Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 967 The best application of the protagonist’s halo: jumping off a cliff

Tang San himself didn't know his dangerous situation. After knocking down several opponents in a row, he began to notice that the referee looked at him differently.

This made Tang San even more convinced that even if he couldn't win the game. As long as you perform well enough. You can still get the team's resource tilt.

Even if Cheng Ying didn't deliberately use mind reading, it could be seen from Tang San's mental fluctuations that his desire for victory was weakening.

" it a coincidence?" Cheng Ying whispered, "It seems the test failed again."

"What kind of test? Don't you just want to tease people?" Ice Emperor curled his lips.

"It's true that I can't stand Tang San. Whether it's this guy's behavior of destroying the Zhuge Divine Crossbow or his praise of the sect, it makes people very unhappy. He is a class enemy. Subjectively, I do want to punish him. , but this is also a test.

If I just want to mess with people. It doesn't have to be so complicated. There are many ways to force Tang San to recognize those shameful lines, and I can even directly take over his body with my spirit. Say these lines.

But doing so will undoubtedly touch the protagonist's aura. This is not the first time we have seen this kind of thing, but so far, we have not been able to complete its analysis, just like the Tao of Chen Qin, the history of the contained objects at the bottom of the spiritual network , belongs to the type where I can’t find a clue at all.

My current attempt is to a certain extent a test of the protagonist's aura. I didn't take action directly. It was Kaija who took action, and his actions were not harmful to Tang San. On the contrary, Kaija It improved Tang San's talent and opened up a new way for him to become stronger.

So the question is, how will the protagonist’s aura be determined? They will consider this as targeting him and make an impact. Still decided that this was his chance. Then keep this power.

Now it seems that it is mostly the former, which means that the protagonist Halo is more intelligent than I thought, and I have reason to doubt it. Soon, Tang San would probably experience some opportunities. Remove spells and transformations from Keja's power. "

"Tch! When we were making the plan, you were smiling like a weasel, but I didn't realize that you had so many plans." Hyōtei stuck out her tongue, made a face, and continued to drink while holding her trophy. Coke, she likes the automatic refill function more and more.

"Ahem! Don't I want to lose face? If I really want to force Tang San to transform. I can tell him through sound transmission now that he has been targeted by the police in Tiandou City. Don't show any A dominant talent will be expelled from the team, which will definitely force him to transform."

"Then why didn't you tell him?" Ice Emperor's eyes lit up and he stopped sipping the Coke.

Cheng Ying: "..."

"Tsk! You don't want to see his joke! Of course I can disgust him like that, but I have just tested the intelligence of the protagonist's halo. Even if I seem to be helping him, the protagonist's halo probably still won't let him do it. Transform.

As for the rule of judgment, is he benefiting himself, or am I malicious to him? That's not clear. Excessive stimulation of him at this time may trigger the protagonist's halo effect.

After all, I have tried several protagonists, and some of them are almost swollen. I have a fairly good understanding of the protagonist's aura, and I can curb the protagonist's aura without killing the protagonist. The best approach is not to suppress the protagonist, which will cause the protagonist's aura to rebound. As a result, the protagonist will experience a series of adventures. The correct approach is to let it go. If possible, it is best to arrange everything before the protagonist is born or before he obtains the protagonist's halo.

Didn't you notice? Among all the people we have come into contact with who have the aura of the protagonist. Tang San is the hardest one,

And before today. I do nothing but observe. Never took the initiative to target him. "

"So?" Ice Emperor didn't quite understand what Cheng Ying meant.

"When you are reading a novel, do you have any profound feelings when you see words such as three years later mentioned in the novel?"

Hyokui shook his head. The novel was written three years later, so readers would not have an intuitive experience.

"Here's the problem. If Tang San is the protagonist of a book, then there is no doubt that the plot with detailed description is when his protagonist's aura is activated most frequently. And in the three years like this, the protagonist I'm afraid the halo won't activate even once.

I was thinking before Tang San was born, if the protagonist lives in a country where the polarization between rich and poor is extremely serious, but the social security is quite good, most people live and work in peace and contentment, and no major incident will happen within a few years, the protagonist's halo What else can it do?

It's a pity that the Tiandou Empire cannot meet this condition. If it were a country I deliberately created, it would be like "The Truman Show". There is a high probability of directly touching the protagonist's halo.

However, the current situation can basically be seen. Tang San's protagonist's aura has almost always been in a semi-dormant state. Even if his goal is to change this distorted world in his eyes, there are always big events around him. occur. No one deliberately targeted him. As a result, he could only go to school and join the team step by step. The protagonist's halo could only provide him with a little bit of good luck in the process. He narrowly avoided being expelled several times. Other than that, it plays almost no role.

According to this trend, as long as we don't take the initiative to interfere with his growth, he may need decades to become a Titled Douluo, another few decades to become an Ultimate Douluo, and decades to polish his realm and break through to Demigod. Then it will take an unknown amount of time to practice to the limit of a demigod and break through to the level of a main god. And this is much slower than his promotion speed in the original work. It can even be said that it is only slightly faster than the strong men of this era.

If you ask me, after confirming that you have the halo of the protagonist, the most correct choice is to jump off the cliff directly, or find a way to involve yourself in some big events. As long as you don't die, you will definitely grow very fast... ...Hmm... Actually, it may not be a problem if you die, maybe you can be resurrected. "I don't know why, but Cheng Ying's mind was filled with images of a certain book mountain where there was a lot of pressure...

"It seems to make sense, so let's just ignore it?" Ice Emperor was a little disappointed, she still wanted to see Tang San become obsessed with the demon fairy transformation and couldn't help himself.

"Just because we don't interfere doesn't mean he won't use transformation in the future!

There are two possibilities. If the protagonist's aura is based on Tang San's interests, we probably won't use this transformation regardless of him. But if the protagonist's aura is based on my malice, my feelings towards Tang San are judged. In response, as long as we let Tang San grow wildly, he may still use this transformation when necessary.

In fact, I prefer the latter. Judging from my own experience, the intelligence of the protagonist's halo is actually very low. It is basically impossible to judge what is beneficial to the user. It was just like my love luck at that time. In comparison Under this circumstance, it is much simpler to determine whether there is malicious intent, and basically does not require any intelligence to complete it. "

"That means I still have a chance to see Tang San dressed as a woman!" Ice Emperor's eyes lit up.

"If you keep thinking like this, you probably won't be able to see it. It's hard to ignore such a clear malicious intention. One day you forget about this, Tang San may suddenly dress up as a woman. If you are really special I hope it’s not impossible, I’ll just seal the memory for you.”

"Ah... forget it then! Sealed memories are a bit scary. When I watch TV series, as soon as the plot of sealed memories comes, they start to abuse, either the protagonist or the heroine." Hyokui stuck out his tongue. .

Cheng Ying: "..."

"Watch less TV series... If you want to forget this, there is an easier way!" Chengying picked up Ice Emperor and rushed into the bedroom amidst her exclamations: "Do something If you love to do something but your mind goes blank, you can easily forget it!”

"Stupid...idiot! Pervert! Let me go! Woohoo~"

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