In front of Wuhun City.

Looking at the towering city wall, Auckland and his party couldn't help but sigh.

"This city wall is entirely made of granite. It is eighty meters high and more than thirty meters thick. Although the area is not as large as the Tiandou Imperial City, it is located on the mountains. This city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It’s the best in the world!”

Dai Yuan had a shrewd look in his eyes as he looked up and down the hexagonal city, caressing the city filled with the breath of time, and sighed with emotion.

"Martial Soul City is a holy place that all the soul masters on the mainland long for. It would be strange if it is not impressive!"

Jackson explained with a smile.

After the inspection, Auckland's group stepped into Wuhun City.

But the Royal Knights from the Tiandou Empire stayed outside Wuhun City.

When he first entered Wuhun City, Dai Yao glanced around and found that the interior of Wuhun City was a bit empty, with not many pedestrians and few shops. When he raised his head, his eyes immediately focused on two extremely conspicuous buildings.

Wuhun City was built on a mountain, and there was a magnificent building halfway up the mountain. The columned dome, covered with golden material on the outside, shines in the sunlight.

At the top of the mountain, there is a bright white building, which is smaller than the building halfway up the mountain.

Whenever pedestrians in Wuhun City see these two buildings, their eyes will be filled with awe.

"This is······"

Dai Yao narrowed his eyes and had some guesses in his mind, but he was not sure.

Jackson smiled and said:

"The building halfway up the mountain is the Pope's Palace, where the supreme ruler of the Wuhun Palace lives. And the pure white building on the top of the mountain is the Douluo Palace, where many deceased titled Douluo are buried."

"Let's go, our competition venue is the Pope's Palace. Little guys, if you want to see the Pope's Palace, we have plenty of time."

After meeting with a cardinal from Wuhun Palace, a group of more than two hundred people, led by Xue Qinghe, quickly settled down. Live in a hotel on the west side of Wuhun City.

However, just as he was about to step into the hotel door, an unpleasant voice sounded.

"Tian Dou Empire? It's been so long."

A group of more than two hundred people looked back, and saw that the other party was also about two hundred people. Their clothes were completely different from the soul masters from the Tiandou Empire, and they exuded a murderous aura.

"The soul master of the Star Luo Empire..."

Among the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire, some gritted their teeth and slowly revealed their identities, with extremely fearful eyes.

Yes, the person who came was none other than the soul master from the Star Luo Empire participating in the competition this year.

The two empires have been at war every year, and there is a blood feud. Most of the soul masters from the Tiandou Empire have relatives who died at the hands of the Star Luo Empire. Therefore, the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

The two groups instantly confronted each other, and a wave of fire spread in the air, like a powder keg that could explode with just a spark.

Xue Qinghe's eyes narrowed. If the soul masters of the two empires fought here, it would be a shocking scandal.

However, several cardinals from the Wuhun Palace looked at the soul masters of the two empires with great interest.

Xue Qinghe took a deep breath and walked out slowly. The two hundred soul masters from the Star Luo Empire gradually cast their hostile eyes on him, and the originally violent atmosphere became quiet.

Looking at Xue Qinghe, who was still extremely indifferent in front of two hundred people, some shrewd people had already begun to ask who this person was?

This kind of demeanor is extremely rare.

Xue Qinghe slightly cupped his hands towards the soul master of the Star Luo Empire and said calmly:

"The crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe."

As soon as the words fell, the Star Luo Empire side immediately recalled a faint exclamation, the Crown Prince of the Tian Dou Empire, among them, only the Crown Prince of the Star Luo Empire could match his status.

All eyes converged on a figure from the Star Luo Royal Academy.

I saw this man slowly walking out, meeting Xue Qinghe's gaze, and smiled slightly. Although he tried his best to hide it, he still couldn't hide the arrogance on his face:

"Prince of Star Luo Empire, Davis!"

"I wonder if you have any advice, why are you blocking our way?"

Xue Qinghe asked.

Behind him are two hundred soul masters from the Tiandou Empire. He must not show any weakness. Once he shows weakness, the evaluation of him by these soul masters behind him will be much worse.

In the future, these soul masters will be the top power of the Tiandou Empire, and getting their support is extremely important.

Davis's eyes swept around the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire and settled on one person, with a hint of unruliness in his smile:

"I'm looking for someone, Dai Yao. Why don't you come out when you see your brother?"

Nearly four hundred soul masters suddenly started talking.

"elder brother?"

"His Royal Highness Davis is the prince, isn't his brother the prince of the empire?"

Suddenly, someone seemed to have thought of something, his face changed wildly, and his body trembled uncontrollably:

"Dai Yao? Dai Yao! Could it be the fourth prince who betrayed the empire—Dai Yao!"

After his reminder, many people reacted.

