Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 116: So what if I frame you? I bet you can't argue.

Tom and Jerry ran away after the fight, leaving the Shrek people who were late to react in a daze.

Tang San felt the severe pain on his face, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was furious. He immediately used the Ghost Shadow to chase in the direction where Tom ran.

It was a great shame! He, Tang San, was beaten into a pig's head by a cat.

Yu Xiaogang hesitated for a moment and said, "Xiao Wu, you stay and guard Mu Bai, Flanders and I and Erlong will chase him. Don't chase too fast, keep a certain distance."

Although Flanders didn't understand why Yu Xiaogang said that, he always thought that Yu Xiaogang had amazing wisdom, so he did it without hesitation and deliberately kept a distance from Tang San.

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were cold, he thought that Tom would definitely run in the direction of Shen An, and then, in the wilderness, he could cut off the roots to eliminate future troubles.

Tang San looked at Tom who was so close but couldn't catch up, and he became more and more annoyed.

There was even one time when he was about to catch Tom's tail, Tom, who was originally running on all fours, turned his lower body forward and ran with both hands.

Jerry kept sitting on Tom's head and spitting at Tang San, which made Tang San furious. It was not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Tom saw the familiar bushes in front of him, his eyes lit up instantly, and he plunged into it without hesitation, and Tang San followed closely.

Passing through the dense bushes, Tom and Jerry, who were originally fleeing, now stood calmly beside a tree.

Tang San looked up and his mind was clear instantly, because Shen An suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shen An raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "It's you again, coming to trouble me again and again, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

These Shrek people have repeatedly provoked him for no reason, and this time they are even thinking about Tom and Jerry, which is really unbearable for Shen An.

Tang San was sweating profusely. He had not yet developed the top-ranked Tang Sect hidden weapon. Judging from the combat power Shen An showed in Tiandou, he was definitely not his opponent.

Tang San immediately said, "Shen An, this is a misunderstanding."

Before he finished speaking, there were suddenly several swishing sounds, and Yu Xiaogang and others also appeared in front of him.

Ning Rongrong had just absorbed the spirit ring at this time, and stood up and looked at the Shrek people unhappily. She had no good feelings towards these people, and Shen An had already told her about the Tiandou Academy.

Yu Xiaogang was excited about his wisdom at the moment, and I said that following the cat and the mouse would find Shen An.

"Ning Rongrong, it's none of your business. For the sake of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I can let you go. This cat beat up my Shrek students. Today I will only cause trouble for Shen An and his pet."

Yu Xiaogang said lightly. At this time, he did not want to provoke the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. If he wanted to provoke them, he had to wait until Tang San grew up.

After all, if he fails to handle it properly and it leaks out, no one can protect him, unless he finds another woman and eats a hot soft meal.

However, regarding Shen An, Yu Xiaogang has made up his mind to at least destroy him. Judging from the sword of Tiandou Academy, Shen An's talent is too terrible, and his progress is also extremely terrible.

"You, in front of me, are talking about hurting my friends of Qibao Liuli Sect, and you also say that you will let my Rongrong go. You are too disrespectful of my old bones."

An old voice sounded faintly.

Flanders and Liu Erlong looked over in horror. How could it be possible? They are soul saints, and there are people present that they can't find. How terrifying it is.

An extremely tall and withered old man appeared in their eyes. Logically, no one would ignore such a tall figure, but this person gave people a sense of illusion, as if he didn't exist.

Flanders' face was full of solemnity. He was tall and had a haggard face. He claimed to be from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. He instantly thought of a person, Gu Douluo Gu Rong!

He complained in his heart, why did Chen Xin come first, then Dugu Bo, and now Gu Rong came again? Why did this kid always have strong people protecting him when he was obviously from a grassroots background?

Yu Xiaogang also guessed it. At this time, he was extremely flustered and said calmly:

"Your Majesty Gu Douluo, this matter is not my fault. It was really this cat and mouse that injured my students first. But since you have this relationship, let's forget about it."

Yu Xiaogang did not have the arrogance he had just spoken to Ning Rongrong at this moment.

Although what he just said was not true, he was not afraid of being exposed at all.

Although this cat and mouse are extremely intelligent, it is impossible for them to quibble with themselves. You must know that the only soul beast that can speak at present is the Sky Blue Bull Python.

The Azure Bull Python is the king of the hundred thousand year old soul beasts, the emperor of the Star Dou Great Forest. Yu Xiaogang does not believe that this slightly strange cat and mouse can speak human words compared to it.

I, Master Yu Xiaogang, will use my wisdom to play a game with you. I bet you can't speak!

Gu Rong looked at Tom. As long as Tom shook his head, he would immediately take advantage of the topic. Gu Rong is not the kind of person who talks to you honestly. Otherwise, how did he get the most mysterious title among the Titled Douluo?

You must know that in the original work, when Ning Fengzhi didn't say anything when he saw Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer, Gu Rong immediately said that he would kill Tang San.

Tom looked at Yu Xiaogang with a bad face. This man has so many bad intentions that he even wants to frame him.

Tom took out a pen and paper out of thin air and wrote the matter clearly, which made everyone in Shrek stunned. No way, it can write.

How could Yu Xiaogang and others know that Tom could not only write, but also speak, but he just didn't like to talk, so he wrote.

The Shrek people were sweating profusely. They were not only stealing chickens but also losing rice. Not only did they take the initiative, but they also wronged others.

Gu Rong's eyes were dim, and a pressure like a mountain was covering Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang was directly crushed by this sudden pressure, and he was slightly relieved until Flanders stood in front of him.

Tang San was forced to reveal the Eight Spider Soul Bone. Bone Douluo's eyes flashed with surprise. What a good thing, but it has been completely fused, otherwise he could take it out for Rongrong.

Flanders said with a pale face: "Your Majesty Bone Douluo, I express my most sincere apologies to you. Please forgive us this time. We will never dare to do it again in the future."

Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang who had just been pressed into the mud, his eyes full of heartache, gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Gu, Xiaogang and I are both from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and we are both from the top three sects. Please let us go."

Liu Erlong's words were both a plea for mercy and a hidden threat. She was confident that the reputation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex could help them resolve the crisis today.

Gu Rong looked dimly and thought to himself, it's interesting, one by one they started to announce their family names.

"Okay, very good, but if I kill you all and grind you to dust, then how will the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family know that I killed you." Gu Rong spoke dimly, but what he said was chilling.

I'm stuck, I'll make up one chapter tomorrow, and I'll post 8,000 words tomorrow

Thanks to Qingdeng Buguike for the 588 reading coins

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