Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 158 We are fighting, why are you covering my eyes?

"You actually hit cucumbers with my Clear Sky Hammer!" Tang San's eyes were wide open.

Tom immediately held the Clear Sky Hammer in his arms. The Clear Sky Hammer was obviously my Meow Meow Hammer. It was very useful for smashing walnuts and cucumbers.

Qin Ming is still a reasonable person, so he didn't say anything when Shrek and the others were defeated by Tom on the soul fighting stage.

It was my own family who used hidden weapons first, and losing was also due to lack of strength. At least the cat could only be injured but not killed.

But when junior Tang San's hammer was taken away, he had to help get it back.

Five soul rings, two, three purple and one black, appeared on Qin Ming's body, and a bright yellow flame emerged from his body.

The muscles under the clothes suddenly swelled, tightening the originally loose coat, and the eyes turned yellow at the same time, and a strong sense of intimidation pressed against Shen An and others.

"I'll say it one last time, return the hammer, and I can let go of the past." Qin Ming spoke, with a burning sense of flame in his words.

Ning Rongrong put her hands on her hips and said, "What's the matter if I don't return it? Who asked you to use dirty tricks in the spirit fighting arena first?"

Shen An naturally told Ning Rongrong everything that happened during the day.

Shen An responded with cold eyes, and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass appeared silently. As early as the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect Sword Douluo said that he could kill the Soul King.

Now that his soul power has been raised to level 40, even the Soul Emperor may not be incapable of fighting him. Besides, he still has the speed potion, so he is afraid of balls.

People bully you right to your doorstep, how can you tolerate this?

"You want to defeat me." Shen An said calmly, and the sword intent that soared to the sky completely cut off Qin Ming's oppression.

Qin Ming, who was calm in front of him, was able to resist the sword intent with his powerful soul power.

But Tang Sanyu and Xiaogang were miserable. The all-pervasive sword intent filled the whole world. They, the great soul master and the soul sect, actually had the feeling that they dared not move, as if if they moved, they would be beheaded by this sword intent.

Qin Ming felt extremely ridiculous when he heard Shen An's words. How dare this Soul Lord say "defeat him" to a Soul Emperor? The sky is high and the sky is high.

After saying this, Shen An slashed out with his sword without hesitation. He wanted to drive Qin Ming out of the courtyard first, otherwise what would happen if his courtyard was destroyed?

Shen An poured his majestic soul power into the sword intention. In an instant, the sword light was extremely bright, and the void dozens of meters in front of him seemed to be shattered.

Before Qin Ming could be frightened, his body had already reacted and wanted to retreat! Retreat!

But his brain was thinking very fast. Behind him were Tang San and Yu Xiaogang. If he really retreated, with the energy of this burst of sword energy, even if Tang San could resist, Yu Xiaogang would definitely die.

‘You can’t run, you can only block. ‘

Qin Ming's third soul ring suddenly lit up, protecting himself with fierce fire!

The raging fire formed a substantial shield on Qin Ming's body, but it could not withstand this extremely sharp sword energy.


With one strike of the sword, the huge impact caused Qin Ming to fly backwards for more than ten meters. The huge wound on his chest made him feel a little dizzy at the moment.

When the sword collided with Qin Mingxiang, the bursting sword energy and flames condensed into a substantial air wave, knocking Tang San and the two away.

Shen An's figure didn't hesitate at all, his soul ring lit up, and he directly added two major buffs to himself. He already attacked and why didn't he take advantage of the victory to pursue it?

Before Qin Ming landed, Shen An's figure suddenly descended like a sharp sword piercing the air, carrying an unrivaled edge. The sword in his hand burst with brilliance and cast heavy shadows.

Qin Ming, who is at level 62, never dreamed that he would be defeated by a soul master all of a sudden. Shen An is a genius, but Qin Ming is not?

