Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 139: Master Tang seems to have woken up at the wrong time

"You will pay the price for your arrogance!"

A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianxin's eyebrows, and then the blue light instantly spread, descending from his eyebrows to his whole body, and blue-purple electric currents burst out like little snakes, wandering around his body.

His arms swelled and covered with blue-purple dragon scales, each joint was so thick, and two yellow and two purple soul rings circled around his arms.

This is the exclusive talent of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex


When you cultivate to the Titled Douluo, you can truly transform into a dragon. It is precisely because of this talent that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is known as the world's number one beast martial spirit.

"Third soul skill, Thunder God's Wrath!"

The strong blue light condensed into a suit of armor around Yu Tianxin's body like a substance. He decisively used the third soul skill to defeat Shen An with an unmatched momentum.

He wanted to let Shen An understand that no one could hold a contemptuous attitude towards the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex soul master. Shen An holding a cat in one hand and fighting him with the other hand undoubtedly angered him.

Shen An also felt this powerful aura, which was much stronger than the thunder mie just now, and was worth his serious treatment.

With his blue sword eyes, Chasing the Wind and Lightning was launched silently, of course he did not shout it out like Yu Tianxin did, which seemed quite immature to Shen An.

Yu Tianxin rushed towards Shen An with unparalleled momentum, and the powerful dragon might he exuded made him look like a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The people from the Thunder Academy had already begun to cheer for Yu Tianxin, including the people from the other four academies who were secretly amazed at Yu Tianxin's powerful aura.

But the next second, in the dense electric light, a cyan sword energy suddenly shone, and Yu Tianxin, who had just come to Shen An and was ready to launch an attack, flew out.

The dragon scales on his arm were broken countless times, and his chest was bleeding profusely, and his breath seemed to be there and not there.

Feng Xiaotian looked at Shen An incredulously: "When did he make a move!" With his eyesight, he could only see a sword light, and nothing else.

At this time, Shen An was shocked and thought: "It's a close call. Fortunately, I changed the sword tip into the sword spine in time, otherwise he would have lost these two hands. '

Although Shen An was calm and composed during the battle, he was actually very focused.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Grass tempered by ice and fire was sharper than before, which also led to Shen An having to be careful when he attacked, otherwise he would easily hurt people's lives.

The fight was over, but he still had to pretend. Isn't the purpose of coming here to become famous and gain fame points?

Shen An pretended to be calm and said: "Yu Tianxin of Thunder Academy is just like this. Is there no one in the five major academies who can fight? This can also be called the top academy of Tiandou Empire."

Huo Wu had the most explosive temper. Seeing Shen An questioning the power of the five major academies, she immediately wanted to go on stage to teach Shen An a lesson, but was stopped by Feng Xiaotian next to her.

Feng Xiaotian said with an unpleasant expression: "Sister Huo Wu, Yu Tianxin's strength is not weaker than you and me, but he was defeated in an instant, and he didn't even move a step."

"If it's one-on-one, none of us can be his opponent, not to mention that he has only used one hand so far."

Huo Wu said angrily: "We have to fight even if we can't beat him. We can't just watch him insult our five major colleges."

Shen An looked at the angry people below the stage, and was a little eager to move but didn't dare to go on stage. He thought, it's time to add fuel to the fire.

"Since no one dares to go up, why don't we do this, why don't the five major colleges send one person each, otherwise if it's one-on-one, I won't have any pressure."

The anger in Huo Wu's eyes was about to burst out: "Feng Xiaotian, come on stage with me, fuck him."

Feng Xiaotian was also angry. He admitted that Shen An was very strong. He really didn't have much confidence in a one-on-one, but Shen An was really too arrogant.

Feng Xiaotian gritted his teeth and said, "Shen An, this is what you said. Since you despise our five major colleges in public, don't blame us for winning unfairly."

"Hu Yanli, Lei Dong, Shui Bing'er, follow me to the stage!"

Feng Xiaotian directly named the strongest people in other colleges. Yu Tianxin was defeated and Lei Dong took over.

"Wow, sister, he is so domineering." Shui Yue'er ignored Shui Bing'er who was looking at her and continued to be crazy.

Shui Bing'er looked at her sister speechlessly. People have already despised the five major colleges, and you are still being crazy here. Who are you?

On the high platform, Shen An faced the five strongest people from the five major colleges alone.

Shen An looked at the five people in front of him, and a fighting spirit rose in his heart. Is he the strongest genius in Tiandou Realm? I wonder if he can put some pressure on me.

Huyan Li took the lead and stood in the front, Feng Xiaotian flapped his wings and soared up to the sky, Shui Bing'er stood behind with Huo Wu Lei Dong, and the surging soul power wave pressed towards Shen An.

"Shen An, you are too arrogant. The five of us joined forces. Not to mention you, even the Soul Emperor can fight with you." Huo Wu said coldly, and the Fire Shadow behind him had begun to gather strength.

Shen An smiled: "It's useless to say more, it's better to show the truth with your hands."

A grass sword intent gushed out from Shen An's body, and the three soul rings merged into the nine-leaf sword grass and transformed into two flying swords with green light flowing.

Shen An held the cat in one hand and the sword in the other, with two green lights accompanying him. For a moment, his style was unique.

Facing these dazzling geniuses, his momentum was not only not inferior, but even better.

Xue Qinghe's eyes were already shining, and she looked at Shen An enviously.

Possessing a god-level martial soul, she should have been like Shen An, dominating the world under the sun, becoming a peerless genius that everyone admires, and surpassing everyone of her time.

But because of the plan to usurp the country, she could only hide her identity, erase her own existence, and transform herself into the prince of Tiandou, to become a politician for the throne.

She looked at Shen An on the stage with a dazed look in her eyes, as if she was bringing herself into it.

"Come and fight!" With Shen An's loud shout, the green light, fire light, lightning light, and water light on the stage burst out one after another.

Hu Yanli, who was known for his defense, could not block Shen An's three swords, and was directly swept out of the stage by a sword, and I don't know how many bones on his body were broken.

Feng Xiaotian, who was known for his speed and strength, was exhausted in the face of the Nine-Leaf Void Sword that was coming straight at him. In the end, his blue wings were covered with sword wounds and he left the stage sadly.

Huo Wu's fire and Shui Bing'er's ice were completely ineffective against Shen An, who had taken two immortal herbs.

Thunder's restrictions were even more like a joke in front of the extreme sharpness of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass. The so-called God-Locking Ring was just a touch and it would break.

The Nine-Leaf Sword Grass would start to fire when it met fire, and break ice when it met ice. Huo Wu was shot down by the flying sword, and her shoulder bone was broken.

Among the five people present, only Shui Bing'er was not hurt, but she could only look at the flying sword pointing at her forehead and admit defeat.

The students of the five major colleges all looked pale and powerless. Everyone on the stage was the best in their college.

But just like that, after joining forces, they were defeated by someone with lower soul power than them. This was too cruel for them, as if the myth in their hearts was broken.

At this moment, the whole audience was silent.

Xue Qinghe was also shocked by Shen An's strength. She asked herself that she might be able to defeat the five people, but it would never be as easy as Shen An.


A cat's cry broke the silence. Master Tang, who was sleeping contentedly, raised his jade feet and stretched them out one by one, and his sharp claws jumped out.

Suddenly Tom shuddered, wait, where am I.

Why do I feel like there are a lot of people looking at me, as if they want to eat me.

The cat is scared, help.

There is another chapter to be posted later

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