Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 135 Your hands are so cold and your frame is so small

It was already dark when Shen An and others arrived at Tiandou City.

Shen An, who knew he had let go of Xue Qinghe's pigeons, washed up briefly and said goodbye to his two daughters.

"I made an agreement with Xue Qinghe. Now I have to go find him. You guys should have a good rest here first."

Jerry, who was feeling refreshed from his sleep, walked out of the cave, yawned and stretched himself comfortably.

Hearing the name Xue Qinghe, Jerry was immediately excited. Isn't this the person who made people feel very fake that day?

Jerry ran up to Shen An and pointed at his house with his little finger.

"You want to go too?"

Jerry nodded quickly, then he ran to Tom who was sleeping when he got home, and pointed again.

Shen An's mouth twitched. This little mouse meant to take Tom with him. They were really a pair of enemies, but he just wouldn't let Tom rest for a while.

Seeing Tom sleeping like a dead cat with bubbles next to his nose, Shen An couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, Tom hasn't slept all night, let him have a good rest." Shen An said unbearably.

After Jerry heard this, he first used two toothpicks to open Tom's eyelids, revealing Tom's bloodshot cat eyes.

Unfortunately, it was of no use. The heavy eyelids forced the toothpick to bend, and then broke with a snap.

Jerry groped his chin with a thoughtful expression. His expression suddenly lit up, and a golden light bulb appeared next to his head.

I saw it take out a bottle that was more than ten times larger than itself from behind. The bottle had espresso liquid written on it. It opened Tom's mouth and was about to pour it into it.

Shen An's scalp felt numb when he saw it, and he quickly said, "No, no, no, take Tom with you. You let him sleep for a while, and I'll hold him."

Jerry nodded with satisfaction and jumped onto Shen An's shoulder with a slight jump.

Outside the majestic palace, the guard at the door took the gold medal from Shen An respectfully.

"My lord, please wait a moment, I will report to His Highness the Crown Prince."

Shen An nodded lightly, just wait for a while, it's no big deal, he even let go of Xue Qinghe's pigeons.

Tom was still sleeping soundly in his arms, and even turned over to change into a comfortable sleeping position.

The guard hurried over again: "Sir, His Highness the Crown Prince said that you should wait here for now. He will be here in twenty minutes."

Shen An nodded helplessly. This was probably Xue Qinghe's resentment for being let go yesterday.

It was said to be twenty minutes, but unexpectedly, Xue Qinghe, dressed in a green robe, arrived in less than ten minutes.

Xue Qinghe said: "Why are you still blocking me? Let Brother Shen come in quickly."

Then he asked with concern: "Oh, Shen An, you didn't keep me waiting for a long time. I am still very committed and have a good sense of time."

Jerry covered his mouth and snickered, stretched out his finger and tapped Shen An's shoulder.

Xue Qinghe just pointed at Shen An, while Jerry pointed directly at him physically.

Shen An said with a little embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Brother Xue, something happened yesterday, so I was negligent. Please forgive me."

Seeing Shen An's face sincere, Xue Qinghe snorted softly: "Okay, let's go. If you had come yesterday, many people would remember you, but it's not too late now."

"Then where should we go."

"Just follow me. Don't follow me. This is Tiandou City. Nothing will happen." Xue Qinghe said to the guards on the left and right.

The guard looked obviously troubled, but in the end he was no match for Xue Qinghe's persistence.

Xue Qinghe smiled, no one likes to be followed all the time.

Shen An held the cat and the mouse and walked side by side with Xue Qinghe.

"This is an exchange competition for the top colleges in the Tiandou Empire. Only the top colleges in the empire can participate."

"It is the Five Elements Academy that we are currently participating in."

Shen An asked in confusion: "What are the five elemental academies, and why is Tiandou Royal Academy not at the top?"

"The five elemental academies are the five most powerful academies in the empire, namely Divine Wind Academy, Thunder Academy, Tianshui Academy, Blazing Fire Academy and Elephant Armor."

Speaking of this, Xue Qinghe felt a little helpless: "Although our Tiandou Royal Academy has the reputation of being the first academy in the empire, it has no strength. In other words, it is just an empty name."

"These five major colleges exclude students from Tiandou Royal Academy and think that they are just a gilded private land for the nobles."

Shen An rubbed his nose and said, "I don't belong to any college yet. Is it appropriate to go there?"

Xue Qinghe sneered: "Why not? It just so happens that you are going to enter Tiandou Royal Academy in the future. Today I will take you there to give them a try."

"Shen An, do you have confidence? There are many geniuses among them who have reached the Soul Sect level."

While pursuing his own affairs in his position, Xue Qinghe stayed dormant for more than ten years without revealing any flaws and became the most worthy crown prince of the Tiandou Empire. It was precisely because of his status that he cared for the Tiandou Empire.

Hearing the edge in Xue Qinghe's words, Shen An smiled and said, "As you wish."

The top college exchange competition is located on the outskirts of Tiandou City, and is jointly funded by the five colleges. Tiandou Royal College wanted to take over the contract, but it only wanted to join but was rejected.

Along the way, Shen An and Xue Qinghe chatted happily. Xue Qinghe was knowledgeable and eloquent. Shen An, who had experienced the explosion of information from Blue Star, was also full of witty remarks. The two felt like they had become close friends with each other.

As for Tom, he still slept like a dead cat. Jerry also hid in Tom's arms and listened to the two chatting.

Shen An could clearly feel that Xue Qinghe was an obvious idealist, and some of his words were naive, but also full of ambition for the future.

Compared with the Shrek group, I don't know how much better they are.

The two of them were walking leisurely in the garden, but Shen An suddenly held the cat in one hand and put his other hand on Xue Qinghe's shoulder.

Shen An had done this kind of brotherly hugging in his previous life, but since he traveled through time, he only had two good friends, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, and it was definitely not appropriate to do it with a girl.

Facing Xue Qinghe, who was chatting so well, Shen An naturally had no taboos, but Xue Qinghe was a little uncomfortable with Shen An's sudden closeness.

Xue Qinghe, whose shoulder was pressed by Shen An's arm, suddenly froze with a smile.

Although he looked like a man, as the prince of Tiandou, no one dared to hug him, but Shen An approached him without any hesitation.

"Hey, Brother Xue, why do I feel that your frame is so small?" Shen An always felt that Xue Qinghe was a little slender, and even pinched his shoulder, slipping without holding back.


This pinch made Xue Qinghe's eyes watery, and she couldn't help but hum.

"Shen An, stop it, I'm a little uncomfortable." Xue Qinghe's face suddenly flushed a little, and she said a little flustered when she smelled the refreshing masculine scent on Shen An.

Shen An looked at Xue Qinghe strangely, is he sick?

Thinking like this, he grabbed Xue Qinghe's hand and couldn't help but said: "Brother Xue, your hand is not only small, but also very cold."

"Have you been busy with state affairs recently, so you feel unwell?"

Xue Qinghe was even more flustered, and quickly pulled out his hand to interrupt: "It's all your illusion, we'll reach the exchange competition venue in a while, let's go quickly."

Shen An didn't doubt him, just teased: "Okay, then go and see it, but to be honest, Brother Xue always feels that you are a woman, as a prince, you should be more masculine."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and patted Xue Qinghe's waist, making her couldn't help but let out a strange moan.


I got confused when reading the anime and novel, and thought that the plant students were one of the five major schools, so the previous article wrote that the six major schools were competing, representing the five major element schools and the Elephant Armor Sect. Now I realize that the Elephant Armor Sect is one of the five major element schools, and I have corrected it now.

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