Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 137 With all due respect, everyone here is

Chapter 137 Excuse me, everyone here is~

No one likes loneliness, and Xue Qinghe is not surprised. She once longed for friends.

But the word friend is so far away from her.

Whether as Xue Qinghe or Qian Renxue, she is admired by countless people. Who can be her friend?

She thought that she would continue like this until she succeeded in usurping the throne, completed the great cause of unifying the Spirit Hall, and realized her own ideals and ambitions.

Be the lonely person above millions of people.

But when Shen An said the word friend, she actually had some desire in her heart.

The road she took would be the most difficult, and no one could walk with her in the end.

But Shen An is different. Whether it is Shen An's spirit ring that exceeds the age limit, or the spirit that is not inferior to the god level, and the invincible strength of the same level, he is absolutely qualified to be Xue Qinghe's friend.

That is, a fellow traveler.

So when Shen An said the word friend, Xue Qinghe did not resist, but recognized and secretly delighted.

"Tsk, you are too familiar, but in this case, I will wait and see the show later." Xue Qinghe said, looking at Shen An's profile.

"Let's go, there are many people over there, let's join in the fun and let you watch a good show." Shen An walked over with the cat in his arms.

There is a huge round platform there, which is used for people to fight spirits, with a diameter of 100 meters.

There are dozens of people under the stage, wearing clothes of various colors, and each row is so neat and uniform.

The most attractive are the Tianshui students wearing aqua blue school uniforms, and Shen An's eyes often linger.

At this time, Xue Qinghe said intimately: "This is Tianshui College, which only recruits girls. How about it, isn't it very beautiful?"

Shen An curled his lips and said: "Look, there are people from Thunder College and Tianshui College there, there must be something wrong."

Xue Qinghe looked over, and it was true. A girl from Tianshui College fell in the arms of another girl, her chest was even darker, and she was dying.

People from other colleges nearby were also attracted.

The two walked forward.

"How many times have I said this? Although we are exchanging ideas, soul skills are blind, so no one is to blame."

The speaker was a student from Thunder Academy.

Shui Bing'er's face was as cold as ice. She was the youngest, but she was the most outstanding student of Tianshui Academy and their backbone.

"We are not as good as them, so we admit defeat. However, since that's the case, let's have a fight. Don't tell me that Thunder Academy is afraid of Tianshui Academy."

Lei Mie's eyes were evasive. What a joke. He was only a level 38 soul master. What could he do to Shui Bing'er, who was level 41 and had the top beast martial soul Ice Phoenix?

It's not like he hadn't seen Shui Bing'er and Huo Wu fight yesterday. It was so fierce.

Based on the coldness in this woman's eyes, Lei Mie had no doubt that Shui Bing'er could beat him to a half-body paralysis after he went on stage.

Yu Tianxin said at the right time: "Shui Bing'er, Lei Mie is only a Soul Master. It's a bit inappropriate for you, a Soul Master, to fight. If you want to fight, I'll accompany you to the end."

Although it was just an exchange match, the leaders of each academy didn't want to expose their strength. After all, they still had to participate in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition a year later.

But they had already made harsh words. As the leader of the Thunder Academy, Yu Tianxin couldn't just give in.

Shen An smiled. Isn't this the opportunity?

"Oh, then why don't I fight with this Lei Mie? It happens that I am also a Soul Master." Shen An said.

Huo Wu, who was looking at it from afar, had a twinkling look in her eyes: "Brother, isn't this the person we met in the Xingdou Great Forest that day? Let's go and watch the fun."

In the group of people wearing fiery red school uniforms at the Blazing Fire Academy, there was a man who looked like a dog in a green school uniform who looked out of place.

However, he himself did not seem to notice it, but responded to Huo Wu before Huo Wushuang: "Okay, okay, I will listen to Sister Huo Wu."

When Shen An opened his mouth, the eyes of the two academies were all focused on him.

Lei Mie looked at Shen An in white clothes and said contemptuously: "You are not from our five academies, are you qualified to challenge me?"

Yu Tianxin looked at Shen An jokingly, when did the people from Tiandou Royal Academy dare to come to his Lei Ting Academy.

Except for Yu Tianheng's team, the others are not worth worrying about, and the man in front of him is obviously not one of them.

This kid saw that the group of girls from Tianshui Academy were pretty, and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty?

It's ridiculous!

Before Shen An opened his mouth, Yu Tianxin said: "Lei Mie, shut up, this person is from Tiandou Royal Academy, just play with him."

After hearing that Shen An came to Tiandou Royal Academy, the people from Lei Ting Academy laughed, which was a contempt for Tiandou Royal Academy.

Xue Qinghe looked at Shen An helplessly, as if to say, there is no way, when you are out, Tiandou Royal College is indeed looked down upon by people from other colleges.

Shui Binger also spoke: "Shen An, this is the matter of Tianshui College, it has nothing to do with you, thank you for your kindness."

Shen An was also a little helpless, Tiandou Royal College is trash, what does it have to do with me, Shen An, why do you all think I am a chicken.

"I am Xue Qinghe, the prince of Tiandou. Shen An is the most amazing person I have ever seen. I came here to use all the geniuses as a whetstone and stepping stone for Shen An. I hope you will help me."

Xue Qinghe spoke, directly drawing a wave of hatred to Shen An.

Whose genius is willing to be inferior to others? Xue Qinghe opened his mouth with a tone of Shen An invincible and you are all chickens. The eyes of the people around him looked at Shen An changed.

Shen An gave Xue Qinghe a helpless look, and Xue Qinghe smiled in response as if to say you're welcome.

"Yes, I suffer from having invincible strength in the same level, but rarely encountering opponents. It is really a great regret in life. I wonder if everyone here can fight with me to make me feel a little pressure."

At this point, Shen An could only follow Xue Qinghe's words.

After hearing this, the people who came to watch from the five major colleges looked at Shen An with unfriendly faces. He dared to say such arrogant words, cut him.

People with thunder attribute martial spirits have hot tempers. They are also impatient.

Lightning flashed, Lei Mie had already arrived at the fighting spirit field, pointed at Shen An from a distance, stretched out his right hand, and hooked his index finger: "You, come up, let me see what you can do."

Although he had consumed a lot of soul power after fighting with the people from Tianshui College, Lei Mie believed that fighting a person from Tiandou Royal College would be easy and easy.

Shen An walked to the platform leisurely: "Start now?"

Lei Mie's face was very ugly: "What do you mean by holding a sleeping cat in your arms, and the mouse standing on your shoulder, are you going to fight me like this?"

"Yes, is there any problem? My cat is asleep, put it down and don't wake it up. As for Jerry, it's not a problem."

"Okay, okay, a person from Tiandou Royal Academy is so arrogant, it really opens my eyes." Lei Mie laughed angrily.

The movement on the stage instantly attracted the attention of the students from the five major academies.

"No, no, no, don't misunderstand, it's not arrogant, I just simply think that hitting you with one hand is enough."

Shen An paused, looked around, and saw that everyone sat down, so he said: "Brother Xue, stand up."

Although Xue Qinghe didn't understand, he still stood up.

Shen An: "Excuse me, I can beat everyone here with one hand."

As soon as this was said, countless unfriendly eyes stared at Shen An.


Xue Qinghe held his stomach and laughed without grace. It was so funny. He is worthy of being my friend, Xue Qinghe.

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