Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 145 I seem to be gradually turning into Tom's shape

‘Jian Douluo was hit by a cat! ’

Everyone present was a fool, who would not be confused?

Everyone took a breath of cold air at the same time. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it.

Even Gu Rong fell silent when he saw his old friend trapped in the mountain. He opened his mouth to say something, but found that he had nothing to say.

He walked away from Tom calmly. This cat looked cute, but it was so powerful when it hit people with its little fist. He couldn’t embarrass himself in public like Chen Xin.

And for this matter, he could laugh at Chen Xin for the rest of his life.

Ning Fengzhi was still calm, "Go and invite Master Tan Jing to come." Ning Fengzhi dismissed the crowd and gave orders in an orderly manner.

As one of the top three sects, the Qibao Liuli Sect was naturally well-equipped, and there was no shortage of healing spirit masters.

Ning Rongrong's eyes were red, and she looked at Shen An with tears in her eyes. At this time, Shen An's clothes were torn, and the sword energy was lingering around the wound. The blood was flowing non-stop, and the whole person was about to become a bloody man.

Ning Rongrong, who always loved cleanliness, hugged Shen An regardless of the blood stains on his body, and cried and said: "I hate Grandpa Jian the most. He was so heavy-handed in the sparring. Shen An, please don't be in trouble."

Tom also rushed back as soon as possible. While shedding sad tears, he took out the medical bag to check Shen An and fed Shen An a few small pills.

Shen An, who was originally unconscious and frowned as if in pain, took Tom's medicine, and his expression gradually eased.

Tom's expression was sad, and he kept sobbing softly. Chen Xin, that bad old man, dared to hurt his master. Never compete with him again.

Soon, a female soul master in white came, with a soft and warm face, and a temperament unique to a benevolent doctor.

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up when she saw Tan Jing: "Aunt Tan, please save Shen An, Shen An was injured by Grandpa Jian's Seven Killing Sword Qi."

Tan Jing is a healing soul saint of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and her soul power is as high as level 79, which is only one step away from Soul Douluo, so Ning Rongrong saw her as if she saw a savior.

Tan Jing frowned: "He was injured by Chen Xin. If I am not mistaken, this young man's soul power should not exceed level 40, and he really had the heart to do it."

Ning Fengzhi smiled helplessly after hearing this. There are not many people in the sect who dare to say anything about Chen Xin, and Tan Jing in front of him is one of them.

As a healing soul saint, he will be treated as a guest of honor by all forces wherever he goes, and the reason why Tan Jing is willing to come to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is that he has a connection with Chen Xin.

It's a very clichéd story, which can be summarized as a hero saving a beauty.

In addition, Chen Xin's appearance, he was a handsome guy when he was young, and he is still a handsome guy when he is old, so it is understandable that the beauty is attracted to him.

However, Chen Xin has been obsessed with swordsmanship and has no intention of paying attention to Tan Jing's feelings for him, which has also led to Tan Jing's resentment towards Chen Xin.

"Yes, Shen An was hit by the sword energy of Uncle Jian's first soul skill. Master Tan, please treat him."

Chen Xin also dug himself out from the hillside at this moment. The expression on his face was no longer indifferent, but slightly anxious. He said: "Tan Jing, can these guys be cured? Don't leave hidden injuries."

Whether it is the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Shen An, or the appreciation of Shen An, or the swordsmanship that has improved because of Tom, Chen Xin feels guilty for not being able to help but hurt Shen An.

Tan Jing glanced at Chen Xin: "You also have times when you are anxious. With me here, your life is safe. But your Seven Killings Sword Qi is too fierce. I can't guarantee that there will be no hidden injuries. It depends on this kid's luck."

After the words fell, a white halo bloomed in Tan Jing's hand, and a delicate medicine bag appeared in her hand.

"Sixth soul skill, rejuvenation."

A refreshing medicinal fragrance overflowed from the medicine bag, and the moist white halo penetrated into Shen An's body.

"Something is wrong, there is something strange about this kid's body~" Tan Jing said with surprise.

In the dim light, Shen An seemed to see a peerless sword slashing at him, cutting him in half.

But strangely, he did not die, but like Tom, he put his separated body together.

But then, thousands of sword qi slashed at him, first beheading Shen An with a sword, and then Shen An watched his body being cut into pieces by the sword qi.

"Oh my god!" Shen An screamed and woke up.

"Meow~" Tom rushed to Shen An directly, and the cat's face was full of joy. He hugged Shen An and rubbed against him.

It was almost, Tom almost thought he was going to become a stray cat and lose Shen An, who was the best to him.

Just as Shen An was petting the cat, a figure with a fragrant breeze rushed to Shen An. It was Ning Rongrong. Well, it was still a little bit.

"Woo woo, Shen An, you finally woke up. I was scared to death. I thought I couldn't see you anymore. Do you know how scared I was~" Ning Rongrong said with a slightly crying voice.

Shen An couldn't help but feel soft in his heart. He smelled the unique body fragrance of the girl, patted Ning Rongrong gently and said softly:

"Okay, okay, I'm fine, I even feel a little lively. Did you give me something to eat?"

Ning Rongrong was reluctant to let go. When she saw Shen An was seriously injured, her heart ached like a knife.

She reluctantly let go of the little hands that were hugging Shen An: "After you were injured, Dad and the others were very worried, and they even went to invite Aunt Tan, who is the most powerful healing spirit master in the sect outside."

Speaking of this, Ning Rongrong's tone was a little unnatural: "Aunt Tan said that your physique is very special and has the ability to heal automatically. Even without her, you will recover quickly."

"Isn't that good? What's wrong with your expression? You wish I was well." Seeing Ning Rongrong's strange expression, Shen An said teasingly.

Ning Rongrong's little fist hit Shen An directly, not to mention that it was quite powerful, which made Shen An choke.

"I thought Aunt Tan didn't want to heal you, and I had a quarrel with her. I didn't expect it to be true. You woke up after just one day." Ning Rongrong said guiltily.

Shen An couldn't help but smile, and felt a little bit amused. This girl really had nothing to say to him.

"Your body is really special. Even if Grandpa Jian only uses the first soul skill, not to mention you, a soul master, even a defensive soul king can't stand it." Ning Rongrong said in astonishment.

'Is your body special? 'Shen An thought of the strange dream he had. He was clearly cut into pieces and could be put back together. He was still conscious even after his head was removed.

This was clearly Tom and Jerry's immortal body. Could it be that the system also gave it to me? Thinking of this, Shen An's heart was burning.

A wisp of sword energy surged in Shen An's hand, cutting his nails and then closing them again.

Damn! It fits perfectly! I am a Taoist priest!

Shen An stared blankly at his hands, and a wisp of sword energy surged again, scratching his arm.

"Hiss! It hurts!"

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