The killing fields of hell.

Ten people stood in a stubborn confrontation, and the air was almost stagnant. But the surrounding stands were packed with spectators watching the game, cheering enthusiastically. The noisy atmosphere was incompatible with the cold and confrontational atmosphere in the venue.

Different from other games, the nine people on the field were almost united, surrounding a black-haired man holding a spear and wearing a mask.

But even so, these nine people were still trembling with fear, their eyes looking at the masked man full of fear. As if the man was a terrifying creature.

"Emperor Shura! Kill them!"

In the stands, the audience shouted enthusiastically.

"After today's game ends, Emperor Shura will have won sixty-six games, and is getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal of one hundred wins. It's incredible that he has only arrived in the Killing City for half a year and has achieved such a terrifying record! It’s enough to be included in the top ten since the establishment of Killing City!”

"Yes! I think back then, he was still an unknown person. After winning a victory in the Killing Fields, hundreds of people besieged him. But in the end, he was the only one who came out alive."

"The spear in his hand was stained red with blood."

"Since then, he has been known as the Shura Emperor. However, until now, no one has ever seen his appearance under the mask."

In the almost crazy noise, someone couldn't help but recall Emperor Shura's original deeds and sighed with emotion.

Hu Liena collected useful information from the discussion between the two. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the man standing like a javelin in the field with interest.

"Emperor Shura, what a great Emperor Shura, I want to see how powerful you are..."

Hundreds of people were besieging them, and even she found it extremely difficult. Therefore, she became even more curious about the man in front of her who was known as the Shura Emperor.

On the killing field, the other nine people looked at the masked man who was holding a spear and remained calm. Thinking of this man's reputation, they couldn't help but swallow and exchanged glances with the people around them. One of them said with a trembling voice. :

"If I had known I would meet Emperor Shura, I would have gone to the outer city and donated my blood honestly. I could have lived a little longer!"

As soon as this statement came out, several people nodded.

You know, in the outside world, they are all powerful soul kings of the Soul Sect, but in the city of killing, they are actually afraid of a man, to such an extent!

Fear spread, and the fighting spirit of several people gradually disappeared, leaving only regret.


Among the contestants, a man with a scar on his face shook his head disdainfully.

He is a Contra in the outside world. If it weren't for Wuhun Hall, he wouldn't have come to this ghost place. However, in this hellish place, his life was much better than in the outside world.

Bloodthirsty, cold, and murderous. He can release the evil thoughts in his heart and possess women wantonly. Without the so-called moral constraints in the world, as long as he is strong enough, he will have a great time in the killing city!

Although Emperor Shura's reputation is as loud as thunder in the entire killing field, he is not afraid. He is also a strong man with more than thirty victories!

Today, he will step on Emperor Shura's corpse and become the king of the killing field!

He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, glanced at Emperor Shura who was still resting on his spear and had not made any movement, he sneered in his heart and said hello:

"Everyone, if you want to live, you must kill Emperor Shura. Only then will we have a chance to live. Either way, we will die, so why not give it a try? When the time comes, kill Emperor Shura, and we will decide the winner and enjoy the victor's life. Isn’t everything beautiful?”

The scarred man's words made many people excited. One person's eyes were red, as if he was bloodthirsty, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Let's fight, so what if it's Emperor Shura? I don't believe that he can defeat all of us by himself!"

Following the referee's order, the situation on the field suddenly changed, and nine people quickly surrounded Emperor Shura. However, just when they were about to take action, Emperor Shura grasped the spear standing beside him.

A cold, almost solid murderous aura instantly covered the entire killing field.

The huge killing field, with countless fallen people watching the battle, instantly became silent.

The cold and biting feeling seemed to crush the hearts of the contestants. The weaker Soul King and Soul Sect felt like a huge stone was pressing in their hearts, making them unable to breathe.

In order to resist this murderous intention, the veins on his forehead popped out.

"What a terrifying murderous intent. Just by holding the spear, many contestants lost their ability to resist. What a terrible guy!"

Hu Liena murmured absently, and a few beads of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.


Upon seeing this, the scarred man knew that if things continued like this, his own strength would only be continuously weakened by the murderous aura of Emperor Shura, so he shouted decisively.

The remaining eight people, whose nerves were already tense, rushed forward without any hesitation under his explosive drink.

