Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 117 Poor Luo Sanpao is played around by Tom

Flanders and the other three were so frightened by Gu Rong's words that they broke out in cold sweat.

I saw Gu Rong's eyes were dark, as if he was really thinking about how to crush them to ashes.

A group of people who haven't even come to Contra actually think they can scare him with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. It's really ridiculous, even if their dragon comes!

Are they usually so brave? Don't they know that I am a Titled Douluo?

Flanders and Liu Erlong looked at each other secretly. They pulled Yu Xiaogang behind them and took a step forward, forming a triangle.

"The sun and the moon shine in golden light." Flanders shouted, and three strong golden lights suddenly burst out, rising into the sky, filled with golden light, and instantly formed a golden triangle with the three people as the apex.

"A trinity of martial soul fusion skills? Gu Rong looked at it with interest, an interesting gadget.

The auras of the three people in front of him were like water and milk blending together, constantly rising upwards. Gu Rong could feel that even Contra might not be able to match them.

However, it is a pity that Gu Rong is a titled Douluo, and even the Soul Douluo is just a bigger ant in his hands.

"Luo Sanpao." Accompanied by the master's low roar that sounded like a dragon's roar. The chubby Luo Sanpao appeared out of thin air and landed right in the ring pattern in the center of the golden triangle.

Of course they will not try to compete with Gu Rong. Showing the Golden Triangle is just a show of fists in an attempt to protect themselves.

He wanted to tell Gu Rong that they had the possibility of making trouble and protecting themselves.

Tom on the side saw the chubby Luo Sanpao, and his eyes lit up. Isn't this the little brother who was beaten to the point of collapse by it that day? He still dared to come out. Isn't this a provocation to Tom?

Tom raised his eyebrows, ran over, grabbed Luo Sanpao's little fat face, tore him up and down, and rode on the horse. You call him Luo Sanpao.

The chubby Luo Sanpao had a look of horror on his face when he saw Tom. It was this cat that beat him up until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

But Luo Sanpao's appearance as a doormat further aroused Tom's bullying and shying nature.

Tom grinned evilly and pinched Luo Sanpao into a long, pouty shape, stretched his ears, and then kept provoking its mouth to make a bru-bru sound. The frightened Luo Sanpao had no power to resist.

Yu Xiaogang and three others on the side watched helplessly as Tom played with and applauded poor Luo Sanpao, turning him into a donkey with a cocked mouth. Yu Xiaogang was trembling with anger.

Yu Xiaogang raised his right hand without any hesitation, and a total of sixteen soul rings from the three of them flew towards Luo Sanpao. He wanted to teach Tom a lesson with the power of Luo Sanpao's evolution into the golden holy dragon.

But the halo that was supposed to fall on Luo Sanpao was actually captured by Tom. It was completely out of their control and they couldn't even take it back.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tom in horror. As a horn of wisdom, he couldn't understand the principle of this at all, and why the virtual halo was caught by a cat.

Tom even started playing acrobatic ring tossing on the spot. Sixteen soul rings were thrown upwards in his hands one after another, turning into a huge circle. It was a great time.


At this time, Gu Rong's nine terrifying soul rings appeared instantly, and he looked away at the same time.

The huge bone spur came out of thin air, but it was not aimed at Yu Xiaogang and the other three, but was stabbed to another place with great force.

I saw a man in black robe facing this sudden move with a huge hammer in his hand. The same nine soul rings appeared on his body, but the last one was actually scarlet.


From Gu Rong's eyes, he naturally recognized that this was the Haotian Hammer that was once famous all over the world.

Gu Rong's eyes immediately burst out with murderous intent. He had never had a favorable impression of the Haotian Sect, which was ranked higher than the Qibao Glazed Sect.

‘One hundred thousand year soul ring, Tang Hao? ‘

Gu Rong had already heard what Chen Xin said, and Tang Hao reappeared, but he was suffering from a hidden injury.

If it is possible today, it is not impossible to leave it here. Gu Rong felt evil intentions in his heart.

He looked at Ning Rongrong with his peripheral vision, but hid his thoughts.

Naturally, he wanted to try if he could keep Tang Hao here, but he was not completely sure.

Besides, there is a trio on the opposite side who is not inferior to Contra.

Once Tang Hao fought with him, it would be difficult for him to protect Ning Rongrong and Shen An.

In Gu Rong's view, how could the lives and deaths of these people compare to Ning Rongrong's safety?

Tang Hao was also helpless. He just saw the cat holding a soul ring, and with his character, he couldn't help but be moved by it, so he was discovered.

"Bone Douluo, I have no hostility, I just have some connection with Shrek. I hope you can let them go."

Tang Hao spoke slowly, looking at Ning Rongrong and Shen An as he spoke, with a very subtle threat.

Bone Douluo's eyes narrowed slightly: "I can give you some face, but if you bully our Qibao Glazed Sect, it's impossible to let it go with just a few words without paying some price."

Tang Hao was silent: "What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. I don't use the ninth soul skill. If these three people take one move from me, and the guy with the spider legs behind his back takes one move from Shen An, the matter will be over."

Tang Hao could see that Gu Rong could no longer give in. Every titled Douluo had his own arrogance.

Tang Hao turned to Tang San and asked, "Are you willing?"

Tang Hao cared most about his son's safety. If Tang San said yes, then he would agree. If Tang San said no, then he would just run away with his son.

As for Yu Xiaogang and the other two, Tang Hao wanted to use their power to protect his son's growth, and let Yu Xiaogang teach Tang San the secret of twin martial spirits' safe cultivation in the future.

But Yu Xiaogang was too good at causing trouble. He had no skills at all, but he had a bad temper. He first provoked Chen Xin and then Gu Douluo.

The one-move deal proposed by Gu Rong was very pertinent. If they couldn't take it, they could only blame their bad luck.

Tang San looked at the black-robed man in front of him and felt familiar, and even made him feel dependent.

This was the intuition of a daddy's boy with a psychological age of 40.

Tang San recalled the sword that Shen An slashed at Dai Mubai. He thought that he had Xuantian Gong and was much stronger than Dai Mubai. It was just a sword. It was not a problem to take it if he was prepared.

"Okay, senior, I am willing to take this sword." Tang San said calmly.

"Okay, Gu Douluo, please." Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Wait, Your Majesty, Bone Douluo, can you let the cat release the sixteen halos?" Yu Xiaogang said with sweat on his forehead.

If the halos cannot be integrated, Luo Sanpao cannot complete the fusion evolution. What can he use to fight, his invincible theory?

Bone Douluo said lightly: "Yes." As the most mysterious among the Titled Douluo, he still has this confidence.

Besides, since Tang Hao has appeared, it is not easy for him to really kill these three people, after all, the news will leak out.

Although he is not afraid of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he will not make enemies for no reason. Unless he has the invincible strength in the world, it is a way to die to confront anyone he sees.

Shen An nodded to signal Tom to let go, and the sixteen soul rings instantly merged into Luo Sanpao's body.

From a pig donkey with a curled mouth, it turned into a majestic golden holy dragon, but the mouth is still very curled, and the ears are as long as a donkey, with a bit of funny in the majesty.

Bone Douluo attacked without hesitation, starting with the eighth soul skill.

"Bone Dragon Prison Breaking Attack!!"

Countless bone spikes pierced Luo Sanpao from all directions, and finally a huge bone dragon appeared and hit him.

Yu Xiaogang and the other two looked pale, as if struck by lightning, and blood was flowing from all seven orifices.

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