Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 272 The Tragic King of Slaughter

On the ground, blood flowed quietly, and there were wreckage everywhere. No one survived. The air was filled with the smell of blood, and each corpse was accurately pierced to the fatal point.

Those degenerates who were joining in the fun, even preparing to stay behind, were so frightened that they fled away after seeing how powerful this charming woman was.

There was only one person, standing on the eaves as if there was no one else around, with black hair flying behind his back, and wearing a mask that covered his entire face, making his expression unclear.

Compared to the woman, this man made everyone more afraid.

Looking at Hu Liena, whose face was covered with blood and her whole body was filled with murderous intent, and thinking of the huge changes she had undergone in just one month, Dai Yao under the mask couldn't help but sigh, praising this woman's firm will and actions. So cruel.

Hu Liena is worthy of being the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. In just one month, she lost her immaturity when she first entered the city of killing, and became mature, turning a blind eye to the killing.

The Shura Emperor he transformed into followed Bibi Dong's mission and always followed Hu Liena and assumed the task of protecting her. But Dai Yao knew that continuing like this was not an option.

In the city of killing, the weak prey on the strong, and there is intrigue and deception. No one can trust it except yourself.

Therefore, his behavior of following Hu Liena will definitely attract Hu Liena's attention, so he must have a reasonable reason to make Hu Liena relax her inner vigilance.

Dai Yao never answered Hu Liena's doubts and questions again and again, but after Hu Liena was surrounded and killed today, Dai Yao realized that Hu Liena's experience was almost over, and it was time to tell him his purpose.

Bibi Dong demanded that he be Hu Liena's bodyguard without revealing his identity, and that Hu Liena should be fully trained without knowing it. If it weren't for the Qibao Glazed Sect, he would not bother to do such a troublesome thing. Do.

Hearing Hu Liena's question again, a strong and deep voice sounded from beneath the mask.

This is the voice he deliberately pretended to hide his identity.

"I heard that your name is Hu Liena. When I saw you today, you are quite capable."

Hearing this, Hu Liena frowned and stared at the Shura Emperor who was walking slowly. She clenched the dagger in her hand and said coldly:

"Emperor Shura, do you also want to take action against me?"

Once Shura Emperor gets close to him, she will most likely not be his opponent, so she has to be vigilant again and again. In the past month, she found that Emperor Shura was present in every game she played, including today's siege. She was very confused as to what Emperor Shura wanted to do.

Hu Liena seemed to hear a chuckle under the mask.

"No, no, no, if I wanted to kill you, I should have done it from your first day. You are very weak now and should recover your soul power as soon as possible."

Under Hu Liena's vigilant gaze, Dai Yao slowly approached her. When he was ten meters away, he suddenly stopped and said:

"I won't be close to you now. You should believe me that I have no ill intentions towards you."

She glanced at the position where Emperor Shura was. Even if Emperor Shura wanted to take action at this distance, she could still react. The alertness in her eyes suddenly became less guarded, and she said doubtfully:

"What is your purpose? Why have you been following me these past few days?"

Emperor Shura put the spear in his hand on the ground, leaned on it and said:

"You should have come to the Slaughter City for training. You have a completely different temperament from those fallen ones."


Noticing the word ‘ye’ in Emperor Shura’s words, Hu Liena’s eyes suddenly lit up and she said:

"Emperor Shura, are you also here to practice in the killing city?"


Seeing the masked man nodding, an idea flashed in Hu Liena's mind, and she immediately understood Emperor Shura's thoughts and said:

"You mean, you want to find a companion to pass the test of the Killing City with you?"

Dai Yao nodded, and a low and steady voice came from under the mask: "You are indeed very smart, Hu Liena."

After knowing Emperor Shura's purpose, Hu Liena couldn't help stroking the orange hair hanging down by her ears, pursed her lips slightly, and outlined a dangerous arc. Her eyes were full of charm, and she said seductively:

"In this case, companions must trust each other. Can you let me see your appearance first?"

Emperor Shura's record in the Killing City was even better than that of her teacher Bibi Dong. Therefore, she wanted to recruit such a genius into the Spirit Hall.

Moreover, she had heard a lot about Emperor Shura's deeds in the killing city. He was like an ascetic in the killing fields of hell, resting places, and was like an ascetic, not contaminated by those prostitutes, and incompatible with those degenerates.

It was undeniable that Hu Liena had some admiration for this man.

However, she always felt that Emperor Shura's purpose was not pure. If Emperor Shura was really sincere, he would definitely let her see what he looked like under the mask.

If you are handsome...


Feeling Hu Liena's strange gaze, Dai Yao was speechless for a while. He was indeed a pretty girl. When he saw Tang San's appearance in the anime, he immediately blushed with embarrassment and fell in love with Tang San from then on.

However, he can't take off his mask. Once he takes it off, won't his work of hiding his identity be exposed?

He frowned and said:

"Sorry, I won't take off my mask."

Just when Hu Liena was dissatisfied, Dai Yao continued:

"Due to special reasons, I cannot take off the mask, but I would like to remind you."


Hu Liena was stunned.

"Everything in the Killing Fields is poisonous, and so is the Bloody Mary. The more you drink of that stuff, the more toxins accumulate in your body."

