Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 123 My Brother Xue Qinghe

The next day, Tom got up with his butt exposed to the sun.

It's not an adjective, his butt was really exposed to the sun, and it caught fire.

Tom built a small nest next to Shen An's bed, and the whole cat curled up and slept sweetly, but Tom, whose butt was exposed to the sun, actually caught fire.

At first, there was a little fire, and then it burned fiercely. Tom instantly turned into a small pile of black ash, only his two eyes were safe and sound, and they looked at each other, as if wondering why it was like this.

Jerry, who smelled the charcoal, came out of the mouse hole and walked to Tom, who had turned into ash. Every step seemed so heavy.

A burst of inexplicably sad BGM suddenly sounded.


Jerry, who walked to the black ash, covered his eyes with a hand, looking like he couldn't bear to look directly at it, and took off his little paws and took another look.


Jerry looked at the pile of ashes with a sad expression, took out small yellow flowers from his back and made a wreath, then pulled up the bed sheet to wipe his tears and snot, as if a good friend had died.

Tom's two eyes showed a bad expression. What does this little mouse mean? Curse it.

Then Tom turned from a pile of black ashes into a blue cat, and grabbed Jerry angrily. Jerry quickly made a face and ran away.

It was this familiar feeling, so cool!

In just a short time, Jerry ran back to the hole and kept making provocative movements to Tom.

The angry Tom took out a saw and sawed a square around the mouse hole, ready to take Jerry out. As a result, except for this square, the whole house collapsed.

Shen An, who came back from buying breakfast outside, looked at the suddenly collapsed house with puzzlement in his eyes. No, I just bought and renovated the house yesterday, and it collapsed today? ? ?

Shen An was silent and then shouted: "Tom! Jerry!"

In the ruins, Tom suddenly jumped out, knelt on the ground, held Shen An's hand, his eyes full of tears, and looked at him with a pleading face.

Seeing Tom's pitiful appearance, Shen An also softened his heart: "Okay, okay, I don't plan to punish you."

"But can you still repair this house?" Shen An asked doubtfully.

At this time, Jerry also ran out. He was also responsible for the collapse of the house. If he hadn't teased Tom, so many things wouldn't have happened.

Jerry patted his chest loudly and gestured with the wood next to him.

"So Jerry, what you mean is that as long as you give you enough wood, you can repair the house?" Shen An asked.

Tom and Jerry nodded together. Their construction skills are full. As long as the raw materials are enough, the Forbidden City can be restored to you one-to-one.

In a ruined home, Shen An and the two little ones finished breakfast and hurried to find a shop selling wood.

People were coming and going in Tiandou City, Shen An took Tom and Jerry to pay attention to the shops nearby.

It was said that they should find a wood shop first, but once there was something delicious on the roadside, Tom and Jerry would smell the smell and float over directly, which made passers-by stunned.

When will cats and mice fly?

Shen An had no choice. He loved his cats and mice, so he was ready to pay at any time.

So they walked for two hours on the street where Shen An walked. Tom and Jerry raised the GDP of this street by several levels by himself.

"What a cute cat, it can walk upright, and the little mouse too, ah ah ah, I really want to touch it."

A crisp voice like a lark came, and Shen An's mouth twitched. It is said that beauty is a disaster, and Tom and Jerry are no less. Wherever they go, they can meet people who like them.

"Hey, are you the owner of this cat? Let me play with this cat and mouse." A pretty and slightly immature little girl pointed at Tom and said to Shen An.

Although she is still young, she can be seen as a real beauty. Her silver hair is particularly eye-catching, and her luxurious clothes show her extraordinary status.

Although Xue Ke was asking Shen An, she grabbed Tom without waiting for Shen An to answer. Tom dodged and Xue Ke grabbed nothing.

Xue Ke didn't believe it and grabbed Tom again. Tom shook left and right but Xue Ke couldn't reach him.

Tom is not a casual little cat. Unless you buy him delicious food, how can you touch him casually?

Xue Ke couldn't catch it, and her expression was a little puffy. She came to Shen An in a threatening manner: "Do you know who I am?!"

"Hurry up and let me play with your cat, otherwise you will suffer."

Shen An couldn't help laughing at the puffy look of this little Lolita, and asked curiously: "So powerful, who are you?"

Xue Ke's face showed an arrogant expression and said: "My brother Xue Qinghe, I am Princess Xue Ke, you are scared, if you are scared, let me play with your cat."

Shen An was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xue Qinghe to have such a young sister.

It's a pity that he is not a person with special hobbies, and he met Xue Qinghe first.

Otherwise, for Xue Ke's beauty, he would definitely make friends with Xue Qinghe.

Shen An didn't like the arrogance of these nobles, but this little girl was the sister of an acquaintance after all, and Shen An thought it was just a simple mischief of the little girl, so he decided to teach her a little lesson.

Shen An raised his lips and said mysteriously, "Then do you know who I am?"

Xue Ke looked at Shen An and felt a little nervous. She was afraid she would offend a powerful person.

We know our own business. The Tiandou royal family looks powerful and is the overlord of the empire, but in fact, not to mention the transcendence of the upper three sects, even the lower four sects can be scornful to them.

She, Xue Ke, is not a dandy like Xue Beng. She is unwilling to do anything to discredit the royal family and bring shame to the royal family.

Just now, she just thought that touching a cat was no big deal, and she was a little angry after being dodged again and again.

"Who are you?" the little loli asked weakly.

Shen An smiled mischievously: "So you don't know who I am, that's easy."

Shen An's head exploded, leaving a clearly visible red mark on Xue Ke's head, and then shouted to Tom and Jerry: "Run!"

Tom and Jerry were stunned. They could actually play like this, and then the two little ones immediately ran towards Shen An.

While running, Tom and Jerry looked at each other, showing a mischievous smile, turned around and flicked two marks, one large and one small, on Xue Ke's forehead, who was squatting in pain.

Bullying little Loli is so fun, they ran away.

Shen An and the other two were so fast that even the Soul King guards beside them couldn't react.

The guards hurriedly checked Xue Ke, who was holding her head with tears in her eyes.

Xue Ke looked at Shen An's running figure with tears in her eyes and said fiercely: "Damn it, I will remember you, my brother will definitely avenge me, and I will spank you hard when the time comes."

Update first and then modify, I have a serious writer's block recently, I will sort out my thoughts tomorrow.

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