Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 160 Tang Yuehua, your playing is okay, right?

Half a month has passed since the Meow Hammer incident. During this time, Shen An was practicing swordplay and playing with cats at home.

Of course, there is definitely a lot of strength training every day. Who doesn’t love the three kilograms of strength you can get by lifting a dumbbell?

Zhu Zhuqing did not return to Tiandou Royal Academy to study.

She said that the three kilograms of strength gained every day is much greater than the gain from the mimicry training environment.

Of course, Ning Rongrong sneered at this statement. In her opinion, Zhu Zhuqing just didn't want to leave Shen An's side.

It is worth mentioning that even though Shen An did not go out these days, his fame value has increased to 330,000, but it is still far from the two million mark.

In the early morning, Shen An was at home.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, and Tom, who was sleeping on the sofa, moved his ears.

The whole cat is like a spiritual snake, its body is stretched very long, its head reaches the door first, and then its lower body stretches past like elasticity.

As we all know, cats are the most curious, so if there is any disturbance in the home, Tom will be the first to take action.

The door opened, and in front of the door was a soldier wearing armor, with a sword on his waist, and a cold and solemn look came out of him.

The soldier was also a little shocked. How could a cat open the door and still stand up? Then he watched helplessly as the door was slammed shut.

No, what does this mean? How do you open and close the door?

At this time, Tom blocked the door with his body. The man at the door looked so fierce. He was fully armed. No matter how bad he was, the cat was scared.

"Excuse me, Lord Shen An, are you here? My palace guard, Li Xun, has come to deliver a letter on the order of the prince, inviting Lord Shen An to Yuexuan."

Jerry looked at Tom who was holding the door tightly and snickering, "You useless cat, you're just here to deliver a message, but you're still scared."

Jerry walked up to Tom in small steps, kicked Tom high, then opened the door and greeted Li Xun.

Li Xun looked at the door that opened again, wondering why there was no one there. Then he felt a touch on his feet, and he looked down.

In the field of vision, a small brown mouse was pinching his boots, and then the boots were visibly dented.

Li Xun didn't know how to express his complicated feelings for a moment. My boots for riding horses are made of iron. If you squeeze them with your hands, they will sink in like soft ones. Isn't this unreasonable?

Although Xue Qinghe had told him before coming here that Shen An's home was quite strange and that he should not panic when something happened and just deliver the letter, but Li Xun still felt a little panicked, why did he feel so weird.

Jerry pointed to the letter in Li Xun's hand, and then pointed to himself.

Li Xun was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should give it or not. After all, Xue Qinghe asked him to give the letter to Shen An.

"Hello, I'm Shen An. Just give the letter to Jerry, this little brown mouse."

Shen An, who heard the noise from the house, walked out and said, Li Xun immediately saluted. This was a friend of His Highness the Crown Prince, so he must be more respectful.

Li Xun immediately handed the letter to Jerry, then turned and left. This cat and mouse was too weird. Ten thousand year soul beasts had never heard anything like this. He didn't want to stay long.

Jerry took the letter and opened it in three clicks. Just as he was about to read it, his little head was suddenly tapped by a paw. Jerry looked up unkindly and saw that it was Tom.

Tom pointed to his kicked butt and looked at Jerry unkindly, indicating what he was going to do.

Jerry smiled coquettishly, raised the letter in his hand, and gave a thumbs up, indicating that there was something good to read together. Tom immediately leaned over and looked at it with eyes shining.

Shen An watched the interaction between the two little ones and smiled helplessly. The two of them had taken a liking to the letter Xue Qinghe wrote to him first, but looking at Tom's expression, what good could it be?

Tom excitedly ran to Shen An with the letter and handed it over.

The font on the letter was grand and dignified, and it looked like it was written by Xue Qinghe himself. There was a faint refreshing fragrance on the paper. Shen An thought to himself as he read it, it's strange, couldn't Xue Qinghe use a sachet.

The content of the letter is very simple, that is, I have nothing to do recently, I want to relax and have fun, and I only have Shen An as my friend, so I am sending this invitation to go to Yuexuan tomorrow to enjoy music.

After Shen An finished reading, I just had one feeling. It was a matter of just a few words, but you still wrote me a letter. What, is there a sense of ritual?

While Shen An was complaining slightly, Tom kept jumping around beside him and pointed at himself excitedly. At the same time, Jerry stood on Tom's shoulder and looked at him expectantly.

"You two want to go too?"

The two little ones nodded in common, "Xue Qinghe", they want to see boys flirting with boys (smiling face).

the next day.

In the most prosperous area in the center of Tiandou City, Shen An stood out with a cat and a mouse, and finally stopped in front of an antique attic.

This attic is very tall and gives people a very elegant feeling.

Pedestrians coming and going were all dressed in extraordinary clothes. Two women with graceful faces and figures stood at the door. There was faintly beautiful music like a clear spring in the attic. All in all, the style was extraordinary.

Speaking of music, it seems that Tom and Jerry haven't shown off their skills for a long time. Let's see if there is any possibility of using them later, and take the opportunity to gain fame, Shen An thought to himself.

Seeing Shen An approaching, a woman asked before: "Does the distinguished guest have a voucher?"

Shen An was slightly stunned. Xue Qinghe didn't mention the voucher, so he said, "I don't have a voucher, but Xue Qinghe invited me here."

The woman's expression instantly became respectful: "It turns out to be Mr. Shen An. His Highness is on the fifth floor of the pavilion. I will take you there right now."

The girl took Shen An to the fifth floor. On the huge fifth floor there were only a graceful and beautiful woman and Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe obviously saw Shen An, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he motioned for Shen An to be quiet and pointed at the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman holds an exquisite golden harp in her arms, and her slender hands are playing it gently. The beautiful sound flows from it, which is refreshing and refreshing.

After the song ended, Xue Qinghe opened his eyes with enjoyment and praised: "Aunt Yuehua is indeed a great musician of the generation. It makes me feel relaxed and happy every time I hear it."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, you are very polite. It is an honor for me to be able to enter the Prince's ears." Tang Yuehua said modestly.

"Shen An, what do you think of this music? This is the master of Yuexuan. All nobles feel honored to be taught by Aunt Yuehua."

Although Xue Qinghe was asking, her words were full of confidence in Tang Yuehua. After all, Tang Yuehua's musical attainments were indeed the highest she had ever seen.

"It's really okay." Shen An said honestly.

"Haha, I said no one can resist...wait, you think it's okay?" Xue Qinghe asked with a look of astonishment on his face.

Tang Yuehua also looked surprised, but not angry. With her magnanimity, she would not be dissatisfied when others said something about her.

It's just that she, who has experienced the world and has a delicate mind, can feel that Shen An really thinks that her playing is just okay.

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