Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 104 Tang San enters Tiandou, and another conflict occurs (revised)

The next day, Shen An looked at the horse that was suffering from diarrhea and was lost in thought. It was obvious that he had eaten the wrong thing.

Shen An looked at Tom who felt guilty, and Tom pointed at Jerry with wandering eyes.

Jerry was also rude. He opened his mouth and bit Tom's finger without any politeness. The sixth child made mistakes every day and blamed it on him.

Tom's white gloves instantly became extremely red and swollen. He screamed in pain and suddenly jumped to the ceiling of the hotel room, causing Shen An to spend another unreasonable expense.

Afterwards, Shen An looked at Tom helplessly and said;

"Okay Tom, don't act like a moth again in the future, and be a majestic cat."

Tom raised his paw and nodded seriously, not sure whether he listened or not.

Or, I listened, but I will do it again next time.

"Let's go, Rongrong. We just played briefly yesterday. Let's send Zhuqing to school first."

Zhu Zhuqing always had a weird feeling when he heard this, and he always felt like Shen An was an old parent.

Along the way, Shen An explained many things to Zhu Zhuqing, such as:

"Zhuqing, practice well in the academy and eat on time every day."

"Don't cause trouble. Of course, if someone bullies you, don't be afraid. Come to me in time and I will help you get revenge."

He had a completely parental style of worrying about his children, letting Ning Rongrong, who was walking behind, secretly enjoy themselves. It was so fun.


Zhu Zhuqing responded gently, with a dangerous glint in his eyes: "I will listen to whatever you say, but you, please be careful and stay calm outside."

Ning Rongrong, who was walking behind, couldn't laugh anymore. Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be dissing her, but she had no evidence.

At the same time, everyone from Shrek, who had run two thousand kilometers on their legs, was already on their way to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Because Flanders wanted to save some money, he sent five Shrek students running all the way, calling it a training exercise for them.

Shrek and everyone searched for the Tiandou Royal Academy in Tiandou City but could not find it. Finally, they found out the location of the Tiandou Royal Academy through the guidance of the residents in the city.

On the way to the academy, Tang San and others were also very excited.

Practicing in this top academy, with the help of their training environment, both Tang San and Dai Mubai believed that they could develop better and speed up their process of defeating Shen An.

This time everyone from Shrek reported Qin Ming's name and successfully entered the academy.

It was about twenty miles from Tiandou City to Tiandou Royal Academy, and the few of them walked leisurely, neither fast nor slow.

"Rongrong, this Tiandou Royal Academy is really rich and powerful." Shen An said with emotion.

"Of course, this mountain belongs to Tiandou Royal Academy. Oh, and there is also the forest behind and the lake at the foot of the mountain on the left."

"Cultivation in such a pleasant place is not a hundred times better than Shrek Academy in a small village."

Shen An would like to criticize Shrek by name here.

One of the gatekeepers of Tiandou Academy today is a branch disciple of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Naturally, he is no stranger to the eldest lady Ning Rongrong.

He took the lead and bowed: "Miss, are you coming to the academy to report today? Zongli has prepared everything, I will just take you there."

"No, I'm just here with my friend today. Just take her with you and I'll wander around as you please." Ning Rongrong pointed at Zhu Zhuqing and said.

The other nine soul masters stared at Ning Rongrong in amazement. As children of nobles, they had naturally heard of the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

However, compared to the beauty of the two girls, what caught their attention more was the cat walking upright and the mouse standing on the cat's shoulders.

It's really strange that cats and mice can live in harmony. The gatekeeper soul master thought in his heart.

There were disciples from the Qibao Glazed Sect's branch, so nothing happened and Shen An and his party entered the academy smoothly.

"Hey, Shen An, you came to Tiandou, and Tom is also here."

A familiar voice came, it was Dugu Yan.

Dugu Yan looked at Tom in surprise, this was her life-saving cat.

"Shen An, wait, I'll call my grandpa over. He has wanted to see you and Tom for a long time." Dugu Yan said quickly, and then ran away without looking back, giving Shen An no time to react.

Shen An helplessly shrugged, what's the matter, but people's kindness is hard to refuse, Shen An can't just leave and let it go to waste.

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen An teasingly and said, "Then just wait. I'll go find Zhuqing first to familiarize her with the college environment."

In front of the Education Committee, the three Contras of Mengshenji and Shrek who walked out of it had a great time chatting with everyone.

Shrek's teachers were not low in soul power cultivation, and their disciples were extremely talented. In the eyes of Meng Shenji and the others, they had the potential to be as good as Yu Tianheng and others, especially Tang San who amazed them.

Not only did he break through with the pressure of Zhilin Soul Douluo, but he also had an external soul bone that was second only to the 100,000-year-old soul ring among the treasures of soul masters. This is such an amazing talent.

‘It’s him, why is he here? '

Yu Xiaogang saw that Shen An and Tom's faces seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.

Adhering to the principle of hating the house and the bird, when Yu Xiaogang saw Jerry on Tom's shoulder, he said with disdain in his heart: "As a mouse, he actually plays with a cat and is so close, damn it. "

Sensing something strange about Yu Xiaogang, Meng Shenji asked with concern: "Master, what's wrong? What problems were found in the academy?"

Yu Xiaogang originally thought that it would be okay to answer, but after thinking about it, it would be good to use the power of Meng Shenji to give Shen An a look.

So he said: "I saw a person with some bad character. He indulged his pets and ran rampant. He even injured our students. I just don't know why Tiandou Academy appeared."

"Oh, there is such a thing, such a person can actually enter our Tiandou Academy."

Meng Shenji followed Yu Xiaogang's gaze and saw Shen An and the cat and mouse next to him.

Dai Mubai and Tang San were a little excited for a moment. Maybe you are very powerful, but when you face three Contras, how should you deal with them?

It's just that these three education committee members are loyal people after all, and they don't just listen to one side of the story.

Tang San decided to add fuel to the fire and said, "I would also like to ask the three seniors to expel this person and teach him a lesson. This person has bad character. My sister Xiaowu and I almost died at his hands."

The Third Education Committee pondered for a moment and decided to ask about the situation first.

Dai Mubai was a little anxious when he saw this. How could he provoke a conflict if he really gave Shen An time to explain?

The hatred for his wife was irreconcilable, so Dai Mubai stepped forward and said:

"Shen An, you not only injured us that day but also kidnapped two of our Shrek students. Now you are chasing us to Tiandou Academy. What do you want to do!"

Shen An saw that it was the Shrek people, and he had no good impression of these people: "It's none of your business that I'm here, it was just you who brought it upon yourself."

Zhilin, who had the most favorable impressions of everyone in Shrek, said: "Boy, since you are not from my Tiandou Academy, then walk out quickly. I will not hold you responsible for breaking into the academy."

After hearing Shen An's reply just now, Zhilin was sure that Shen An had a grudge against Shrek and everyone, but in his opinion, Shen An was an ordinary soul master after all, so how could he compare with Shrek and the teachers and students.

Shrek is not only a powerful teacher, but also a student with outstanding talents. It is clear who is more important and who is less important. Being able to be the education committee of the Royal Academy will naturally weigh the pros and cons.

Shen An just thought it was funny. This was to help Shrek and others target him. Shen An narrowed his eyes and said, "What if I don't leave."

The three education committee members all looked displeased at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly solidified.

Tom quietly took out his revolver and aimed it at the opponent.

Jerry also took out a small cannon and adjusted his position.

Intimidating and threatening Shen An out of nowhere, isn't this a slap in their face?

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