Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 115 Give Tang San a Big Bag

Former Lanba Academy, now Shrek Academy.

This time, Yu Xiaogang did not escape but chose to face Liu Erlong directly. After all, unlike Yu Xiaogang who was relaxed in the original work, he is now burdened with shame.

Whether it was his protégé being defeated by Shen An, or Tom humiliating him.

As well as the resentment hidden deep in his heart towards Sword Douluo that he did not dare to show, he urgently needed the resources of Lanba Academy.

"Fland, let's help Ma Hongjun hunt the soul beast together tomorrow. The children are too tense, so let's just relax together." Yu Xiaogang said.

"Haha, the word "relaxation" is right. With our golden triangle here, the sunset forest is just a back garden." Flanders said with a laugh.

Wuhun City.

The entrance to the Papal Palace.

"Stop." Two palace knights wearing silver armor blocked the way of a middle-aged man.

"I am the Pope's personal guard, and I have something important to report to His Majesty the Pope." The guard took out a token and said.

In the meeting hall thousands of meters away, the guards bowed respectfully in front of a woman.

The woman is not tall, wearing a luxurious black robe with gold patterns, a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless gems.

Her fair skin and almost perfect appearance made her look so majestic and luxurious.

And she is the youngest pope in the history of Wuhun Palace. She took over the position of pope as a woman when she was less than forty years old.

"What's the matter?" Although he is the Pope, his voice is so soft and pleasant that it makes people feel like spring breeze.

"His Majesty the Pope, please ask your subordinates to pay attention to Master Yu Xiaogang. After an investigation, it appears that he had a conflict with Poison Douluo at Tiandou Academy yesterday."

Bibi Dong's eyes turned cold and asked eagerly: "Has anything happened to him?"

"No, it's just that the direct disciple was injured by Dugu Bo. After he came down from the mountain, it was said that he went to an academy called Lanba."

Bibi Dong's face turned completely gloomy, and the hand holding the scepter turned white due to excessive force. Was he looking for that woman?

"I don't like the name Lan Ba. Go and find someone to target them secretly!"

"Stand back and report to me if there is any news."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope"

'Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang, you actually dare to go find that woman. I have always been patient and refused to attack her. In this case, don't blame me for being cruel. ’

The next day, sunset forest.

Although there are many soul beasts in the Sunset Forest, most of them have cultivation levels of a thousand to ten thousand years.

With Gu Rong, a level 95 super Douluo, Ning Rongrong quickly found a soul beast that suited him.

At this time, Ning Rongrong was absorbing the soul ring, with Bone Douluo guarding her and Shen An accompanying her.

As for Tom and Jerry, this pair of enemies couldn't stay idle and had long since jumped up and down the road to play.

Tang San and the others were also looking for a suitable soul beast for Ma Hongjun at this time.

Xiao Wu's eyes were a little sad: "Brother, do you think a soul master must hunt soul beasts?"

Tang San touched Xiao Wu's head and said, "If a soul master wants to be strong, he must hunt soul beasts, and I am no exception."

"After all, only when I become stronger can I protect you better."

After Xiao Wu heard this, her original thoughts of the Holy Mother dissipated a lot, and she became more dependent on and loved Tang San.

Flanders, who was walking in the middle, was keenly aware of movement in the bushes nearby, and immediately stretched out his hand to warn everyone to be careful: "Don't leave yet, there is movement."

Everyone also stopped, and sure enough, a cat's head popped out of the bushes, and then a little brown mouse also poked its head out.

Yu Xiaogang's mind wandered, it was the two of them, the cat and the mouse beside Shen An, so Shen An was here too.

Yu Xiaogang knew very well that after what happened to Tiandou, he might be completely offended.

And Shen An's talent was so terrifying that it was ultimately a disaster, which made Yu Xiaogang very afraid. More importantly, Shen An might hinder Tang San from becoming the strongest soul master in the continent in the future.

’ If Shen An is left alone, then I will let Flanders and Erlong kill him. ‘The murderous intention emerged in Yu Xiaogang’s heart.

Just when Yu Xiaogang was confirming the feasibility of the matter, Dai Mubai stepped forward first. He would always be at the forefront of opposing Shen An, including those close to Shen An.

With the buff bonus of Revenge of Wife, plus being defeated by Shen An many times, he could be said to hate Shen An deeply.

But he would never dare to let him target Shen An again. The difference in strength is there, but this cat and mouse are different. He looks easy to bully at first glance. Dai Mubai's evil eyes flashed fiercely.

"What did I think? They turned out to be two beasts. It's bad luck for you to meet me."

"This is not good, we are just here to hunt soul beasts, there is no need to get into trouble." It was Liu Erlong who spoke, and Dai Mubai's appearance made her frown instinctively.

Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, Mubai has a grudge in his heart, let him vent it out, it will help his future development.

Tang San watched with excitement. Xiao Wu, who had always been "loving" towards spirit beasts and small animals, didn't say anything but looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Tom and Jerry's originally dull and cute expressions suddenly turned angry. This man was so hateful that he actually called them two beasts.

Dai Mubai's murderous intent overflowed, and he was instantly possessed by the white tiger. He rushed directly in front of Tom Jerry and grabbed him with his wide tiger claws, preparing to crush the two to death to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But Tom, who had always been timid, changed his past behavior and stood far away without hiding.

You should know that Tom is not a generous cat. This person actually dared to scold him, so he must fight back.

Dai Mubai was even more vicious, and he didn't know whether to live or die.

"Bang!" "Pa!"

"Bang, Pa!"

The sound of heavy objects hitting and slapping continued to ring.

The Shrek people on the side were stunned. When Dai Mubai made a move, they also thought that this ordinary cat and mouse pair was dead.

Who would have thought that Jerry, who was standing on Tom's head, took out a small wooden hammer, and then it kept growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and hit Dai Mubai's head hard.

Then Dai Mubai seemed to be dizzy, and his whole movement suddenly stopped.

This was unimaginable for the Shrek people. It was too weird. How could there be an attack that made people stand there like they had lost their souls and get beaten.

And Tom hit him in the face with a big dick without any hesitation, leaving a deep red mark of cat claws.

Jerry hit his head, Tom slapped him, and so on and so forth. It took Shrek a long time to react. Now they had to save Dai Mubai quickly, or else he would get a concussion.

Tang San's reaction was faster than anyone else's. He threw two poisoned flying knives at Tom and Jerry's heads without any hesitation.

The two little ones reacted differently. Tom tucked his head into his body, and Jerry jumped three feet into the sky.

Then they followed the principle that a hero should not suffer a loss in front of him, and they raised their legs and ran away. Their speed was so fast that even the agile attack spirit saint Flanders was amazed.

The figures of the two were still in the same place one second, and turned into two small black dots in the distance the next second.

A series of continuous actions made it impossible for people to react.

But before Shrek could chase them, the two actually ran back again, and two deep gullies were drawn on the ground because of Tom's sudden brake.

After Tom and Jerry ran away, they realized that Tang San had just shot them with a flying knife, so they turned around without hesitation and went back to seek revenge on the spot.

Tang San was shocked. What the hell? A blue cat face hit him in the face, and then a white cat claw flew towards his cheek.

"Pa! Pa!"

It was just two slaps, but Tang San's face was visibly red and swollen.

Thanks to Qingdeng Buguike for the reward of 588 reading coins

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