Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 159 Cutting the Clouds and Slashing the Wolf, Breaking the Eight Spider Lance

‘Good opportunity, if we don’t seize this opportunity, we will be sorry for the watermelon being eaten. ’

This thought flashed through Shen An and Zhu Zhuqing’s minds at the same time.

Shen An no longer hesitated, and his momentum rose again, like a sword unsheathed. The man and the sword merged as one, and his soul power, sword intention and mind were all given to the sword in his hand.

The sharpness of the sword made Qin Ming and his friends, whose eyes were blocked by watermelon seeds, tremble.

There was endless sword intention around him, but he didn’t know when it would attack. The fear of the unknown made Qin Ming’s cold sweat soak his clothes instantly.

His heart was full of bitterness. How could a soul master be so strong, and a watermelon seed happened to fall into his eyes and block his sight.

It is true that Qin Ming only needs a moment to pick off the watermelon seeds, but how could Shen An give him this opportunity?

Sword style cuts the clouds!

A sword is slashed out, the wind stops and the clouds disperse, silent and sharp.

‘There is no time to hesitate. I don’t know how to defend at all. I can only attack against attack. ' Qin Ming gritted his teeth, and in an instant, his mind turned a hundred times, and the sixth soul ring, the ten thousand year soul ring, shone brightly.

"Sixth soul skill, Burning Heaven Flame!"

Qin Ming roared to the sky, and all the soul power in his body turned into this soul skill. Along with the sound of wolf howls, circles of flame energy spread out, burning the whole area.

Zhu Zhuqing also had a ghostly figure, and in an instant, she attacked from behind, but Tang San had Xuantian Gong by his side, and he expected Zhu Zhuqing to attack from behind just by hearing.

The Eight Spider Lance swung wildly, and the spider legs danced like knives, and water could not penetrate. For a moment, Zhu Zhuqing could not attack at all.

Although Shen An tried his best to deal with Qin Ming, it did not mean that he had no way to deal with Tang San. The gravity of the Cloud Cutting Style was also heavy, which was Shen An's collection of his own sword attainments and all his strength.

The elegance of this sword was like a white rainbow piercing the sun, and it was shocking!

Tang San, whose eyes were temporarily covered, suddenly froze, as if the sword was coming at him. For a moment, he was so panicked that he dared not move.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed with cold light, and the sharp claws on her hands flashed with cold light, swinging towards the Eight Spider Lance that protected Tang San.


"Ah, it hurts!"

In an instant, the sound of metal and stone sounded first, and then sparks burst out, and the crystal blue Eight Spider Lance like blue silver grass broke into four pieces.

In another area, the countless fires were cut into a gap, and a cyan sword light followed.

Qin Ming clearly felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, as if it was about to break. His broken body kept rolling backwards, and his originally clean clothes were covered with mud and blood.


Shen An's heart suddenly beat wildly, as if a great crisis was coming. His super perception made him instinctively swing towards the sky.

A sound of metal clashing exploded from the sword, and Shen An felt his arm go numb. Although it was just a rush, the ability of the blue sword eyes to capture allowed him to see clearly what was attacking him.

‘It was a feather? ’

“Shen An, you severely injured my disciple and shattered Tang San’s soul bone. You’ve gone too far!”

Shen An looked up and saw that the person who spoke was Flanders. At this time, his wings behind him could span five meters, and his orange-yellow eyes were full of anger.

When Yu Xiaogang slammed the door and walked out of the dean’s office, he had a bad premonition. As a result, he did not show up for the course that Qin Ming was supposed to teach, so some students hurriedly reported to him.

And Yu Xiaogang and Tang San disappeared with him.

Flanders didn’t even have to think about it, and he knew that it must be his good brother who must have taken Qin Ming to find Shen An.

Flanders was so scared that he directly unfolded his martial soul and rushed all the way.

He didn’t know where to look like a headless fly, but the familiar sword energy and the red flames that spread across half the sky helped him locate the position accurately.

So, the anxious Flanders burst out with all his speed. He had to be anxious. Shen An was just a soul master. What if Qin Ming killed Shen An? How would he explain to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect?

As a result, the scene when he came here made his mind feel like being hit by a heavy hammer. His proud student, the most outstanding graduate Qin Ming, was defeated by Shen An who had a gap of three stages.

"I'm too much, old man. You Shrek have been repeatedly taught and come to me. Do you really think that I, Shen, am easy to bully?" Shen An spoke unkindly, with a murderous tone.

"That's right, Flanders, my Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu have let you go twice, and you still come to make trouble. Do you really want Shrek Academy to be razed to the ground by my Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect?"

Ning Rongrong puffed up her little chest and said arrogantly.

Flanders' heart was like a raging fire at this moment. He was very angry, extremely angry.

At the same time, he wanted to laugh, laughing at Shen An and Ning Rongrong for not knowing how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. One dared to speak rudely to the Soul Saint, and the other even threatened him.

He wanted to let these people see what the power of the 78th level agility attack system Soul Saint is, throw away all the constraints, and kill him to relieve the anger in his heart.

But he didn't dare. He slowly closed his eyes and forced his violently beating heart to calm down.

He couldn't bear to leave Shrek Academy, didn't want to live a life of hiding from place to place, and didn't want his old friends to be displaced.

Flanders looked at Ning Rongrong with a complicated look. At this moment, he felt that he was old and useless, and he had lost the arrogance he had when he was traveling on the continent.

Flanders flapped his wings and came to the ground. Qin Ming and the other two hugged each other without saying a word. As they flapped their wings, they wanted to leave.

The fused soul bone was no different from his own bone. Even though Tang San had an extraordinary heart, his face was distorted with pain at this moment.

When he saw Flanders, Tang San thought that the savior had arrived, but he didn't expect that Flanders was just rescuing them.

At this moment, Tang San's eyes were filled with substantial resentment, which made people feel chilly.

This resentment is not only towards Shen An, but also towards Yu Xiaogang, Qin Ming, Flanders, and even his father Tang Hao.

Why does Shen An always have someone to support him, and Shen An has always had trouble with him? At this moment, he doesn't think at all that he has been provoking Shen An.

Ning Rongrong looked at Flanders, who looked like an old dog, with disdain flashing in his eyes. This old guy was very good at bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

When she was bullied at Shrek Academy, she was very tough, but now that she knows the sword, Bone Douluo might really take action, and he doesn't even dare to say harsh words.

"Hey, Flanders, you Shrek Academy people will have bright eyes from now on. This is the last time, otherwise we will not hold back anymore. The same goes for my Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone."

Flanders, who was flying into the sky, suddenly stagnated. He wanted to turn around and use his own strength to teach Ning Rongrong, this unruly young lady.

He told her to have awe of the strong, but he still didn't dare. The successive blows had completely wiped out his spirit.

As his wings flapped, the strong air current dragged his slightly stooped figure into the night sky.

In the dark night sky, Tang San turned his neck silently and took a deep look at Shen An, the resentment in his eyes was extremely strong.

Shen Anxin looked back with feeling, murderous intent rising sharply in his eyes. At this moment, Tang San gave him a very bad feeling.

‘It’s a pity that Flanders came suddenly, otherwise I would really want to take the life of this so-called destiny protagonist today. ’ Shen An said silently in his heart.

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