Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 105: Not much harm, but extremely insulting

Faced with a group of aggressive humans, Tom and Jerry swallowed hard, looked at Shen An again, took a deep breath, and their chests became bulging as if to cheer themselves up.

It is my duty to protect the safety of my master, Cat (Mouse).

Dai Mubai's evil eyes flashed with cold light and he attacked: "I will take you out of Tiandou Academy right now."

Although he knew that he was not Shen An's opponent, with the Shrek teachers and the three Tiandou teaching committee members, Dai Mubai was very confident. He didn't believe that Shen An would dare to hurt him.

At this moment, isn't it the best time for revenge.


The sharp green light flashed, and Dai Mubai flew backwards.

No, he really dared to attack.

Zhilin said angrily: "The teachers and students of Shrek are our guests of Tiandou. What an ignorant child who casually attacked and hurt people."

A blue vine appeared in the air, but the color of the vine was as crystal as jade, and it was like a dragon snake dancing wildly, entwining Shen An.

The sound was like thunder. Shen An saw the fierce force coming, and one yellow and two purple soul rings lit up at the same time. The blue sword eyes were activated silently, and finally he was able to capture the trace of this green vine.

The pressure that Zhilin brought to Shen An was second only to the Titan Giant Ape. After all, it was a direct confrontation rather than Chen Xin's similar teaching.

Shen An did not dare to be careless, and the sword light of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass burst out, trying to cut off the attack.

But the ones who reacted faster than Shen An were Tom and Jerry. The reaction speed of these two little ones was very confusing.

Take Tom as an example. Judging from the form shown in the animation, as long as Tom is calm and prepared, he can smash the meteors falling from the sky.

But if Tom is very panicked and thinks he can't do it, he can't avoid the fallen tree next to him.

And this time, it is related to Shen An's safety. In Tom's eyes, there is no such thing as failure. Only success is allowed, not failure.

Tom fired six shots in a row, and six round bullets hit the blue vine with huge impact.


A scene that stunned Zhilin happened. The Azure Ivy was like a living thing. After being hit, it twitched uncontrollably and jumped in the air, as if it was hurting a lot.

Zhilin was in a trance. This was not right. Could it be that my Azure Ivy had intelligence? But the Azure Ivy reacted so violently to this mild blow. How could it fight against others in the future?


A slight pain brought Zhilin's mind back to reality. He looked down at his lower body. A small round cannonball hit his crotch.

It turned out that Jerry heard Tom's gunshot just now, and he was shocked and quickly opened the fuse. As a result, in a panic, the angle of the muzzle changed, and a scene of hitting the crotch directly occurred.

Moreover, the cannonball that looked like a steel ball was still rotating and rubbing against Zhilin's crotch clothes. Of course, in terms of the physical fitness of Contra, it was impossible to cause injuries.

But ~ the damage was not great, and the insult was extremely strong ~

Zhilin felt humiliated. In front of everyone, a dignified Soul Douluo was hit by a stinky rat with a strange weapon.

Zhilin stared at Jerry with his eyes wide open and angrily: "Damn rat, I will grind you to ashes."

At this time, the Azure Ivy had returned to normal, and it hit Jerry like a green whip. Jerry saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly raised his short legs and ran away.

Jerry's short legs first rotated and accelerated in the air, and then turned into a small brown phantom and ran away. The Azure Ivy was waving behind him. Every time Zhilin thought he could hit it, Jerry dodged it again. It was always a fraction of a second.

Yu Xiaogang, Tang San and others watched from the side with their eyes shining. That's right, continue to escalate the conflict!

Meng Shenji and Bai Baoshan looked unpredictable. Zhilin missed frequently, and it was the three members of the Education Committee who lost face.

Meng Shenji's body instantly became illusory, and the whole person turned into a dark shadow. The black mist rose from his feet, and two yellow, three purple, and three black soul rings bloomed at the same time.

Bai Baoshan also released his martial soul, holding the golden tripod furnace in his hand.

The two shouted in unison: "Enough, end this farce!"

The three soul fighters attacked at the same time. The powerful might made Shen An, who was facing them directly, feel suffocated.

A green light appeared out of thin air, blocking Shen An and intercepting the amazing might.

"You are right, it's time to end this farce. You three old guys are really ignorant of what you dare to do to my granddaughter's benefactor!"

A cold and tough voice exploded from the air. Meng Shenji and the other two felt cold all over and sensed a fatal crisis at the same time, as if they were stared at by a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. The three of them stood back to back in an instant.


The green light disappeared, and an old man in a plain gray robe and messy green hair appeared. Meng Shenji and the other two breathed rapidly and dared not speak for a while.

Because they saw nine soul rings surrounding him, it was a Titled Douluo!!!

Even if they were three Soul Douluos above level 80, they had no confidence to fight against him.

There is only a one-level difference between Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo, but the strength is far apart.

Yu Xiaogang saw that Shen An and the others were about to suffer a loss. He was originally very happy in his heart, but in the blink of an eye, a Titled Douluo came, which made him feel shocked and panicked.

Green hair, fishy smell, like a venomous snake, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but said in a lost voice: "You are Poison Douluo Dugu Bo!"

Meng Shenji was shocked after hearing this. This Poison Douluo was not easy to mess with. Although his soul power was the lowest among the titled Douluo, he was extremely skilled in poison skills and he was the least particular person.

Most soul masters cherish their feathers, especially Titled Douluo, and most of them disdain to care about others. But this person is different. As long as you mess with him, he will really bully the small ones and target you like a poisonous snake. You are miserable.

Meng Shenji was surprised and said: "Dugu Mian, please forgive me. We don't know the relationship between the person in front of us and you, so we have no intention to offend."

"The teachers and students of Shrek Academy are about to join our Tiandou Academy. Due to emotional and logical reasons, I cannot sit back and watch the students get injured, so I took action in a hurry. Please forgive me."

Dugu Bo laughed strangely and stared at Yu Xiaogang with his cold green eyes: "I didn't expect that someone actually recognized me. Are you Shrek's teacher?"

Yu Xiaogang forced himself to calm down and said, "Shrek's theory teacher, master Yu Xiaogang."

Dugu Bo sneered: "Master? It turns out he is a famous clown in the soul master world."

Yu Xiaogang's face turned red and white, and he said angrily: "My theory is absolutely correct. Even if you are a titled Douluo, you cannot insult me."

Flanders also felt a chill in his heart. This is a Titled Douluo. Let's just listen to what he says. This old brother of his actually dares to talk back. He is really a little confused.

Flanders blocked Dugu Bo's gaze and bowed and said: "Your Majesty Dugu Bo, my Excellency Flanders, Dean of Shrek Academy, I apologize to you. Today is all a misunderstanding. Why don't we just let it go? Dream God The three education committee members were also concerned, so they took action to punish Shen An. "

Dugu Bo sneered: "It's not that easy to give up. My granddaughter's lifesaver is the one who bullies you whenever you want to bully her, and holds hands when you want to stop."

As Dugu Bo spoke, the phantom of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King appeared, and his emerald-like eyes bloomed with faint green light, wanting to devour people.


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Publish first and then revise, all four chapters will be published tonight

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