Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 136: Contempt and Friends

Xue Qinghe glared at Shen An shyly, but it was her years of cunning that made her hold back from exposing her strength and beating Shen An up.

To be honest, Shen An was a little scared when being glared at by a man like Xue Qinghe.

He still liked girls who were fragrant and soft, so Shen An calmly released his hand on Xue Qinghe's waist.

'Damn, it's quite slippery. No, Shen An, what are you thinking about? Remember, you are a man with normal sexual orientation! . '

Shen An shuddered, warned himself in his heart, and kept a distance from Xue Qinghe calmly.

"The venue for the exchange meeting is in front of us." Shen An pointed to the building in front and deliberately interrupted.

This is a huge building with a magnificent gate at the entrance, which reads: Tiandou Empire Top College Exchange Meeting.

There were also a few people wearing various school uniforms walking in and out.

Shen An joked: "The one in the fiery red uniform should be Chihuo, the one in the aqua blue uniform should be Tianshui, and the purple one must be Lei Ting. It's too obvious."

Xue Qinghe also smiled and said: "Of course, the Five Elements Academy has specific requirements for admission. For example, Chihuo will not accept soul masters who are not fire attributes, and the clothes happen to be a symbol of their own attributes."

"It's quite interesting, but I don't know how strong they are."

"Simple, I'll take you in and see, and you'll know."

Xue Qinghe led Shen An closer, and just as they were about to step into the gate, there was a man wearing dark purple The students in the school uniforms stopped him: "Stop, no outsiders are allowed to enter, this is a venue for geniuses."

Xue Qinghe frowned and then relaxed. Ordinary people could not recognize him. He said calmly: "My last name is Xue. There is no place in Tiandou that I cannot enter."

The two students laughed at the same time: "My last name is Xue, and my last name is Yu. What is this? Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

Xue Qinghe had a hint of anger between his eyebrows, and Shen An was also watching quietly on the side. There was no need to take the lead in such things.

"Sister, is that Jerry? Why is he here too?" Shui Yue'er in the distance noticed the noise at the door.

Shui Bing'er also looked over in surprise. This is the exchange venue for the six major colleges, and there is actually an outsider coming.

"Let's go and help him out. He seems to have become handsome again." Shui Yue'er said with a little bit of infatuation.

Shui Bing'er touched her forehead helplessly. Her sister was good in everything, but she was too infatuated, so she would always walk with her in her life.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, this sister will be eaten up by some bad men with bad intentions.

"Okay, just bring someone in, but I always feel that the person next to him looks familiar, as if I have seen him somewhere."

After a slight hesitation, Shui Binger agreed to step forward to help Shen An out.

"Thunder Academy, let them in, this is my friend." Shui Yueer said with her hands on her hips.

After hearing the voice, Shen An looked over curiously to see who was helping him out.

"Hey, Jerry, long time no see." Shui Yueer smiled as she saw Shen An looking at her.

Before Shen An could react, a little brown mouse jumped out of Tom's arms and looked at Shui Yueer in confusion. Who is calling me?

Shui Yueer and her sister rubbed their eyes in a hurry. My eyes are blurry? How can a mouse jump out of a cat's arms? Is this reasonable?

Shui Yueer was surprised and said, "Why is it looking at me with a puzzled face."

Shen An was a little embarrassed at this time. In front of the victim, the vest fell off.

"Ahem, actually it's Jerry. My real name is Shen An. Sorry, I hid it from you."

Before Shuiyueren and the others could react, Jerry squinted at Shen An and stepped on his shoulders with his little feet.

It seemed to say, Shen An, you are so good with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you actually use my name to show off.

Shuiyueer pretended to be heartbroken, covering her chest and said: "You actually lied to me, it really makes me sad. Unless you go to dinner alone with me tonight, I will not forgive you."

Shen An

Shuibinger's mouth twitched, her sister was hopeless.

The two people from Thunder Academy said unkindly: "Did you ignore us? People who are not from the five major academies are not allowed to enter, and no one can help."

Shuiyueer took a step forward: "I don't want to be violent, just one person, don't force me to beat you."

The two people obviously knew Shuiyueer. Yesterday, the five major academies competed with each other. Shuiyueer was strong and defeated many students.

"Don't go too far. Just because I can't beat you doesn't mean Boss Yu can't beat you." The man said in a timid tone.

Shui Yue'er wanted to say more, but Xue Qinghe spoke first.

"My name is Xue Qinghe. If you still insist on stopping me, then ask Yu Tianxin to come and talk to me." He said with a slightly cold face.

The two were a little hesitant, and suddenly a voice came.

"You dare to stop Prince Tiandou, wait and see how I will teach you a lesson when I go back." A tall man said, while meeting Xue Qinghe's gaze.

Yu Tianxin seemed to be reprimanding the two, but in fact he was defending them, and he said one thing:

I've spoken, and you can't teach me a lesson.

Xue Qinghe still looked calm: "Since Yu Tianxin from Thunder Academy has spoken, let's just let this matter go."

"This person is called Shen An, he is my friend and a student of Tiandou Royal Academy. I am here today to show him what the top academy in Tiandou looks like. He should not mind."

Yu Tianxin glanced at Shen An casually. Apart from his good looks, he didn't look special.

He was holding a cat in his arms and a mouse on his shoulder. He didn't look like a soul master at all, but rather just strolling around to play.

There was a look of disdain in his eyes, and he seemed to be a good-for-nothing noble. Tiandou Royal Academy was a well-known training base for nobles and good-for-nothings.

I don’t know why his cousin Yu Tianheng enrolled in school.

"Haha, since we are friends of His Highness the Crown Prince, feel free to do so. If you meet someone who is interested, you can also go and learn from each other." Yu Tianxin laughed.

Then he waved his hand and left, followed by two younger brothers. In the distance, two other people wearing blue school uniforms were walking towards him.

"Shen An, I'll come see you later. I have something to do."

A tall, upright black-haired woman wearing the same Tianshui school uniform came to Shui Bing'er and said a few words. Shui Bing'er's expression changed and she pulled Shui Yue'er away in a hurry.

Shen An looked at Yu Tianxin and said, "He doesn't seem to respect you very much, and I can feel the contempt hidden in his eyes."

Xue Qinghe smiled brightly: "The royal family is weak, and the children of these top families certainly have the qualifications to not care. This Yu Tianxin belongs to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

Shen An was silent, is it appropriate for you, a prince, to tell me that the royal family is weak?

He walked forward, patted Xue Qinghe's shoulder with his free left hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll help you teach him a lesson later."


"That's no need to ask. Of course it's because we talk very happily and are friends."

‘Friend, it’s really a strange word. ’ Xue Qinghe didn’t pay attention to Shen An’s hand patting her shoulder this time. Instead, she chewed these two words over and over in her heart.

Can the young master of Wuhun Palace and the prince of Tiandou Empire also have friends?

The corners of Xue Qinghe's mouth outlined a beautiful arc.

But it felt good, and she liked it.

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