Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 221 I want to fight against the Star Luo Royal Academy!

"came back?"

Dai Yao returned to the carriage near Oakland College and just breathed a sigh of relief when a cold voice with a chill in it sounded from behind.

He turned around, and Dugu Yan's charming face came into view, but there was a coldness on that face.

"Why are you angry?"

Dai Yao asked carefully.

Dugu Yan snorted coldly. Even though he knew that Dai Yao was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, he was already prepared in his heart. But when he thought that Dai Yao left this time, it was for the woman from the Qibao Glazed Sect, he still felt Somewhat sour.

Her beautiful eyes looked over Dai Yao's body, and said in a bad tone: "You're so disgraced, why don't you clean it up quickly!"

While Dai Yao was trying his best to wash his hair and wipe off the dust on his head, Feng Wutong smiled and wiped Dai Yao's hair with a wet towel.

"Wutong, do you know why Yanyan is so angry?"

Dai Yao carefully glanced at Dugu Yan on the carriage with his peripheral vision, and inquired about Feng Wutong beside him.

Feng Wutong wiped Dai Yao and explained with a smile:

"Sister Yan knows what you are doing. She is in love with you and you are still flirting with women. She must be angry."

Dai Yao rolled his eyes and inquired: "What's Zhuqing's attitude?"

Feng Wutong put the dirty towel into the basin to wash. It was interesting to see that Dai Yao, who was so domineering during the spirit fight, looked so nervous at this moment, and replied:

"Zhuqing is as tolerant to the young master as before. As long as you don't leave her, she won't care about you. Young Master, since you are worried about Zhuqing, why do you think about other women?"

Although she spoke relaxedly, her concentration was extremely concentrated. Her delicate body was tense and her spirit was a little nervous, waiting for Dai Yao's answer.

Hearing that Zhu Zhuqing was not angry, Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Well, this... beauty is so kind that it's hard to refuse."

Hearing Dai Yao's answer, Feng Wutong felt a little angry and a little happy inside. Suppressing the complicated emotions, he gently wiped Dai Yao's hair.

When Dai Yao stepped onto the carriage and was about to explain to Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing, he found an unexpected figure sitting next to Dugu Bo.

As for Dugu Bo, his face was very smelly, as if he couldn't deal with that person.

Sensing Dai Yao's surprised gaze, the man turned around. His burgundy red lips were very conspicuous, and a soft voice came out of his red lips:

"Why, little Dai Yao, it looks like you don't welcome me very much?"

Hearing this voice, Dai Yao had goosebumps all over his body, and Feng Wutong behind him quietly stopped stepping onto the carriage.

Dai Yao didn't expect that Ju Douluo, who had just attacked and killed Tang San, would dare to appear in the Tiandou Empire's team now. He forced a smile and said, "Ju Douluo is here, how can you not welcome him?"

During this period, Ju Douluo has been protecting Dai Yao, and the relationship between the two is quite familiar.

In particular, Dai Yao once took the strange velvet Tongtian Ju, which made Ju Douluo regard Dai Yao as his direct disciple. However, Dai Yao's talent was too strong. Ju Douluo knew that he was not worthy of being Dai Yao's master, so he did not decide on a name. point.

Yue Guan waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Okay, you don't have to pretend anymore. Come up here quickly. I have something to tell you."

Dai Yao's heart moved. Thinking of what happened just now, he also had some guesses in his mind. He quickly got on the carriage, closed the door, and said to Ju Douluo:

"Senior, I wonder what you want from me?"

The feminine look on Yue Guan's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a deep inspection. A pair of peach blossom eyes stared at Dai Yao closely, with a slight chill in his tone.

"Your actions surprised me today. Do you know your identity?"

Dugu Bo on the side also cast a curious look.

Dai Yao smiled bitterly in his heart. He didn't expect that Ju Douluo would discover that he had secretly rescued Ning Rongrong. After a moment of silence, he said:


"It's good that you know. I will report this matter to His Majesty the Pope truthfully. You can prepare yourself."

Looking at Dai Yao with a somewhat stern expression, Ju Douluo patted Dai Yao on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"You don't have to be too nervous. As long as you are loyal to my Spirit Hall, you don't have to worry about these things. After all, our Spirit Hall will not interfere in the personal life of the soul master."

Dai Yao sighed in his heart, his current situation was also caused by his character.

He was not an ungrateful person. How could he watch Ning Rongrong die when Ning Fengzhi protected him so much in the Tiandou Empire?

"Come on, little guy, our golden generation has been waiting for a long time in Wuhun City. Don't let them down."

Ju Douluo encouraged.

After a while, he smiled and said:

"Do you have something to tell me? If not, I'll leave."

Dai Yao had long wanted to talk to Ju Douluo about something, but it was just because after the promotion competition, Ju Douluo left first to go to the Wuhun Palace to perform a mission, causing him to miss the time.

In the finals of Wuhun City, there was a team that he had been looking forward to for a long time. Every time he thought about it, a fire was burning in his chest.

That is the Star Luo Royal Academy team!

Six years, six years since I left the Star Luo Empire! He has never forgotten the humiliation he suffered in the Star Luo Empire and the hatred of his mother!

When he was still in the cold palace, he remembered clearly how the queen treated him and how he was bullied by the servants.

Six years ago, he still vividly remembers how he was bullied by Dai Yaming and Davis at the Star Luo Royal Academy, and his reputation was ruined.

He couldn't wait to have a fight with Davis and cripple him with his own hands to satisfy the hatred in his heart. If the queen is asked to repay a little interest first, then the queen should be very concerned about Davis's life and death.

Six years later, not only has that hatred not been forgotten, but it is like an old wine that will burn your heart if you open it slightly!

He cupped his fists and saluted, a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes, and he couldn't hide the excitement in his tone:

"Senior, I have a heartfelt request."


Ju Douluo said lightly.

"I want to fight against Star Luo Royal Academy!"

Dai Yao said with piercing eyes.

"Six years of hard training, the Star Luo Empire has brought me shame, this time I will personally wash away it."

"I also ask senior to arrange for our Auckland team to compete with the Star Luo Royal Academy team. I am worried that if the schedule is arranged normally, I will miss the Star Luo Royal Academy."

Ju Douluo rolled his eyes, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

As the saying goes, watching the excitement is not too big a deal. He knew that the captain of the Star Luo Royal Academy team was the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire.

Six years later, the former fourth prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Yao, led his teammates from the Tiandou Empire to challenge the team led by the current crown prince of the Star Luo Empire. This fateful duel immediately attracted his attention. interest.

Regardless of victory or defeat, when Dai Yao joins the Spirit Hall in the future, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the Star Luo Empire.

Although the schedule of the finals needs to be fair and just, so it is decided by drawing lots, but for people like them who are in high positions, the so-called fairness is just an item in their hands.

The golden generation of Wuhun Palace is their pride. They are confident enough to achieve the final victory, so they don't bother to use opportunistic methods.

But they don't mind, they use their power to have fun for themselves.

He is looking forward to the match between Oakland College and Xingluo Royal College. Brother Yan Qiang, what an eye-catching game.

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