Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 146 Coughing in front of my wife

Chapter 146 Before His Wife~~Ahem

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen An with a pale face as he scratched himself. Did he lose his mind after a fight?

Tom also touched Shen An's head with worry, and opened Shen An's eyelids, as if to check Shen An.

The injuries on his body just healed, why did his brain go crazy again? It really worries me.

"Go away, I'm just doing an experiment."

Shen An pushed Tom away and stared at his fingers blankly. Something was wrong. The nails could be closed, so there should be some healing power.

Shen An was puzzled. When he looked again, the wound that was still bleeding had scabbed.

'This recovery speed is so fast.' Shen An was slightly shocked.

'Could it be that I have a special physique? That's not right either. No matter how special my physique is, I can't reconnect the fallen connective tissue. ’

Shen An fell into deep thought again. Why? Could it be that I only inherited some of Tom and Jerry’s recovery ability? But where did this recovery ability come from?

“Well, Shen An, why don’t you put on your clothes?” Ning Rongrong’s cheeks were flushed, and her big eyes looked at Shen An’s naked upper body from time to time.

Shen An also stared at himself blankly. His strong chest, firm and powerful perfect muscles full of strength and smoothness, and his whole body was full of masculinity.

This was the result of multiple systematic cleansing and absorption of soul rings, which naturally optimized the body.

“Ahhhhhh~” A sharp voice came out, scaring Shen An and Ning Rongrong at the same time.

Shen An slapped Tom in a sullen manner: “What are you screaming for?”

Tom smiled awkwardly. Shouldn’t people scream when they are not wearing clothes? Last time, Jerry was bathing and it accidentally saw him. Jerry covered his body and screamed for a long time.

Ning Rongrong also rolled her eyes at Tom: "Shen An, are you feeling better? Do you need me to ask Aunt Tan to treat you again?"

Although he was still a little weak, Shen An wanted to test his body's self-healing condition.

He had been rarely injured for a long time. He had to experience it carefully so that he could have a sense of his own condition.

He shook his head gently: "No, go out first, don't let everyone worry. By the way, we have been away for so long, how is Xiao Zhu?"

"I notified her early in the morning. She arrived last night. She and I took turns to look after you."

After hearing this, Shen An felt a warm current in his heart, and then turned to look at Ning Rongrong: "Well, I have to put on my clothes, or you can go out first."

Ning Rongrong's face froze: "Huh, it's not like I haven't seen it before, just go."

Before leaving, a trace of cunning flashed in her eyes. When she got up and went out, her little hand grabbed Shen An's chest without leaving a trace.

"Well, it feels good." Ning Rongrong's face flushed even more.

Shen An was stunned. When did this little girl become so bold?

Zhu Zhuqing, who was taking a rest on the sofa at the door, was just awakened by Tom's scream. It was just because of fear in her heart that she dared not push the door open.

Please, don't let anything happen, otherwise, Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I will spend the rest of my life to avenge you. Zhu Zhuqing silently said in her heart.

It is so unrealistic for a soul master to dare to have such an idea about a behemoth like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, but her mind is so firm.

"Rongrong, how is Shen An." Seeing Ning Rongrong who just came out, Zhu Zhuqing quickly stepped forward and asked, her face full of caution, fearing that she would hear bad news.

Ning Rongrong's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness. When she touched Shen An's chest just now, she completely ignored Zhu Zhuqing outside.

A thought of coughing in front of his wife surged into Ning Rongrong's mind, but it made her feel a different kind of excitement, 'cool! '

'Bah, it's still uncertain who will be the queen in the future, why do I have the idea of ​​being inferior to someone else. ' Ning Rongrong secretly cursed herself for being useless.

"Shen An is already well, he is combing his appearance inside and will come out in a while." She tried her best to make her tone calm.

"That's good." Zhu Zhuqing's tone was full of joy, and then she asked suspiciously, "But Rongrong, why does your face feel so hot?"

"Hahaha, isn't it because I am happy to see Shen An wake up." Ning Rongrong laughed dryly with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, with Taifei's diapers, Shen An usually stuffed daily necessities into it, infinite space is willful.

Shen An, dressed neatly, opened the door and walked out, and immediately a soft and boneless body appeared in his arms.

"Shen An, I am so worried about you." Zhu Zhuqing hugged Shen An tightly, fearing that Shen An would disappear as soon as she let go.

"Xiao Zhu, don't worry, I'm fine." Shen An spoke to comfort.

"Shen An, I'm sorry. Your sword intention was too strong that day. I was just too excited to see the prey." Chen Xin also flew over on his sword and said embarrassedly.

At the same time, Chen Xin quietly moved away from Tom who was staring at him.

That seemingly powerless cat fist actually made him, a Titled Douluo, fly out without any resistance. It was simply too terrible.

Gu Rong laughed about this matter from yesterday to today, and even took the later disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect to visit the human-shaped cave he smashed.

That was halfway up the mountain, and Gu Rong took his disciples to fly up to see it!

Chen Xin was so angry that he wiped out all the traces left with a sword energy.

"Don't blame Senior Chen Xin. That competition taught me a lot." Shen An's words were not polite. He really learned a lot from it.

Shen An discovered that after experiencing the baptism of the Seven Killing Sword Intent, the Sword Intent of a Grass became stronger and more fierce, which was exactly the template of becoming stronger when encountering a strong opponent.

Come to think of it, if there was no such characteristic of becoming stronger when encountering a strong opponent, how could a grass cut off the sun, moon and stars.

Ning Fengzhi also came at this moment, looking at Zhu Zhuqing nestled in Shen An's arms, and then looking at his daughter who was angry beside him, he sighed slightly in his heart.

His daughter was probably completely trapped.

No wonder Shen An was so evil, he understood the Sword Intent at a young age, and he was handsome and had a good temper. His daughter had lived with him for so long, it was inevitable that she would sink.

Ning Fengzhi did not object to Ning Rongrong liking Shen An, and even secretly hoped that the two could be together.

But as the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he never wanted his most talented daughter to serve Shen An alone with other women.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to point Rongrong, there are some things you will have to fight for in the future, Ning Fengzhi thought.

Hiding these thoughts in his heart, Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "Shen An, you just woke up, why don't you rest in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect for a while."

"Thank you Uncle Ning for your kindness, I'm fine." Shen An politely refused. Although the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was very comfortable, Shen An still returned to his own nest.

In this respect, Shen An and Tom are very similar, that is, Nianjia.

"Dad, if Shen An leaves, I will leave too. I have the motivation to practice beside him." Ning Rongrong said quickly.

Ning Fengzhi was very upset. A girl can't be kept at home when she grows up. She's not even old enough yet.

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