"Sorry, Brother Dai Yao, I didn't expect that such an unpleasant thing would happen on the first day I came to Wuhun City."

In the luxurious room, Xue Qinghe apologized.

Dai Yao stood by the window, looking at the team of soul masters of the Star Luo Empire not far away, his eyes were extremely deep. When he heard Xue Qinghe's apology, he turned his head and said:

"Your Highness, this is not your fault. You came here to apologize to me, but I am flattered."

Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly:

"Brother Dai Yao, no matter what your identity was or where you are going, since you are still a member of my Tiandou Empire, I will definitely protect you. Besides, this time it was someone from the Star Luo Empire who came to provoke me first. As the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, how can I retreat?"

"Besides, why are you so polite? As I said last time, I'm older than you, so just call me Brother Xue."

"Uh...Brother Xue."

Thinking of Xue Qinghe's true identity, the noble temperament of Qian Renxue, who was as cold as snow, and then seeing the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in front of him, Dai Yao felt an extremely strange feeling.

Moreover, why does Qian Renxue always like to be recognized as the eldest brother?

Tang San was like this, and so was he.

Xue Qinghe raised his eyebrows, noticing Dai Yao's strange mood, and his heart sank. Could it be that Dai Yao had guessed his true identity?

Impossible, the number of people who know his identity is no more than five fingers, how could Dai Yao know.

Putting aside the absurd speculation in his heart, he continued to say to Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, I have specially investigated the intelligence of each team in the Star Luo Empire. It should be helpful to you. However, the Star Luo Royal Academy is a team recommended by the Star Luo Empire. There is not much information about the battle. The only thing I can know is a Information from years ago.”

"A year ago, when the Star Luo Royal Academy team competed with another powerful academy from the Star Luo Empire, Davis's soul power reached level 45, and Zhu Zhuyun's soul power also reached level 44."

"After a year of preparation for the war, their soul power has improved, which will probably surprise everyone."

"Although the other soul masters in the Star Luo Royal Academy team had a few soul masters a year ago, after this year, they must have all become soul masters."

"The team of seven soul sects is not easy to deal with."

Xue Qinghe looked solemn and said worriedly to Dai Yao.

Dai Yao has long known the strength of the Star Luo Royal Academy team. Now Davis has reached level 47, and Zhu Zhuyun has also reached level 46.

But it took a lot of effort for Xue Qinghe to provide him with this information so thoughtfully.

So he thanked:

"Thank you, Brother Xue, for doing so much for me. I really don't know what to do."

Xue Qinghe patted Dai Yao's shoulder and said with a hearty smile:

"If you join my army, you don't have to repay me."

Seeing the 'embarrassed' expression on Dai Yao's face, Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "It's just a joke for my brother. Do you remember? You told me with certainty that one day we would fight side by side."

"I firmly believe it!"

Dai Yao smiled awkwardly. At first, he only wanted to be the Riddler because of Xue Qinghe, so he returned to the other side and became the Riddler.

Being mentioned by Xue Qinghe again in such a scene made me feel a little embarrassed.

Appreciating the twitching expression at the corner of Dai Yao's mouth, Xue Qinghe smiled happily and said, "Okay, brother Wei, I'll leave first and prepare well for the next game."

"It's just the Star Luo Royal Academy team, you may not be able to run into it."

Dai Yao's eyes were filled with a cold light, his fists were slowly clenched, and a deep voice came out of his throat:

"Brother Xue, don't worry. I will definitely run into them. Just wait and see the good show."

Xue Qinghe was stunned. Originally, he wanted to use his identity to arrange for Dai Yao to fight Davis. It seemed that Dai Yao had already arranged the fight. He nodded and smiled:

"Then I'll wait for the day after tomorrow."


The conflict between the Tiandou Empire soul master team and the Star Luo Empire soul master team was temporarily suppressed under the mediation of Xue Qinghe, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

Waiting until the day of the explosion, it will be earth-shattering!

Davis and Dai Yao will end up with one of them completely losing everything.

On the side of the Tiandou Empire, after this conflict, they realized that Dai Yao had experienced such a rough experience.

Strong in strength, but wandering all the way, many people feel balanced. So what if you are stronger than us? We are much happier than you are.

Some people are like this. When others are better than themselves, in order to comfort their own barren and twisted hearts, they will look for the bad things about others to comfort themselves.

But what makes these people unhappy is that Dai Yao has gained the sympathy of many girls.

Girls are already sentimental, and in Douluo Continent, they are only concealed by their identity as soul masters, but Dai Yao's performance in the preliminaries and promotion rounds convinced them.

After learning about Dai Yao's ups and downs, the hidden sympathy began to overflow. In the past two days, every time Dai Yao went to the Wuhun City arena to prepare, he was encouraged by many girls.

Although Dai Yao was enjoying it a little, he could feel the eyes behind him getting colder and colder.

This came not only from Dugu Yan, but also from Zhu Zhuqing, so he immediately restrained his behavior, began to keep a distance from those girls, and seriously prepared for war.

