Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 122 A breakup cannon, ahem, a breakup sword

Chapter 122 Let’s break up~ Ahem, it’s a breakup sword

Tang San buried his dissatisfaction, and instead showed an appropriate feeling of admiration for Tang Hao.

After all, his father was a titled Douluo, and these successive experiences made him realize how powerful the top experts in the mainland were.

How could he, who was well versed in the general outline of the Tang Sect, show his dissatisfaction to such a top powerhouse.

Tang San released the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand and said, "This may be the induction of blood connection. After all, how could I not recognize my father."

Tang Hao looked at Tang San, who had a feeling of dependence and admiration for him, and couldn't help but a glimmer of relief flashed in his eyes, he was indeed his son.

"Father, can you tell me why my martial soul can evolve again and why you have been hiding in the Holy Soul Village incognito all these years?"

Tang San asked in confusion, he really didn't understand why a top powerhouse with a hundred thousand year spirit ring had to hide his identity all this time.

Tang Hao suddenly sighed: "Of course there are reasons. You are not strong enough now. I didn't plan to tell you originally, but since you asked, I will tell you part of it."

"I come from the Haotian Sect and am the contemporary Haotian Douluo. As for your Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, it comes from your mother. She is a hundred thousand years old..."


Shen An was intrigued by Xue Qinghe's words. What else could increase his fame significantly?

Xue Qinghe didn't give in. "As we all know, the Senior Elite Soul Master Competition a year from now will be the most prestigious competition on the entire continent, and the winner will receive endless fame and fortune."

"But before this competition, the five most powerful academies in the Tiandou Empire will have an exchange competition."

"This is a grand event for young geniuses. If you go, Shen An, and become famous at the exchange meeting, you will be the number one genius in Tiandou."

Shen An was immediately interested as if he saw his fame rising rapidly: "I wonder what the conditions are for participating in this exchange meeting."

Xue Qinghe chuckled and said: "Simple, you just need to go as a member of Tiandou Royal Academy. This shouldn't be difficult. After all, I remember that you were going to enroll in Tiandou."

Shen An smiled and said, "Of course, I just don't know when this exchange will start."

"In five days, I will send someone to pick you up from the Qibao Glazed Sect. How about we go there together."

Xue Qinghe was very curious about Shen An's strength. With such a martial spirit, Shen An was definitely a strong man, but he didn't know what his level was.

He really wanted to see if the so-called geniuses in the Tiandou Empire could test out Shen An's strength.

"Haha, thank you very much, Brother Xue."

After Xue Qinghe and Shen An exchanged greetings for a few words, they left in a hurry. After all, as the prince, he was still very busy. He came here just to deepen the impression in Shen An's mind.

"Okay Tom, stop reading, I still have things to do."

Shen An rubbed Tom's cat head, and for some reason he noticed that Tom seemed to be very interested in Xue Qinghe.

Shen An and his party walked out of the Great Soul Fighting Arena and wandered around Tiandou City.

Ning Rongrong followed the guards back to the Qibao Glazed Sect. As for why Shen An didn't go back, of course it was because Tom Jerry didn't want to.

Tom Jerry is now somewhat resistant to returning to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Because once they go back, Chen Xin will keep pestering them to compete with them. After the blow that day, Chen Xin quickly regained his fighting spirit.

Every titled Douluo is a person with extraordinary ambition. Chen Xin realized that this was not only not a bad thing but a great good thing.

Tom's swordsmanship has no upper limit, which means that he can always learn from Tom, so he drags Tom to compete with each other every day, looking like a swordsman.

Seeing that Chenxin admired Tom so much, Jerry excitedly tried his swordsmanship with Chenxin in comparison with Tom. The result was undoubtedly that he was slightly better than Chenxin.

This led to Jerry being entangled. Chen Xin continued to improve his level despite failure every day, which made Gu Rong very jealous.

Ever since, they competed with swords every day, which made Tom and Jerry no longer want to return to the Qibao Glazed Sect. Their ideal was to eat together and wait to die, so how could they spend their precious time on sword competitions.

After fully understanding Tom Jerry's demands, Shen An decided to buy a house in Tiandou City and move out.

Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is very good and takes meticulous care of him every day, in the end, he is dependent on others. Shen An prefers to live comfortably alone, with one person, one cat and one mouse, and a comfortable life.

Not long after shopping, Shen An found a detached courtyard for sale. Although the price was high, considering that the location was very good, it was a detached courtyard, and the surroundings were quiet, Shen An quickly reached an agreement with the owner.

Because it would take some time for the owner to move, he made an agreement with Shen An to wait until the day after tomorrow to go through a series of procedures and then move in completely.


On the day when Shen An and Ning Fengzhi proposed to move out, as expected, Chen Xin was even more anxious than Ning Rongrong.

His two kendo experience packs are about to go away. What should I do? Wait online. Urgent!

Ning Rongrong was young and could go out to school or play, but Chen's heart was different.

Chen Xin was the patron saint of the Qibao Glazed Sect, so naturally he couldn't run around at will. He and Gu Rong always had to keep one person by Ning Fengzhi's side to prevent others from taking advantage of the situation.

But Shen An had already decided to leave, and they couldn't force him to stay.

Finally, Chen Xin looked at Tom and Jerry reluctantly, his lips moving: "How about, before we leave, let's have a parting sword?"



Chen Xin got what he wanted, Tom and Jerry played mixed doubles directly, although Chen Xin was in a mess, but his eyes were surprisingly bright, probably because he had a lot of understanding.

Ning Rongrong wanted to move in and live with Shen An, but was stopped by Ning Fengzhi.

At this time, Shen An had already gone to Tiandou City. Ning Fengzhi sighed at his depressed daughter.

"Rongrong, it's not that Dad has to stop you, it's really not good for you to live with Shen An, a man, without a name or status."

"Especially in a place like Tiandou City, there are many people watching you. Once it gets out, it will be difficult for you to get married in the future."

"Oh, I don't plan to get married." Ning Rongrong said in a muffled voice.

Ning Fengzhi smiled helplessly. As a father, he naturally saw that Ning Rongrong had some special feelings for Shen An, but the girl herself was not aware of it, or it was not very clear.

Although Shen An was extremely talented, he was also happy that his daughter could be with him, but he did not necessarily push Ning Rongrong out by force.

Moreover, Ning Rongrong was still young, so it was okay to give her some slight suggestions, but she could not say it too obviously.

Shen An, who was already in Tiandou City, went to the house comfortably. It was so comfortable. There was no place better than his own doghouse.

With Tom and Jerry, the decoration fee was saved.

This time, Tom and Jerry worked together, and when they renovated the house, they specially asked Shen An to go outside the yard.

So Shen An watched the whole yard, like a living thing, jump up directly in place, compressing and enlarging in the air, twisting and turning.

Shen An...

Is this the power of the two great emperors working together?

So terrifying!

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