Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 144 Chen Xin was knocked away by Meow Meow Punch

The more Shen An fought, the more enjoyable he felt. The sword intent carried by each sword was constantly rising. This was the first time that he could display his strength so wantonly.

Driven by the Heart of Three Apertures, Shen An held the long sword and controlled two flying swords at the same time, like three swordsmen attacking the heart of dust together.

However, Chen Xin intercepted all the attacks with just seven kills in his hands, and the collision between swords erupted with extremely dazzling sparks.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect disciples who were watching were already dazzled by what they saw. They never thought that the young boy on the stage could actually remain unfazed under Sword Douluo's offensive.

Although Sword Douluo didn't use any soul power or soul skills, and didn't even manifest a soul ring, this was still astonishing.

On Nuo Da's soul fighting stage, Shen An and Chen Xin were everywhere. The sound of swords never stopped, and the sword energy exuding sharpness was swayed freely.

Gu Rong also arrived at some unknown time, and he was also marveling: "Although the old bitch didn't use his soul power, it's very rare for this kid Shen An to be able to fight with him for so long."

While speaking, Gu Rong stretched out his hand to intercept the scattered sword energy. This sword energy was extraordinary. Once any sword energy hit him, Soul Lord would not be able to bear it.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Shen An on the field and said with emotion: "How wonderful it would be for such a monster to be a disciple of my Qibao Glazed Sect. With him here, I believe that within thirty years, the No. 1 sect in the world will change its owner." I belong to the Qibao Glazed Sect.”

Gu Rong curled her lips: "This boy doesn't seem to have the temperament to surrender to others. Unless you marry Rongrong, then he will become a member of our Qibao Glazed Sect."

"Oh, Grandpa Bones, what are you talking about? I don't want to get married." Ning Rongrong said coyly, covering her little face with her hands.

The big eyes exposed between the fingers looked at Ning Fengzhi expectantly.

Gu Rong... He just said it casually, but this girl actually took it seriously.

Ning Fengzhi······

The battle has been going on for a long time, and Shen An's usually strong soul power can no longer stand it.

He secretly used a Soul Power Experience Pack for himself and said at the same time: "Senior Chen Xin, I have always been unclear about my own strength. I wonder if I can tell you."

Chen Xin couldn't hide the look of admiration on his face, and said with a hint of solemnity: "The Soul Sect is invincible and can kill the Soul King. Even the golden generation of Wuhun Palace is not as good as you at your age."

Shen An was slightly relieved, it turned out that his strength had reached this level.

"Senior Chen Xin, with your strength, this junior will naturally be beyond your reach. However, these days, this junior has created a trick of his own. Please give it a try." Shen An said with a smile.

"Do you want to create your own soul skills? It's interesting. Come on."

There was also curiosity in Chen Xin's eyes. Originally, Shen An's sword skills and strength were enough to shock him. Now that he has developed a self-created soul skill, how powerful it must be is really exciting.

Shen An has always understood that cultivating soul power is just a waste of time when he has a system by his side, so he has been thinking about how to use soul power and the development of sword moves.

The system can help Shen An improve his cultivation and lay a profound foundation for Shen An, but how to make the most of his foundation is what Shen An wants to study.

Shen An's sharp-jointed palms held the Nine-leaf Sword Grass tightly, and the two flying swords with flowing green light in the air instantly merged into it. His whole body was full of momentum, and the purest edge bloomed in him.

After seeing the ultimate sword intent that cut down the sun, moon and stars in the depths of his mind, Shen An has been thinking about how to recreate the power of that sword.

After thinking for a long time, Shen An came to the conclusion that he could not reproduce the glory of that sword at all.

Not only because of the lack of strength, but also because it is the ultimate sword, a kind of self-confidence that dominates the world, which is something that Shen An cannot understand at the moment.

After all, he couldn't even defeat the chimpanzees in the Star Forest, so how could he develop such an invincible mentality?

You have to practice.

However, he also caught the flash of inspiration and created a sword move that was unique to him.

Although I am insignificant, I cannot kill the stars, sun and moon, so let’s start with the clouds that fill the sky.

The green sword eyes were filled with incomparable indifference, and the round pupils turned into the shape of the sword. The nine-leaf sword grass blade had a cold green light, and then he drew the sword boldly!

‘Sword style cuts clouds. ’

Everything is frozen in Shen An's eyes, the wind no longer moves, the clouds no longer float. At this moment, he only has eyes for the old man in front of him - Ken Dao Chen Xin.

With a sword slashed out, the sword power in the sky dispersed all the clouds on the zenith, and a sword light that fluctuated like breathing came out. At first it was just a little brilliance, and then it continued to expand and turned into a cyan moon arc. Go away from the dusty heart.

This sword is silent and extremely powerful.

Chen Xin's eyelids jumped as he looked at this sword. The sword's intention contained in this sword frightened him. The most important thing was that Qisha was also excited. This was the excitement of meeting an opponent and meeting a good talent.

Regardless of Shen An's current state or cultivation level, the power of this sword alone is enough to earn Chen Xin's respect, respect from a swordsman.

A smile appeared on Chen Xin's indifferent face, and he slashed out the Seven Kills without hesitation, "The first soul skill, long sword strike." ’

Chen Xin recited silently in his heart, using the body of a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo to activate silently.

The Seven Kills Sword Qi spurted out and hit the cloud in the air, and the sound of the sword Qi groaning suddenly sounded in the air.

The powerful energy suddenly burst out, turning into a powerful sword energy that scattered around. Gu Rong used his soul skills to intercept it immediately, and the silent bone spurs appeared out of thin air.

Shen An's sword was a sword that infused all his soul power and sword intent. It was a sword that integrated his three soul skills and pressed all of them. The style of this sword was definitely enough to attract attention.

But the difference in soul power was extremely huge.

Even though Chen Xin only used the first soul skill, this sword collapsed after a short stalemate.

The Seven Killing Sword Qi still rushed towards Shen An without reducing its momentum, even though Shen An used a soul experience pack to replenish his soul power at the first moment of squandering all his soul power.

However, the huge consumption of physical strength still made it difficult for him to dodge, and he could only hastily hold the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass in front of him to resist.


Shen An flew out instantly. After knocking others away so many times, it was the first time he was knocked away. It was also a novel experience.

Ning Rongrong's face immediately showed worry: "Grandpa Gu, go and catch him."

The ancient banyan tree flashed in an instant and caught Shen An flying in the air in time, but the Qi Sha sword energy still left deep injuries on Shen An.

Chen Xin also looked over with worry. Shen An's sword was so elegant that he was itching to use it, and he completely ignored Shen An's cultivation.

This obsession with swordsmanship is also one of the reasons why Chen Xin can reach his current level.

Tom was more anxious than anyone else. He ran to Shen An quickly and shed many tears when he saw Shen An was seriously injured and unconscious.

Tom's whole cat was covered with a layer of black. He came to Chen Xin silently and punched him.

To be honest, with Chen Xin's eyesight, he naturally saw Tom hitting him with a meow fist. At this moment, he felt a little guilty and did not dodge.

It was just a meow fist with little power. How could it hit him like this?


As a Titled Douluo, Chen Xin had no power to resist and was directly hit into a mountain peak, sinking deeply into it.

"Who am I, where am I, why was I hit by a cat?"

There are final exams these days, update first and then change

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