But the scarred man took out a packet of powdery objects from his arms, smiled coldly, took a long knife, and threw the powder away when he approached Emperor Shura.

Powder filled the sky, blocking sight.

The scarred man laughed triumphantly and said: "Emperor Shura, it's just a gift I specially prepared for you, a hook that can make people blind. If you get a little bit of it, you will never see a trace of light for the rest of your life!"

"If you want your eyes, then close your eyes and fight us. If you want to win, then pay the price with your eyes!"

In an instant, countless exclamations rang out in the killing field, but soon, many people cast bloodthirsty glances at Emperor Shura. What a pleasure it would be to see the winner of sixty-six games die!

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Emperor Shura tore off a piece of cloth from himself, covered his eyes, and tied it behind his head. A powerful voice came from beneath the mask:

"Since you want me to fight you with my eyes closed, then you can do as you wish."

The powerful voice was devoid of any emotional ups and downs, as if he didn't care at all about the despicable actions of the contestants.

"How can you fight your opponent if you can't even see?"

"If this continues, isn't Emperor Shura bound to lose?"

There were bursts of discussion in the stands.

Hu Liena couldn't help but frown. On the one hand, the scarred man's cruelty made her feel frightened. On the other hand, she was also vaguely worried about Emperor Shura.

It is a pity that such a strong man should be defeated by such despicable means.

"Seek death."

Seeing Emperor Shura covering his eyes with a piece of cloth, the scarred man was shocked at first, and then sneered. Waving his sword, he shouted wildly:

"Brothers, come together and kill Shura Emperor with your hands. The next Shura Emperor will be us!"

The tempting words made many contestants lick their lips greedily and rush forward enthusiastically. The scarred man smiled sinisterly and walked around Emperor Shura's back, trying to sneak attack him from behind.

However, a scene appeared that made everyone scream.

Choking! Bah!

The spear in Emperor Shura's hand was like a goddess scattering flowers, stabbing out eight shots in an instant, accurately hitting the fatal spots of the eight contestants.

Heart, throat, brain.

In just an instant, the eight contestants who had been so enthusiastic just now lost their lives, and their blood spilled all over the floor. Such a cruel appearance did not make the onlookers afraid, but instead made them even more enthusiastic.

This kind of bloodthirsty and brutal scene can make these depraved guys happy.

"How... how is it possible? Didn't Emperor Shura block his eyes? The accuracy of the gun is no different from if his eyes were not blocked. It's even more accurate!"

Countless people shouted in an uproar.

Hu Liena's beautiful eyes widened, and she stood up from the stand in horror, staring blankly at Emperor Shura on the stage. This man's marksmanship has reached an advanced level!

Hearing the sound to identify the position, the speed and accuracy of the gun, even the Snake Spear Douluo in the Pope's Palace does not have such ultimate shooting skills!

"If I can also achieve 100 kills, this person will be an excellent helper for me to pass the hell road! The gun in his hand should be his martial spirit. If I can pass the hell road, I will definitely introduce him to the teacher !”

"This man is a genius on par with Dai Yao!"

Then, a sneaky figure behind Emperor Shura caused many people to exclaim.

Scar Man saw Emperor Shura as if he was not blind and killed eight people in an instant. This exaggerated scene made him exclaim, "Fuck!" But he realized that this moment was his best chance to kill Emperor Shura!

Now, he is behind Emperor Shura. As long as he moves fast enough, even if Emperor Shura realizes his purpose, the spear cannot be turned around!

Can a gun handle kill someone?

The answer is undoubtedly no.

Without any hesitation, he brandished his sword and struck at Emperor Shura's back.

But the next moment, in his ever-dilating eyes, the handle of a gun was thrust towards him rapidly. A sharp pain immediately spread from his chest, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Looking down, he saw that a spear had penetrated his chest. He said in disbelief:

"You... how could it be possible?"

A faint voice sounded from beneath the mask: "Who told you that you can't kill someone without a gun tip?"

Emperor Shura twitched his hands violently, and blood spurted out from the scarred man's chest like a fountain. Emperor Shura took off the cloth covering his eyes and carefully wiped the blood on the gun.

He looked so meticulous, as if he had just slaughtered a few chickens.

After a brief silence, even more crazy cheers sounded:

"Emperor Shura! Emperor Shura! Emperor Shura!"

Emperor Shura was none other than Dai Yao. After packing up the God-killing Spear, he breathed a sigh of relief. Today's battle is not a formidable opponent.

