Douluo: Star Officials Challenge, Everyone is Better Than Tang San

Douluo: Star Official Challenge, Everyone Is Better Than Tang San Chapter 600

There is also the advantage of diversification of martial soul attributes.

But let's talk about overall strength.

District college.

It is impossible to be with someone who has inherited martial spirit.

Compared with Zongmen.

More than one hundred disciples of the Bird Peak Sect.

Summon hundreds of heads.

finch bee.

Fly out of the defensive barrier.

Facing the four elemental colleges.

Take advantage of air combat.

Finch bee from the tail.

Fires a large number of poisonous stingers.

It fell down overwhelmingly.

In an instant.

There are quite a few colleges of the four elements for convenience.

People were injured and poisoned.

If not treated in time.

There is no doubt that he must die.


Hundreds of bees.

Divide half the amount.

Fly towards the direction of the Tiandou charge army.


It is true that the two empires have two million troops.

But they are all ordinary soldiers.

Even after all kinds of training.

It is also unable to resist the stinger attack of the bee.

In just ten seconds.

Casualties numbered in the hundreds.

The Tiandou charge army can only be collective.

Hold your shield high.

Form a defensive front.

In order to defend part of it.

Stinger attack.

But the number of casualties is still soaring.

The morale of the Heaven Dou Empire suffered a setback.

The staff of the Four Elements Academy.

His complexion changed drastically.

But it has not waited for the four principals to make a decision.

strategic deployment.

The Star Luo Empire's vanguard soul master team arrived.

Possesses the ghost civet spirit.

Inheritance family Zhu family.

Zhu Youzhi, the head of the Zhu family.

Eight soul rings rose from under his feet.

Followed by four Contra elders.


"Soldiers of the Heaven Dou Empire, don't panic!"

"The Star Luo Empire comes to support!"

"A master of the Four Elements Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire!"

"Let's join forces!"

"Break through the defense of the Elephant Armored Sect!"

The dean of the Four Elements Academy.

Look at each other and nod.

With Zhu Youzhi et al.

fly into the air.

All of them cast their martial soul avatars.

One after another.

A soul skill with a strong breath.

was displayed.

Cooperate with.

The staff of the Four Elements Academy.

A member of the soul master family of the Star Luo Empire.

A massive offensive.

is brewing.

Want to break through the Elephant Armor Zongna in one fell swoop.

Blessed with diamond Tiangang.

defensive barrier.

Chapter 208 The battle was fierce, the Elephant Armor Sect's defense was broken, the Bird Bee Sect rose up to attack, supported by a hundred Contras

In front of Jialing Pass.

Immediately plain.

Two great empires and Wuhundian.

battle between.

Finally kicked off.

Relying on the two empires.

Two million troops.

And Haotianzong.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

With the four elements of the academy.

Headed by the Zhu family.

Based on a group of soul master families.

Combat power should not be underestimated.

Followed by countless people.

look good.

This side of Wuhundian.

Gathered the next four cases.

Elephant armor sect.

Black Tiger Sect.

Wind Sword Sect.

Fire Leopard Sect.

Antelope sect.

Bird Peak Sect.

Waiting for the soul master sect.


Three hundred thousand ordinary troops.

500,000 people spontaneously.

An ordinary soul master army formed.

So is strength.

Extremely strong.

But Wuhundian.

The disappearance of the combat power of high-level soul masters.

With two super legions.

Holy Dragon Legion.

The departure of the Angel Legion.

Make actual combat power.

Dropped significantly.

in particular.

There is no Title Douluo on the battlefield.

The strong of the level dominate the formation.

The situation is not optimistic.

On Douluo Continent.

Except for the Wuhundian forces.

Its soul master staff.

Support outside of Wuhundian.

most of the forces.

Common people are not optimistic about Wuhundian.

If it's from Wuhundian.

Pope Bibi Dong.

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