"Is it Dai Yao who once defeated the second prince, His Highness Dai Yaming?!"

"Is it Dai Yao whose second soul ring is the thousand-year soul ring?"

Suddenly, everyone remembered that they, the soul masters, had all watched the battle for the throne between the second prince and the fourth prince! That purple soul ring left an extremely profound impact on them.

Didn't they remember that the fourth prince defected? Unexpectedly, he went to Tiandou Empire.

The soul masters of the Tiandou Empire also became confused because of the abnormal behavior of the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire.

They did know Dai Yao, and Dai Yao's influence on them in the qualifying and promotion rounds was so profound. What is the relationship between Dai Yao and Davis?

Why did Davis say he was Dai Yao's brother?

In the Shrek team, Dai Mubai stared at Davis with a pair of tiger eyes, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists tightly.

Davis only called Dai Yao's name, but not his. He realized that Davis did not regard him as an opponent at all.

His self-esteem could not tolerate Davis's behavior of ignoring him. The contrast between the pride in his heart and being ignored in reality was painfully biting his heart.

"Davis, long time no see."

A clear voice sounded from Tiandou's side, with golden hair flying, and a slender and slightly burly figure striding out in the midst of everyone's doubtful or shocked eyes.

Looking at the tall figure, Davis narrowed his eyes. He had already begun to use his soul power to test, but Dai Yao remained motionless, like a towering mountain.

Thinking of the request of the elders in the clan, my heart sank, and I said to Dai Yao with a smile on my face:

"My fourth brother, I haven't seen you for several years, but I miss you very much."

Dai Yao laughed and said:

"Davis, why are you so hypocritical? I'm afraid you want me to die."

After the words fell, there was an instant uproar between Tiandou and Xingluo.

"Hey, Dai Yao, how can you speculate on me so maliciously? The clan elders have said that as long as you come back, no matter what you have done, forget about it and the empire will still give you the best treatment."

Davis shrugged.

Dai Yao snorted coldly. The soul masters of the two empires had reached such a quarrel today that they revealed Dai Yao's betrayal of the Star Luo Empire in public. There was no sincerity in reconciling with him.

The elders of the Dai family handed over the matter of reconciliation to Davis, and it can be said that they did not regard it as an important matter.

If you attach great importance to your own affairs, you will definitely send someone with enough dignity to make a bridge instead of sending Davis who has a grudge against him.

What attitude should you take towards the elders of the Dai family? What kind of identities did these people play when their mother died? These things have to be investigated slowly after they are strong.

However, Davis in front of him couldn't let go of the interest that came to his door.

Dai Yao sneered, his voice as cold as ice, which made Davis tremble uncontrollably.

"Davis, let me tell you directly, I don't care about the identity of the Xingluo royal family! As for you, wash your neck well!"

Dai Yao's words excited the people on the Xingluo side, especially the soul masters of the Xingluo Royal Academy team, who could hardly contain their anger.


A loud shout sounded from beside Davis, and with the sound of high-heeled shoes, a woman with a hot figure appeared.

As soon as the woman appeared, she was like a magnet, immediately attracting the attention of countless people. The originally tense atmosphere immediately subsided a lot, and the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire showed respect.

Because she is Davis' fiancée, the crown princess of the Star Luo Empire, Zhu Zhuyun.

"Dai Yao, you have indeed improved a lot in the past few years, but you are still too young in front of Weiss. If I remember correctly, you are only fifteen years old. At your age, you can participate in this competition and kill To enter the finals, I have to say that your luck is good enough."

"By the way, where is Zhuqing? I haven't seen my sister for a long time. I don't know how she is with you?"

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm living a good life."

Zhu Zhuqing came to Dai Yao's side, looked at Zhu Zhuyun and said coldly. As soon as Zhu Zhuqing appeared, his cool temperament and tall and plump figure immediately took everyone's fiery eyes away from Zhu Zhuyun.

Especially the noble aura that faintly exudes from Zhu Zhuqing's body is even more intoxicating. Compared with Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuqing's beauty is even better.

The four of them stared at each other, their gazes seeming to spark sparks in the air.

They did not deliberately lower their voices when talking, and the surrounding soul masters could clearly hear what they said.

When they heard that Dai Yao was only fifteen years old, even the extremely arrogant team members couldn't help but burst into an uproar!

Especially the eyes of those soul masters who had fought against Dai Yao were full of disbelief.

All participating soul masters in the Tiandou Empire were stunned. Dai Yao excelled in the preliminaries and promotion rounds, reaching the top among everyone, and no one could compare to him.

And he is only fifteen years old, but his strength has reached such a terrifying level. If he were as old as them, how terrifying would his strength be? !

What was originally a tense scene was replaced by the sound of gasps.

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