Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 107 Tom becomes a pig, Jerry is jealous

In a cave in a certain mountain range, Tang Hao had completely suppressed the soul power riot caused by Chen Xin. He exhaled a breath of gloomy energy, his expression was a little complicated, and he snorted coldly.

"If I hadn't suffered severe physical injuries and suffered from hidden illnesses, the mere sword energy wouldn't be able to do anything to me."

Having said that, Tang Hao's strong face had a faint look of gloom. Yes, to say the least, he had hidden wounds, and he was hiding like a rat in the gutter.

Jerry: "??? I'm offended."

What happened that year even caused the sect to be closed down, and the number one sect in the world disappeared from the mainland in the blink of an eye.

Tang Hao's eyes flickered. Although he could barely exert seven or eight points of combat power after recuperation, he himself was not sure when the hidden disease in his body would break out.

‘Can I still take care of my mistress’ safe growth? ’ Tang Hao himself was a little unsure.

‘That’s all, let’s go to the mistress first to protect him from being bullied. If one day I really die, I can only lose my face and seek protection from my elder brother. ’

Tang Hao's face showed pain, then turned into determination, and disappeared into a shadow.

In the small village of Shrek students, Tang Hao saw that the academy, which was half the size of a village, was empty, with doubts in his eyes.

Where did my big son go? ? ?


Shen An looked at Dugu Bo with a dull expression, "What are you talking about?"

"Senior Dugu, this is inappropriate. Miss Dugu already has someone she loves, and the two of them have a very good relationship."

Shen An said helplessly.

When he came to Tiandou Academy in the morning, Zhu Zhuqing told him to stay calm, but this Poison Douluo did this.

Shen An also understood what Zhu Zhuqing was thinking about these days. It was just that Zhu Zhuqing was too young. He was only close to thirteen years old now. Regardless of whether he was physically mature or not, his age was there.

As a modern person, Shen An's concept would not allow him to do such a thing, but before Zhu Zhuqing came of age, Shen An could still keep himself clean for him.

"That's true. It's such a pity. You saved your granddaughter's life, so it was right for her to pledge your life to you." Dugu Bo said regretfully.

It's not that he is anxious for his granddaughter to get married, it's just that he witnessed with his own eyes the scene when Shen An defeated Dai Mubai with a sword just now. That was a great soul master close to level 40.

With such a light sword, Dai Mubai was defeated and flew away, not to mention Shen An, a yellow and purple limit-breaking soul ring.

It can be said that in Dugu Bo's view, Shen An will definitely become a titled Douluo in the future. The end point of many soul masters' lives is just the starting point for Shen An.

That is to say, Dugu Bo didn't know that Shen An's third soul ring had been painted by Tom. If he found out that Shen An's third soul ring was ten thousand years old, Dugu Bo might have directly drugged Shen An and his granddaughter to cook a meal.

After all, this is Douluo Continent, where the strong are respected. Who doesn’t want to find a reliable and powerful partner for their future generations?

Seeing that Shen An had no intention of doing so, Dugu Bo didn't care at all. He acted based on his preferences all his life. He just mentioned it casually because he saw that Shen An had a bright future.

"You are the strange cat who saved my granddaughter." Dugu Bo looked at Tom curiously.

Tom immediately held his head high and waved his cat's paw as if to express that it was nothing more than a trivial effort.

Jerry looked at Tom's arrogant look and felt a little sour for no reason. He made a tut-tut sound in his mouth, as if to say, oh, that's amazing.

Shen An couldn't help laughing as he watched from the side. These two little ones loved to compare with each other.

Dugu Bo looked at Tom and Jerry in surprise. He had lived for decades. This was the first time he had seen such a wise cat and mouse. Even those seventy or eighty thousand year old spirit beasts might not be able to compare with them.

As for the 100,000-year-old soul beast, Dugu Bo has never seen it, but he heard that its wisdom is comparable to that of humans.