Qin Ming gritted his teeth, not daring to have a trace of contempt in his heart. The fifth soul skill, Breath of Flame!

"Boom boom boom!"

The violent flames spit out from Qin Ming's mouth, and the violent flames swept Shen An. Just when Qin Ming's heart relaxed a little, countless sword energy burst out, and all the flames were cut away.

Qin Ming saw that Shen An's clothes were charred and black, but there were no burns. His hair was not burnt. He was horrified to the extreme. Is this horse still a human?

Shen An sneered and continued to fight with his sword, and the two nine-leaf virtual swords also flew up. They used three things at once, and Qin Ming was overwhelmed.

The high temperature of the flames was terrifying, but unfortunately Shen An, who had taken two fairy grasses and was tempered by the eyes of ice and fire, was completely immune.

Of course, ultimate fire and ultimate water are another matter, but at least Qin Ming's level cannot hurt him at all.

"~The treasure has colored glaze, one is called power, the second is called speed, and the third is called soul."

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen An who got into a fight over a disagreement, and offered assistance without hesitation. Of course, when he said the first word, he was very soft, even inaudible.

Qin Ming was miserable when he saw Shen An's momentum rising sharply again. What kind of monster was this? Even if his swordsmanship pointed at the flaw in his attack, it was still so fast and so aggressive.

Tang San, who got up, looked at his useless teacher who was knocked unconscious, and then at Shen An who was showing off his power, and his heart was full of jealousy.

Why can his Soul Sect defeat the Soul Emperor? My Soul Sect can't even defeat a cat!

'Despicable, there are actually Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda's assistants. I have to help Senior Qin, otherwise I may not be able to get my Clear Sky Hammer back today. ‘

Tang San no longer hesitated. Although his soul power was constantly draining away, he could still fight with all his strength for about three minutes, and the Eight Spider Spears quietly came out.

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes on the side condensed, and three soul rings rose instantly. In the state of martial soul possession, she was shrouded in moonlight, making her look extremely beautiful.

Zhu Zhuqing flashed forward quickly, and Ning Rongrong added three buffs to Zhu Zhuqing again.

Tang San looked at Zhu Zhuqing with disdain. Even if a mere three-ring soul master had the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, he still wanted to stop him.

"Looking for death!" Tang San's mouth showed disdain. If he couldn't beat Shen An, he couldn't beat Zhu Zhuqing?

Ghost Shadow Tracking was activated, and the Eight Spider Lance behind him swung without hesitation. At this moment, Tang San looked confident, and Zhu Zhuqing had no chance of evading.

Well, what's the matter with this familiar feeling of swinging in the air.

And this is Zhu Zhuqing's third soul skill, Shadow Flash, which can teleport arbitrarily within ten meters, of course, it consumes a lot of soul power.

It just happened to be dark night, with the full attribute enhancement of the night's favor and Ning Rongrong's soul power increase, this consumption is completely within the tolerance range for Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's two spirit rings lit up instantly, and her speed increased again. Countless claws flew back to Tang San. This incomparable speed was so fast that even with Tang San's body movement, the Eight Spider Lance's strangeness was difficult to resist.

Tang San became more and more frightened as he fought, and even jealousy flowed out of his eyes. Why can you, a Nether Spirit Cat that is not even considered the top level, fight him on equal terms? Shouldn't he, Tang San, be the top genius?

How could Tang San know that Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Spirit Cat had long evolved into the top spirit Night Moon Spirit Cat.

Tom and Jerry even moved out a small stool with interest to eat the watermelon in the refrigerator after watching the one-sided situation.

The watermelon seeds that were spit out casually were spit into Tang San and Qin Ming's eyes accurately.

God knows how these watermelon seeds flew so far and hit the eyes of two people accurately.

Tang San...

Qin Ming...

We are fighting, you covered my eyes, I am just fighting chicken feathers.

I'm a bit stuck, so I'll update 4,000 first, and see if I can update 8,000 tomorrow

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