Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 106 Tang San: At thirteen that year, I stood like a minion

At this time, everyone on the Shrek Academy side had a very ugly look on their faces. The situation reversed too quickly. They wanted to target Shen An, but they didn't expect that there was actually a Titled Douluo to support him.

However, no one noticed that Xiao Wu, who was standing at the back, was trying her best to restrain her breath at this time, and her face had already looked a little pale.

Dugu Bo had come long before Dai Mubai made his move, but he deliberately wanted to wait for the situation to get out of hand so that he could sell favors.

Therefore, he knew everything that Shrek had done, and the three Meng Shenji were just being used as a knife.

However, these three were honest and just wanted to expel Shen An. After all, in their opinion, Shen An was not a student of Tiandou, so expulsion was normal.

Pick the softest persimmon first, this is the truth that Dugu Bo has realized after decades of experience.

Meng Shenji and the other two have strong cultivation and are also members of the Tiandou Education Committee. Although I am not afraid of them, there is no need to offend them too much.

Then let the plan of Shrek Academy to merge into Tiandou fail, so that Shen An can vent his anger, Dugu Bo thought, after all, Shen An saved Dugu Yan and stopped her from being disturbed by the poison.

Although Dugu Bo was eccentric and unpretentious in his life, he attached great importance to promises and especially to gratitude. What he said to Dugu Yan about going through fire and water to repay gratitude was not to coax his granddaughter.

And if it is possible, then the poison that penetrated his bone marrow may even be...removed!

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo's originally cold heart was hot, and he couldn't help but look at Shen An... the cat next to him.

Tom saw the man who supported them looking at him, and the cat's face showed an anthropomorphic flattering smile,

'This cat looks silly and can really detoxify?' Dugu Bo had some doubts in his heart, forget it, let's solve the current matter first and then talk about other things.

Shen An looked at Dugu Bo with a strange expression. Why did he feel that Dugu Bo paid much attention to Tom? Could it be that this old man in front of him was also a cat lover?

"Shrek Academy, I have never heard of such a name. Can such a low-ranking academy enter Tiandou Academy? I am very worried about the future development of Tiandou Academy?" Dugu Bo took advantage of the topic.

Everyone in Shrek was instantly furious, but the one who said this was a Titled Douluo, so everyone could only suppress themselves and dare not speak out.

"Your Majesty Dugu, you don't seem to be from our Tiandou Academy. How we recruit students should not be your business, so you don't have to worry about it." Meng Shenji said with a look of disapproval.

"Who said Mr. Dugu is not from our Tiandou Academy? Mr. Dugu is my guest and can represent me with full authority."

A high-handed voice came.

An old man in a large brocade yellow robe, of medium build, slightly fat, and handsome came over.

Meng Shenji said secretly: 'Damn, why is he here too. '

No matter where it is, there is no lack of factional disputes within it. Meng Shenji and the other two belong to the Xue Qinghe faction, but the one who came is Prince Xuexing, who has always been at odds with him.

Prince Xuexing was originally playing chess with Dugu Bo, but Dugu Bo was called away by his granddaughter. Xuexing also felt the inexplicable soul power fluctuations at the Education Committee, so he rushed over immediately.

And this scene really made Xuexing very happy. Even if he asked Dugu Bo to take action on weekdays, he would have to pay a lot of price, but now Dugu Bo actually took the initiative to fight with Meng Shenji and the other two.

It’s really God’s help, Prince Xuexing couldn’t help thinking.

"Mr. Dugu is right. A second-rate academy with unknown origins cannot join our Tiandou, so as not to tarnish our Tiandou's reputation."

Meng Shenji explained: "Your Highness, let me introduce you to Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy, a level 78 Soul Saint. His academy has cultivated many talents. Teacher Qin Ming graduated from it, so I recruited them in accordance with the principle of Tiandou Academy's thirst for talents."

Prince Xuexing said coldly without changing his expression: "Whether or not you are a talent is not something that can be said. If all the teachers and students of Shrek can hold on for five minutes under Mr. Dugu, I will recognize them as talents and allow them to join the academy."

Dugu Bo smiled and said: "That's exactly what I want. Let's see if you so-called talents have the courage to challenge me."

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black. A total of nine soul rings circled up, and the deep light was daunting.

Xiao Wu was trembling all over at this time, and her eyes were red. Tang San was heartbroken to see Xiao Wu so scared under Dugu Bo's pressure.

He stood in front of Xiao Wu and glared at Dugu Bo: "You are a Titled Douluo, but you deliberately embarrass us young people. It's too shameless!"

Dugu Bo's dark green eyes showed cold evil as he looked at Tang San.

Tang San groaned, and his whole body trembled violently. He felt as if his mind was being cut into pieces. Xiao Wu curled up behind Tang San and dared not show herself.

Seeing that his own disciple was targeted by Dugu Bo, Yu Xiaogang was also panicked, and hurriedly stood up and said: "We will get out now, please be merciful, Senior Dugu Bo."

After hearing this, Dugu Bo not only did not stop, but a strange green light flashed in his eyes. Tang San's body stopped trembling, and his eyes were scattered.

Meng Shenji and the other two stood in front of Tang San at the same time, releasing a strong aura to fight against Dugu Bo.

"Dugu Bo, you've gone too far, using mental shock on a child, let the three of us old guys understand your poison!"

Dugu Bo was unable to fight with them in the end. Although Prince Xuexing wanted to suppress Meng Shenji and the other two, he didn't want to make a big deal, so he mediated.

Flanders also took the initiative to leave Tiandou Academy. Qin Ming was so angry when he saw his master being humiliated that he resigned and left together.

Seeing the situation develop like this, Shrek knew that even if he forced himself to stay, he would not be able to get any good things in the future. A Snow Star Prince and a Poison Douluo were enough for them to eat a pot.

Before leaving, Flanders looked at Shen An with a complicated look. A Sword Douluo left and a Poison Douluo came. What kind of charm did this kid have that made these big shots stand up for him?

Flanders never dreamed that the real charm that impressed the big shots was not Shen An but the cat next to him.

Yu Xiaogang dragged his proud disciple away with a staggering step. The group came with high spirits, but left like a dog that had lost its home.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, Tang San, whose eyes were originally scattered, focused his pupils slightly. If he had not cultivated the Purple Extreme Demon Pupil and had a strong mental power, he would have fainted under Dugu Bo's mental shock, and even damaged his foundation.

Tang San felt a sense of sadness inexplicably. Is this what a Titled Douluo is like? He could easily drive them away. Even if he was injured, he could only be angry and dare not speak out like a minion.

But Tang San didn't realize that he had deliberately provoked Shen An first, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles.

Tang San stared at the direction of Tiandou Academy, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes: 'Dugu Bo, Shen An, Tang San will definitely repay the shame of today tenfold in the future, otherwise he will not be a human being in this life! '

At this time, Dugu Bo showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "You are Shen An, not bad, not bad, you are handsome, I wonder if you are married."

Shen An was stunned, what do you mean by this? ? ?

Tom: 'I want another mistress again? '

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