"It's not very convenient here, kid. Let's go. You saved my granddaughter. I want to thank you all and go have a drink."

"Hey, senior, I still need to wait for my friends."

"It's okay. Tiandou Royal Academy is safe. Let's go. We won't come back until we get drunk tonight."

Shen An was caught by Dugu Bo and disappeared on the spot. He couldn't resist the title Douluo's strength.

In one of the top hotels in Tiandou City, the tables were filled with delicious food, and there were only two people, a cat and a mouse in the room that could accommodate twenty or thirty people.

It doesn't matter whether he can finish the meal or not, what matters is the ostentation, which must highlight the importance he attaches to Shen An, Dugu Bo thought to himself.

"Come on, Shen An, let's drink." Dugu Bo picked up the wine glass and exchanged it with Shen An without any pretense.

Shen An had no choice but to smile and drink with him. Although Shen An didn't like drinking, but a titled Douluo was so enthusiastic about you, Shen An naturally refused to refute his face.

After drinking the wine, Dugu Bozhuangruo asked casually: "Shen An, was it really your cat that cured my granddaughter, or did you use your cat to detoxify my granddaughter?"

"I looked at this cat. Although it is very smart and can cure my granddaughter's innate poison, I really don't believe it."

At this time, Jerry heard Dugubo praising Tom, and bit the barbecue in his hand viciously. It was sour. Hearing Tom being praised was even more uncomfortable than being beaten himself.

While talking, Dugu Bo looked at Tom who was enjoying his meal, and suddenly found that most of the food on the table had disappeared.

‘No, the dishes I ordered are enough for forty, not to mention four. ’ Dugu Bo thought he was drunk and dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes hurriedly.

But the cat was seen spitting out a roasted pig that was four or five times bigger than it. The whole pig could slip down smoothly even though it had a mouth that was not even big enough for a palm.

Then the little cat's throat slid and immediately turned into the shape of a pig. Then it reached into its throat and a complete pig skeleton was taken out.

Dugu Bo was silent. Even though he claimed to be knowledgeable, he had never seen such a thing.


"How can I detoxify? It was really Tom who did it. Of course, now that there is Jerry, Jerry should be able to detoxify too." Shen An said drunkenly.

"Tom? Jerry?"

"Oh, Tom is the cat, and Jerry is the little mouse."

Dugu Bo's mouth twitched and he complimented reluctantly, "This name is quite fashionable."


Tiandou Royal Family, Xue Qinghe looked at the three people of Meng Shenji who complained to him with a strange expression.

"Meng Jiaowen, what you mean is that Shrek Academy came to you, but they targeted a teenager named Shen An and led to Dugu Bo, and finally Xue Xing interfered and forced Shrek to leave Tiandou."

Meng Shenji smiled bitterly: "Your Highness, that's exactly it."

Xue Qinghe's expression did not change: "Okay, I know, you can go to Xue Xing to report, as for Shrek Academy, there is no need to recruit him."

"Your Highness, this Tang San is a rare talent, please go and recruit him yourself."

Xue Qinghe raised his eyebrows: "Meng Jiaowen, I have been to Soto City, their reputation is not very good, I am afraid you have been confused."

"This..." Meng Shenji looked surprised and didn't know what to say.

After Meng Shenji left, Xue Qinghe suddenly smiled. Although he was a man, he had an inexplicable sense of thrilling beauty.

"Shen An, it's really interesting that you let that lonely Poison Douluo fight for you. I really want to recruit you more and more."

Readers, the author overestimated himself. This month is the final exam week, and there are endless homework. Because of the rush to write, the quality of the plot has even been damaged. This has been reflected by readers, so the author will update 6,000 words a day while ensuring the plot. If the state is good, it will be updated with 8,000 words. I hope readers can forgive me.

There will be another chapter updated tonight. As for the missing chapters, the author will make up for it later

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