The blindfolded experience under the waterfall made the scarred man's methods useless.

The intensity of these guys' attacks was far less than the rocks that fell from the sky.

"After half a year, I finally got 66 wins. It's really not easy."

Dai Yao thought silently, and the red blood in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

In the six months since he arrived in the Killing City, he had been playing the Killing Fields games without sleep and food, hoping to win more than fifty games before Hu Liena arrived.

Today, he scored his sixty-sixth victory. In the entire history of Killing Fields, it is one of the best.

The most dangerous moment was when Dai Yao was extremely weak after defeating two Contras. As soon as he stepped out of the killing field, he was besieged by hundreds of people.

But with the spear in his hand, like a killing machine, he killed all the hundreds of people who besieged him, leaving no bones behind. And Dai Yao crawled out from the pile of dead people, his muscles were cut to pieces and his eyes were red.

Although his aura was extremely weak at that time, no one dared to attack him.

From then on, he had a resounding name in the killing fields - Emperor Shura.

It is undeniable that the Killing Fields is an extremely cruel place. Only one out of ten people can survive. In half a year, although Dai Yao's soul power has not improved, his strength has more than doubled.

After arriving in the killing city, because of the magical effect of the Chaos Green Lotus, Dai Yao was immune to the side effects of the growing murderous aura as the number of killings increased and remained sane. However, surviving in this place full of killings, his spirit It is inevitable that there has been some impact.

Cold, murderous, cruel, he began to enjoy the trembling feeling of those fallen ones.

No wonder Tang San, Hu Liena and the others need to take good care of themselves for a period of time before they can live like normal people when they return to the real world.

He slowly left the killing field. Suddenly, his eyes paused and he noticed the woman who was incompatible with the people around her in the stands. Not because of her beauty, but because of her clean and bloodless temperament.

"Hey, Hu Liena?"

His eyes were fixed on the charming woman, he curled his lips slightly and murmured:

"Has the mission finally begun?"

Of course, Dai Yao, who has read the original work, knows that with Hu Liena's ability, she can pass hundreds of tests, but she can't pass the road to hell.

"According to time calculation, one year after Hu Liena entered the Killing City, Tang San will be here. Why don't I kill Tang San here?"

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and thought:

"No, first of all, Tang San can use hidden weapons and other means in the killing city. Although I'm not afraid of it, I can't get rid of it. Once injured, it will inevitably attract a bunch of annoying flies."

"Furthermore, Tang Hao can use the Killing God Domain to enter and leave the killing fields at will. If I attack his son, I won't even be able to use my soul skills. Wouldn't I be asking for my own death?"

"Back then, Tang Hao wanted to kill me in the competition, but he hasn't avenged it yet! Tang Hao, just wait!"

He had already thought about how to take revenge on Tang Hao, but the time had not come yet.

"Finally, I want to take revenge on Queen Xingluo. I am determined to get Xiao Wu's soul ring! Without Tang San's existence, Xiao Wu will not be able to sacrifice, and I will not have a good opportunity!"

When Bibi Dong caught Xiao Wu, she must have planned to add a soul ring to her second martial soul instead of giving it to Dai Yao. Moreover, except for the method of sacrifice, when Dai Yao was in the sixth spirit ring, it was difficult to withstand the energy contained in the 100,000-year-old spirit ring.

Therefore, Tang San must keep it.


A few months later.

Hu Liena finished today's game in the killing field. When she was extremely weak, she was besieged by fifty or sixty people. But she did not pay attention to these rabble. Her vigilant eyes were fixed on the masked man holding a spear above the eaves.

"Emperor Shura, what exactly does he want to do?"

In the past few months, Hu Liena has participated in dozens of competitions. What shocked her was that Emperor Shura would stop and watch every one of her competitions.

Today she was under siege, but Emperor Shura was still hiding around her.

While avoiding the attacks of the besiegers, she thought about Emperor Shura's purpose and tried to fight back. Emperor Shura was nearby, so she had to pay attention to Emperor Shura's every move. She thought she was no match for Emperor Shura.

Once Emperor Shura joins the battle to kill her, her hope of survival will be extremely slim.

However, to her surprise, after she killed all the besiegers, Emperor Shura still did not take action and just watched her quietly.

"Emperor Shura, what is your purpose?"

Hu Liena snapped. (end of this chapter)

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