Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 599

Absorbing the soul power sent from below.

reach the strongest state.

The power is comparable to Contra.

"Fire Dance...Yaoyang!"

Huowu floats in the air.

Holding the huge fire lotus above with both hands.

toward the distance.

The Elephant Armored Sect's defensive barrier was thrown away.

Fire lotus contains extreme high temperature.

Wherever you go.

The moisture in the air is completely evaporated.

There was a crackling sound.

Solid and defensive barriers.

collide together.

The fire lotus fully bloomed.

Gorgeous, beautiful.

Like a volcanic eruption.

The flames exploded.

Falling from the sky in a large area.

Deals secondary damage to defensive barriers.


The Elephant Armor Sect owns it.

Known as the strongest defense on the mainland.

Inherit martial spirit.

Diamond Mammoth.

A combination of defense and strength.

Huowu Yaoyang is powerful.

But still can't.

Blessed with diamond Tiangang.

Defensive barriers crushed.

The dean of Tianshui College.

It's a girl in a blue skirt.

She has a flirtatious figure.

Hot middle-aged woman.

Unlimited charm, not inferior to young girls.


"All the staff of Tianshui Academy obey the order!"

"Cloth Ice Barrier!"

"Summon the Frost Spear!"

"Break the defensive barrier of the Elephant Armored Sect!"

Headed by Shui Bing'er.

More than one hundred people from Tianshui College.

young lady.

Simultaneously cast the ice attribute martial soul.


It belongs to Shui Binger's Ice Phoenix Martial Soul.

The most powerful and stunning.

Shui Binger's younger sister.


right by her side.

Martial Soul Snowflake.

The two performed together.

Martial soul fusion technique.

The ice and snow withered.

I saw an extremely cold one.

The ice phoenix flew into the air.

hover, soar.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Jump on.

The head of the ice phoenix.

Merge the two spirits together.

Two strands of ice attribute soul power.

The moment they touch each other.


In this instant.

The temperature dropped suddenly.

Centered on the ice phoenix.

The ice and snow drifted away.

An area with a radius of 100 meters.

The ground freezes.

Here becomes the whole.

The best battle ground for all members of Tianshui Academy.

The snow and ice fell all over the sky.

Restricting the side of Wuhun Hall.

The Elephant Armor Sect Legion and.

The advancing speed of the Assault Army and the Quefengzong Legion.

All attributes are weakened by 10%.

This is from the field of ice.

Special effect.

The top ice phoenix spirit.

The martial soul fusion technique performed.

Pair it with Tianshui Academy.

Assisted by ice soul power.

The effect is even higher.

There are still a large number of Tianshui Academy personnel.

Soul rings rose from the feet of all of them.

Summoned in the air.

A handful of sharp frost spears.

Towards the Elephant Armored Sect Legion.

The condensed defensive barrier bombarded away.

for a while.

The stormtrooper of Wuhundian.

advance speed.


Come to a complete stop.

Although the defensive barrier is still there.


There is no flaw.

But the price to pay is.

More than one hundred disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect.

Transported with a lot of soul power.

The situation is not optimistic.

Commander of the Quefeng Sect Legion.

It is the suzerain sparrow.

Is a cold breath.

A woman wearing the battle uniform of the Bird Peak Sect.

His eyes were as vicious as a poisonous snake.

Staring in front of the defensive barrier.

blocking the advance of the stormtroopers.

The Heaven Dou Empire's Four Elemental Academy.

Sparrow snorted coldly:

"The disciples of the Bird Peak Sect obey the order!"

"Launch an attack on me!"

"Let the four elemental colleges of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"Look at the power of my Bird Peak Sect!"

More than one hundred elite disciples of the Bird Peak Sect.

They answered in unison:

"Obey, suzerain!"

Four Elements Academy.

Although there are numbers.

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