Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 108 Jerry's skills amaze Dugu Bo

No matter how many times he watches it, Dugu Bo will still be surprised by the way Tom and Jerry eat. It is so enjoyable to watch them eat.

Dugu Bo looked at Shen An, who was slightly drunk, and thought of the poison in his body that was like tarsal gangrene. After much hesitation, he decided to put down his dignity and ask, what if it happened.

Dugu Bo had been playing with drugs all his life, but in the end he himself suffered from it. The toxins backfired and made him suffer from pain every night, especially on cloudy days.

This kind of toxin is even passed down to future generations. Dugu Yan's parents died because of it, but Dugu Bo, who was famous for his poison, could only watch his loved ones die in front of his eyes.

Therefore, when Dugu Bo learned that the poison in Dugu Yan's body was removed, it was no joke that he was willing to go through fire and water for Shen An.

In addition to expressing my gratitude to Shen An this time, I also had the idea of ​​curing my own toxins.

"Shen An, I wonder if I can learn from each other about poisons from your cat." Dugu Bo said a little shyly. After all, he had to rely on others to do things. Although he felt a little ridiculous, he expected a cat to cure him.

Shen An was stunned. He had often heard Ning Rongrong say how powerful this Poison Douluo was. Is this appropriate for him and Tom to learn from each other?

Shen An said: "Senior Dugu, my cat is definitely not as good as yours in poison knowledge. I'm afraid I won't be able to provide you with any help."

Dugu Bo was a little anxious. Why didn't this kid understand? Do you want him to tell me clearly that I have poison on my body and ask your cat to look at it for me? How embarrassing would it be to say this.

"Oh, Shen An, to be honest, although I am known as the Poison Douluo, I am also tired of poison. I wonder if you can let your cat help me take a look."

Dugu Bo smiled bitterly and said, "If you don't have face, then you have no face. It's better than being troubled by toxins every day."

"Ah this~~~." Shen An turned to look at Tom and asked with his eyes, can you do it?

Tom was currently lying on the chair with a big belly. After hearing the conversation between the two, he stood up slowly.

Don't ask me if I can do it, just tell me what to do. There is nothing in the world that I, Tang Tiandi, can't do. Tom walked towards Dugu Bo with full confidence.

Seeing that Tom was trying to show off again, Jerry had a look of displeasure on his face. Then he rolled his eyes and stretched out his short legs as Tom walked over.

The short legs stretched out to a full meter long for no reason. Dugu Bo rubbed his eyes in disbelief, so Titled Douluo can also be drunk?


As expected, Tom fell down. With his big belly, he tried to turn over but couldn't get up.

Then without saying a word, Jerry picked up a spoon and hit Tom's head hard. Tom was like a piece of porcelain, shattered into pieces of skin.

When Dugu Bo saw this, he stood up in fright. This damn strange cat had the hope of being able to detoxify his body. It just shattered into pieces and was gone? ? ?

"Senior Dugu, don't worry, it's okay, they are just having fun."

Dugubo looked at the fragments of cats on the ground in surprise. Are you telling me that they are joking?

Is it because I'm old-eyed or you're drunk?

Upon seeing this, Jerry ran to Dugu Bo excitedly, "Lao Deng, I'm here to treat you."

"Senior Dugu, don't worry. Tom and Jerry can do it. They can see the toxins on your body."

Dugu Bo was silent. You are not worried about your cat at all.

Jerry jumped on the table, picked up a larger stethoscope and gave it to Dugubo to examine carefully.


Jerry suddenly looked serious, and the whole mouse jumped up in fright. Dugubo was frightened. Could it be that my poison can't be cured at all, or that this little mouse has poor medical skills.

Dugu Bo quickly said: "Shen An, why don't you see if you can save your cat? This little mouse can't be helped, maybe the cat can."

When Jerry heard Dugu Bo question his choice to believe in Tom, his eyes narrowed. Originally, he was just planning to scare you. Since you are like this, don't blame Shushu for not being a human being.

Jerry took out a piece of white paper and a pen, and wrote on it: "Prepare a very cold place and a very hot place for me, and I can help you cure this disease."

Shen An also leaned over, feeling cold and hot at the same time. He remembered that in an episode of Tom and Jerry, Jerry seemed to use this excuse to treat Tom's illness and tease Tom.

But Dugu Bo didn't think so. He looked at Jerry in shock. He knew his own family affairs. The reason why he had been able to suppress toxins for so many years was all due to the valley he discovered when he was young.

And this mouse actually said that it could heal him with the help of extreme heat and cold, which shows that its medical skills are absolutely extraordinary.

We really found the right person this time~ No, we found the right mouse.

Shen An was about to ask Jerry not to play tricks on the old man, but Dugu Bo suddenly said solemnly:

"Shen An, I underestimated your Jerry. To be honest, my ability to suppress toxins for so many years depends entirely on that valley with two heavens of ice and fire."

"I will take you there now. I, Dugu Bo, promise that if I can cure this poison in my body, I will go through fire and water for you in the future."

After hearing what Dugu Bo said, Shen An looked at Jerry and asked him with his eyes, do you really have no intention of bullying the elderly?

Jerry's acting skills were much better than Tom's. He nodded his little head confidently and put on a white coat to show how a benevolent doctor could avenge himself.


Qibao Glazed Sect, a place of retreat for dusty hearts.

It has been nearly a month since Chen Xin returned to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. After returning, Chen Xin said nothing, only saying that he was going to practice in seclusion.

And today, the door opened.


"Half a lifetime of wind and rain is all in one sword, and I finally broke through the ninety-seventh level!"

Chen Xin walked out of the seclusion room in high spirits, and his face was a dozen years younger. After becoming a Titled Douluo, every level of soul power increase can increase lifespan by a hundred years.

"Old bone, come out quickly and let me test the sword!"

At this time, the elegant Ning Fengzhi came to greet him with a withered old man who was nearly two meters and five meters tall.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Chen Xin with joy. Chen Xin's increased strength was a great thing for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Seeing Chen Xin's sword intent ready to burst out, Gu Rong curled his lips: "Who wants to compete with you? You are already level 97, and I am not stupid, unless you let Feng Zhi assist me."

Chen Xin smiled and said: "Okay, then it's settled."

Gu Rong's face changed: "No, no, no, you old bitch, you are so confident, you must be holding back bad things, I don't want to fight with you."

Go ahead, Gu Rong said sourly: "Tell me, what adventure did you encounter last time you went out, you went into seclusion as soon as you came back, and you successfully broke through to level 97."

After being named Douluo, each level of improvement is as difficult as a natural chasm, so Gu Rong is very envious of Chen Xin's changes.

Chen Xin smiled mysteriously: "It's very simple, I met a cat, a magical cat."

Update first and then modify, 6,000 words will be updated every day in the future

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