelled. This incident also started with the fact that he was targeted by the Tiandou City police.

After Tang San became an important target of attention of the Tiandou Great Wall Police, his team had to provide videos of his teaching every day so that Tang San's situation could be monitored in real time.

This is a very troublesome matter for a team. The teaching video not only involves its own secrets, but may also involve some of its own black materials.

Not all teaching methods are so legal. If teaching videos are always provided, many educational methods that seem to have some mechanisms but are not legal will be unusable.

Even if Tang San had great potential, it seemed a bit unworthy because he could influence an entire generation of alternates by himself. That's why he was almost fired.

It's just that he doesn't know these things, and the protagonist's halo silently protects him. Block these undercurrents from his awareness.

As the game begins. Tang San immediately became the target of public criticism. It is true that he was too aggressive when collecting protection fees before.

Offended too many people. Most of them were no match for Tang San. But now there are only three soul rings. Tang San could only have two teammates. It would be unreasonable not to join forces to deal with Tang San at this time.

Tang San also felt tremendous pressure, even though the child without the first spirit ring couldn't use any decent attacks at all. But it is close to or even surpasses the physical fitness of ordinary people on earth, allowing them to simply wield the king's eight punches. They can all exert considerable destructive power.

Tang San's eyes were cold. He knew that he must not hold back at this time. Even if he lost the battle, he still had to show his strong side. In this way, even if he couldn't get the spirit ring, he could still be favored by the coach, as long as he showed strong enough talent. Even if the team loses this game, I'm afraid they will still consider allocating resources towards him.

Therefore, Tang San was merciless in his attacks, even if his Tang Sect secret skill had turned into radio gymnastics. But the effect of someone who has just learned broadcasting gymnastics and someone who has been practicing it for more than ten years are definitely different. If others are just using Wang Baquan. Then he is equivalent to the level of a master of martial arts.

Deft dodges, weird movements, and the magical technique of using all your belongings as if they were held up. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight people were easily placed.

When the coach saw this scene, he couldn't help but marveled that a child at such a young age could possess such martial arts. Even if Wuhun's talent is average, he will still have a considerable advantage in competition in the future. Especially in the continent-wide senior soul master fighting competition. Soul masters of this age do not yet possess extremely powerful soul skills. Fighting skills also play a very important role in this stage.

Not every team's goal is to win the world's best martial arts tournament. That is something that even the country has invested a lot of resources in and is not sure about acquiring. Most of the less top teams only plan to compete in the world's best martial arts conference. It would be nice to get a similar name.

More resources are invested in cultivating young people. A continent-wide senior soul master soul fighting competition with age restrictions. The consumption of resources is obviously much less, and the cycle of obtaining benefits is also much shorter.

From a purely martial arts perspective, Tang San was undoubtedly already very strong. He could have a considerable advantage in competitions at that age. This gave the coach the urge to keep Tang San, but the coach soon remembered that They avoided the trouble Tang San brought to them.

The constant attention from the Tiandou City Police Department made it impossible for them to use many of their radical teaching methods, and even if they trained regular team members like Tang San in the future, their credit rating would decline. In comparison with so many troubles, the talent Tang San displayed didn't seem so dazzling.

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