As for the Star Luo Empire, Dai Yao's name, which had been buried for many years, began to be revealed.

During Dai Yao's three-year career at the Xingluo Royal Academy, he was reputed to be a coward and was once again accused of being a coward. Although Dai Yao's final victory over Dai Yaming and the thousand-year-old second soul ring shocked everyone, under Davis's instructions, no one dared to speak of Dai Yao's good reputation.

Especially Dai Yao's defection to the Tiandou Empire completely tarnished Dai Yao's reputation.

For a prince to become a traitor is simply a shame for the Star Luo Empire!

Auckland rest room.

After eating, everyone gathered together. The center of everyone's discussion was undoubtedly Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Dai Yao, I didn't expect you to be the prince of the Star Luo Empire."

Dai Yuanyi looked Dai Yao up and down, as if he was seeing someone he didn't know at all.

Dai Yao said angrily: "What's wrong? You don't recognize me now?"

"No, no, no."

Sensing Dai Yao's ill intentions, Dai Yuan stepped back and waved his hand, sighing in his heart that it turned out that Dai Yao's status was higher than his own...

"Okay, stop playing tricks."

Feng Qianli said to Dai Yuan, then looked at Dai Yao and said deeply:

"Dai Yao, no matter what your status is, you are part of our Auckland community. We will do our best to help you."

Dai Yao's heart felt warm, and even Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been aloof, had a faint smile on her face at this moment. It was conceivable that she had recognized these companions in her heart.

"However, you and Davis are obviously brothers, why do you think your relationship is so bad?"

Feng Qianli asked.

Dai Yao explained and detailed the rules of the Xingluo royal family's cruel competition for the throne.

But Dai Yao didn't talk about his mother's hatred. It was a scar in his heart that he didn't want others to know.

Upon hearing this, the Auckland group suddenly looked at each other, and the atmosphere became depressing and fell into dead silence. They did not expect that the competition for the throne of the Star Luo Empire would be so cruel.

Several princes, like raising worms, decide which prince will be the winner. The winner will have everything, and will be the future Xingluo Emperor. The loser loses everything and his life is wiped out.

As the prince's fiancée, she must also be killed along with the prince.

They finally understood why Zhu Zhuqing had such a cold personality. Only when he met Dai Yao could he act like a normal person. One can imagine what kind of life Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing lived in the Star Luo Empire.

I'm afraid there is no one we can trust except each other.

"How abominable! I didn't expect that the dignified Xingluo royal family would have such cruel clan rules. I'm afraid even primitive people would not have such rules."

Feng Qianli was furious and said angrily.

Dai Yuanyi sighed quietly: "Perhaps this clan rule is the reason for the Xingluo Empire's long-lasting prosperity."

Sensing the strange looks in everyone's eyes, Dai Yuanyi widened his eyes and said:

"Look at what I'm doing. Of course I support Dai Yao, I'm just feeling a little emotional. If we lose this game, will Dai Yao be obliterated by people sent by the Star Luo Empire?"

Dai Yao smiled and said: "Of course not. I have taken refuge in Wuhun Palace. Even if I lose, it doesn't matter."

Feng Qianli stared at Dai Yao's solemn eyes. He knew that although Dai Yao said it lightly, Dai Yao valued this victory very much. He stretched out his right hand and slowly said a few words:

"Dai Yao, don't worry, we will definitely win."

"Must win!"

Immediately after Dai Yuanyi, Dugu Yan and others also put their hands on Feng Qianli's. When the hands of Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Yao also overlapped, the nine people almost roared:

"Must win!"

As public opinion fermented, the two imperial forces gradually became tit for tat. In this case, three days later, the finals officially began!

In front of the Pope's Palace, there is an extremely empty space. The arena used for competitions has a diameter of over a hundred meters. Made entirely of granite.

A large number of soul guides were also used for reinforcement. According to the information given by Wuhun Palace, this area is enough to withstand any attack from the soul master of the Soul Emperor.

Thirty-three teams, the top teams in Douluo Continent, gathered here just to win the final championship.

Youth, sweat, grudges, and love will all be intertwined in this competition, bursting out with dazzling brilliance.

At the same time, resting places for each team are also prepared here. When other teams compete, other teams will watch the game here, while those with high status, like Ning Fengzhi Xue Qinghe and the others, will be arranged to watch the game in the VIP seats.

This VIP seat is only slightly lower than the Pope's Palace.

Dai Yao glanced around, observing the situation of each team, and found that Divine Wind Academy and Blazing Fire Academy were still distinct, and there was no sign of being merged into one.

"It seems that it was my influence that caused the Divine Wind Academy and Blazing Fire Academy to not merge into one. Also, in the original work, the two teams merged together because of Huo Wu's inner dissatisfaction with Tang San."

"Because of my appearance, Huo Wu and Tang San did not have any grudge, and Huo Wu was also defeated by me, so there was no classic scene in the original work where the two teams merged into one."

