Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 140 Tom and Jerry attack the palace at night

Shrek Academy.

After awakening the Blue Silver Queen, Tang San not only had a great increase in combat power, but also a much faster cultivation speed, which also affected his life.

For example, he had changed his name for Dai Mubai from Dai Lao Da to Mubai.

Of course, Tang San did not think that he disrespected Dai Mubai because of his great increase in cultivation.

Instead, he felt that such a name was more intimate and could bring brothers closer.

However, Liu Erlong had been somewhat uninterested in teaching them to fight these past two days.

Liu Erlong was not only his teacher's lover, but also a young Soul Saint. In the future, he would at least be a Soul Douluo, and he would have the potential to become a Titled Douluo.

Tang San thought he needed to care about her. Of course, he did not know that in the battle that day, both Liu Erlong and Flanders were injured by Gu Rong, and their cultivation would never be able to go any further in the future.

"Teacher Erlong, I see that you seem to have something on your mind recently. Can you tell your students about it?"

Tang San asked with a smile. The second awakening of his martial soul also made him look unusually handsome, and his smile was even more charming.

Seeing Tang San's smiling face, Liu Erlong couldn't help but feel good about him: "These few days are the exchange days of the top colleges in the Tiandou Empire."

"Our college also achieved a good result of the top eight in the last session, so I asked them to participate, but I didn't expect to be rejected. Alas, I wanted to take you to broaden your horizons."

"It doesn't matter, they will regret it. This time, with Xiao San and the others, we will definitely be able to ascend~ um, the top three."

Tang San hadn't spoken yet, and a stiff voice came, it was Yu Xiaogang.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang originally wanted to say that there was hope for the second place, but after thinking about a Wuhun Hall and Shen An, he finally held back the words.

"Teacher, the student will definitely not let you down." Tang San said respectfully.

The day he was taken away by Tang Hao, Tang San knew a lot of things, including the relationship between Yu Xiaogang and the contemporary pope, and the importance of the twin martial spirit cultivation method.

Yu Xiaogang looked at his beloved disciple and nodded with satisfaction.

He really didn't expect that after Tang San, who was taken away by Tang Hao, came back, he turned from an ordinary blue silver grass into a top-level martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor, which undoubtedly made him ecstatic.

The better Tang San is, the more he can prove his theory in the future.

"There is still a year to go to the advanced soul master competition. In addition to cultivating soul power, actual combat is also very important. I have signed you up for the team battle in the big soul fighting field."

"From today, Tailong and Jingling will join the five of you. From now on, you will participate in the soul fighting and future competitions as the Shrek Seven Devils."

"Xiao San, you don't need to feel pressure from Shen An. He can only show off his power for a while, but his potential in the future will never be as good as yours."

Tang San nodded slowly, but he didn't agree in his heart. Although his father and teacher asked him to concentrate on cultivation, he believed that as a disciple of the Tang Sect, he had to take revenge if he had a grudge, otherwise his mind would not reach his goal.

The awakening of the Blue Silver Emperor greatly increased his strength, and these days, he was also forging new Tang Sect hidden weapons. He swore that he would definitely give Shen An a surprise next time.

Shen An and Xue Qinghe left, walking out under the complicated gazes of the students of the five major colleges.

The two came to a fork in the road and said goodbye to each other, and then prepared to go back to their own homes.

Shen An helped Zhu Zhuqing protect the law all night last night, and after fighting in the five major colleges, he was already impatient to go back and have a good sleep.

Xue Qinghe naturally had his own things to do. Emperor Tiandou was old and lacked energy, which also led to more and more political affairs leaning into his hands.

After parting, Shen An took Tom to the direction of the courtyard.

But what he didn't notice was that Tom quietly turned back and looked at Jerry, who had been hiding on Xue Qinghe's body at some point, with a tacit smile.

After returning home, Shen An went back to his room and went to sleep. When he woke up again, it was already night.

"Zhu Qingrongrong, where are Tom and Jerry? Why didn't I see them?"

After waking up, Shen An always felt that something was missing in the house, and then he found that the cat and mouse at home were missing.

He was so scared that he hurriedly asked the two girls.

"Tom left after making dinner for us. Jerry, now that you mention it, I remember that he never came back."

"It's really strange. How could Zhuqing and I forget Jerry? It shouldn't be like that."

Shen An fell into silence. He felt a little flustered for some reason.

This was the first time Tom disappeared from his side since he came to Douluo Continent. Most importantly, Jerry was gone too!

Shen An prepared to go out and look for them without saying anything. He missed them, but more importantly, he was worried. He was not worried about their safety, but worried that they would cause trouble.

Shen An was afraid. He was really afraid that these two little guys would fight outside and then tear down the entire Tiandou City.

Tiandou Palace, Prince's bedroom.

Jerry hid in the mouse hole, leisurely eating snacks in the palace, and occasionally looking at Xue Qinghe through the binoculars with the angle adjusted.

In Jerry's opinion, this person always felt a little fake, giving people an unreal feeling, as if wearing a mask.

So it made an agreement with Tom that it would hide here and mark the place, and they would go to find out tonight.

However, this person was so boring. He dealt with various political affairs as soon as he came back, and he didn't even eat snacks or fruits.


Jerry heard a cat's cry, and he instantly became energetic and ran out quietly.

It's strange. With Xue Qinghe's six-ring soul emperor cultivation, he could clearly see a mosquito flying into the house, but he couldn't find Jerry.

Xue Qinghe, who was standing by, was surprised why there was a cat in the palace, but he didn't think much about it. Instead, he continued to work. It's not easy to be a prince.

Jerry saw Tom hiding in the bushes, sneaked over quietly, and directly grabbed Tom's beard fiercely.

Back to business, teasing cats is the priority.

Tom covered his mouth and didn't dare to scream, for fear of exposing himself. It seemed to ignore that he was a cat, and it didn't matter if he was discovered.

Looking at Jerry who was laughing and holding his belly next to him, Tom was furious. Jerry quickly pointed to Xue Qinghe's residence, which stopped Tom's desire for revenge.

Jerry took out the invisible ink, which was given to him by Shen An last time, and the little thing didn't return it.

Tom was instantly overjoyed. He was still worried about how to get in, after all, the size of a cat is not as small as a mouse.

The two little ones were coated with invisible ink and sneaked in. Xue Qinghe didn't notice them at all, whether they were entering or leaving.

Xue Qinghe, who was handling government affairs, was also a little hungry. She reached out to take the snacks on the plate next to her to eat a simple meal, but found that she was empty.

"Strange, did I just eat it? Why is there nothing left?" Xue Qinghe said to herself. As for someone coming in, that was absolutely impossible. With her cultivation, even a Titled Douluo could detect it.

"Forget it, maybe I really forgot. Let someone bring two more plates."

Soon, under Xue Qinghe's instructions, new snacks were brought over. Xue Qinghe reached out and took a piece. It was delicious and sweet.

There is no sweet food that girls don't like.

When Xue Qinghe reached out to take the second piece, she found that the two plates were empty again!

She even heard a faint chewing sound next to her.

She was immediately shocked: "Who is this? Come out!"

A hidden soul power wave spread silently from her body in the bedroom.

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