It gradually dawned on him.

Suddenly, the field fell silent. Dai Yao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the crowd around him, only to find that they all had their heads raised slightly, looking in the direction of the Pope's Palace.

There was incomparable reverence and awe in his eyes.

But Dai Yao discovered that among these people, especially some men, there was a trace of deep passion hidden in their eyes.

Following their gazes, a woman holding a purple-gold scepter stood in front of the Pope's Palace.

His expression was cold, his appearance was peerless, and he was as frightened as a god.

As soon as she appeared, everyone's attention was attracted. This woman was the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong.

The Pope is the supreme being in the hearts of all soul masters.

As the Wuhun Palace has accumulated prestige in the Douluo Continent for thousands of years, almost no one will cast a blasphemous look at it, but only respect it from the bottom of their hearts.

But despite this, Dai Yao still discovered the desire and passion deep in someone's eyes, which showed the beauty of this woman.

"What a beautiful woman."

Looking at Bibi Dong in front of the Pope's Palace, Dai Yao couldn't help but sigh.

"It's just a pity that he is a pervert with a love brain."

Bibi Dong seems to be aloof, but her personality is a bit extreme and perverted.

If Dai Yao remembers correctly, when Yu Xiaogang went to the Pope's Palace to meet Bibi Dong for Tang San, after Yu Xiaogang left, Bibi Dong sat where the master once sat, holding a still warm cup of tea. He drank it in big gulps.

Of course, this is also the sad thing about Bibi Dong.

If it weren't for that undeserved love, she would still be the innocent saint of Wuhun Temple. Even if she became the pope, she would not be as extreme and twisted as in the original work.

The two most important men around her completely tore her apart.

The true love of her life, Yu Xiaogang, was still concerned about how she looked in front of Yu Xiaogang when she died in the finale. She was worried that she would be disgusted by Yu Xiaogang if she was ugly.

In the original work, there are two contradictory versions of the two's breakup.

One is that Yu Xiaogang took the initiative to separate from Bibi Dong because he couldn't bear the pressure of Pope Qian Xunji and the people around him. The name of waste was his eternal pain.

The other is that Bibi Dong felt unworthy of Yu Xiaogang because her body was tainted, so she expelled him in order to protect Yu Xiaogang.

However, no matter which theory, one thing is certain that the separation between the two was forced. The breakup of the two is undoubtedly a scar in Bibi Dong's heart.

Not to mention Yu Xiaogang himself, Bibi Dong didn't make much of a mistake in this process. The only thing he did wrong was that he was too in love and fell in love with someone he shouldn't have loved.

The other person, Chihiroji, the mentor in the first half of his life and the nightmare in the second half of his life, was the real executioner who killed the innocent saint.

The betrayal of the most respected person made Bibi Dong completely fall into hell.

From then on, he embarked on the road of Rakshasa.

However, all this misfortune was also caused by her own character.

If she wasn't so love-minded and fell in love with a good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang, how could it have led to everything that happened later...


With Qian Xunji's character, he might have attacked Bibi Dong even if he hadn't fallen in love with Yu Xiaogang.

But you, the majestic Saint of Wuhun Palace, actually fell in love with a loser, and she is a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family! My Wuhun Palace has worked so hard to train you, but I have actually given you such a rebellious idea.

Everyone in Wuhun Hall must have felt as if they had eaten shit. The goddess in my heart, the goddess in my dreams who I didn't even dare to look at, was actually touched by a loser.

And you are so happy with Bibi Dong, how can you not make people angry? !

Everyone is at fault for all these entanglements. It can even be said that Bibi Dong is to blame for her own fault.

The only person who is not wrong is Bibi Dong's daughter, Qian Renxue.

In the Shrek rest area, Liu Erlong hugged Yu Xiaogang's shoulders and smiled sweetly, hinting at Bi Dong's intimidation.

Bibi Dong glanced at each team indifferently, and only stopped for a moment at Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong. She couldn't help but snorted in her heart, and then said:

"To be able to come here, you must have gone through countless battles and eliminations. I won't say much here."

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the finals, has officially begun!"

The finals were not as grand as the qualifiers, but rather simple. But the thirty-three teams will never take it lightly.

As the finals begin, the leaders of each team begin drawing lots.

"Tian Dou Empire Blazing Academy, vs. Tian Dou Empire Shrek Academy."

"Tian Dou Empire Divine Wind Academy versus Star Luo Empire Nightshade Academy."

The results of the draw were announced one by one, and discussions began to abound on the field. The team that drew a weak opponent looked happy, while the team that drew a strong opponent looked sad.

Finally, the results of the lottery were announced for the last game.

"Tian Dou Empire Auckland College, versus Star Luo Empire, Star Luo Royal Academy!"

In an instant, the atmosphere on the field seemed to freeze and became extremely silent. Everyone's eyes moved back and forth between the Oakland team and the Star Luo Royal Academy team.

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