"Although it seems to have no impact now, once you step on the road to hell, it will definitely explode. I think only eight people can pass through the road to hell in thousands of years. I'm afraid this poison has played a big role."

Dai Yao said slowly.

On the one hand, in order to win Hu Liena's trust, he needed to tell her something that would make Hu Liena trust him; on the other hand, he was not willing to carry a tow bottle with him on the road to hell.

In the original work, although Hu Liena eliminated toxins from her body, she was still affected by the hell road and lost her mind. If he continued to drink Bloody Mary without any restrictions, he would definitely go crazy even earlier.

Although he is Hu Liena's bodyguard, it can alleviate some of the pressure, right? If he was allowed to use all his strength, he believed that he could easily pass the Hell Road after understanding the original work and greatly reducing the difficulty of the Hell Road.

But what he can use now is only one God-killing Spear, and he can't even use the two attached soul bones. It's more than twice as difficult!

"If you believe me, you might as well take this detoxification pill. Within three days, you will have diarrhea and the toxins in your body will be emptied."

Dai Yao took out an antidote pill from Ruyi's treasure bag, threw it to Hu Liena, and said calmly.

Dai Yao had exchanged the Tang Clan Poison Chapter from Tang San, and after arriving in the Killing City, he specially made some gadgets.

After taking the green detoxification pill and looking at it for a while, perhaps because Emperor Shura did not show his appearance, Hu Liena put the detoxification pill into the soul guide, glanced at Emperor Shura, and said coldly:

"I see."

Looking at Hu Liena's leaving figure, Dai Yao couldn't help but sigh. A handsome face can make these love minds forget all their caution.

It's just that he can't take off the mask...

"The speed of the killing field, don't be too slow, I can't wait too long!"

Dai Yao said loudly.

After all, Tang San was coming in a year, and he had to try to avoid Hu Liena coming into contact with Tang San. Once he fell in love with Tang San, his situation would be embarrassing.

Is it possible that the three of us have to create the road to hell together?

Therefore, he had to ask Hu Liena to speed up the progress of the killing field!

Hearing this, Hu Liena's back froze, her brows furrowed, and she left quickly.


One year later.

In the resting place, Dai Yao looked at Hu Liena in front of him with interest and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that you are just taking the antidote pill I gave you a year ago."

Although she couldn't clearly see the expression under Emperor Shura's mask, Hu Liena could already imagine the expression of the man under the mask from the teasing tone.


"Stop blabbering, here are some detoxifying pills."

For a year, Emperor Shura watched every time Hu Liena played. After that chat, Hu Liena began to take the initiative to talk to Emperor Shura.

In addition, both of them came here for training and had the same topics. After going back and forth, the two of them became quite familiar with each other.

It was just because of the almost dark forest-like atmosphere of the Killing City that Hu Liena did not dare to completely let down her guard. However, she has recognized Emperor Shura as her teammate on the road to hell.

In one year, Hu Liena completed 66 victories under Dai Yao's urging. He is just as good as Tang San in the original work.

As for Dai Yao, he reached ninety-nine victories half a year ago. Since then, he has been waiting for Hu Liena to complete one hundred victories and then enter the road to hell together.

However, due to too many killings, the murderous aura in the body continued to condense, which began to affect the two people's consciousness, and the speed of the killing field also began to slow down.

Because of the concentration of murderous intent, Hu Liena finally took the detoxification pill that Emperor Shura gave her. She felt that the heat in her body was drained away, and her mind became clearer.

Hu Liena finally began to trust Emperor Shura.

This made Dai Yao let out a long sigh of relief. During this period, Tang San, if not Tang Yin, would have entered the killing city. If you can't gain Hu Liena's trust now, you can only watch as Hu Liena falls in love with Tang San just like in the original novel...

However, the goddess of luck favored Dai Yao in the end, and he gained Hu Liena's trust.

"If you use one detoxification pill, you will need one less. There is no need to replenish it in the killing city, so use it sparingly."

Dai Yao took out a few antidote pills and placed them in Hu Liena's hand. Seeing a few round pills in her hand, Hu Liena's eyes couldn't help but soften a little, and she said softly:

"Thank you. As long as we can get out smoothly, I will definitely introduce you to a good place."

After getting along with him for a year, she had a clearer understanding of the Shura Emperor in front of her, who was powerful and determined. With his help, Hu Liena is very confident that the two of them can pass the test of Hell Road.

Such geniuses must be destined to my Wuhun Palace!

Moreover, in this environment full of enemies, and in an extremely depressing atmosphere, the only two people who trusted and relied on each other, it was inevitable that she would have different feelings for Emperor Shura.

However, in a year, she had never seen the face of Emperor Shura under the mask.

This made her curious about Emperor Shura. After joining Wuhun Palace, she must take a good look at what this person looks like!

"Thank you very much."

Dai Yao secretly smiled, didn't he know that Hu Liena's promise was nothing more than to join the Wuhun Palace?

"It's almost time. I'm going to participate in today's killing field competition."

Hu Liena counted the time, greeted Dai Yao, and prepared to leave.

The killing fields of hell.

In a dark and spacious room.

On the huge dark red stone chair, a tall figure sat lazily.

Under the stage, a cold female voice sounded in the darkness:

"Great King, Emperor Shura has completed ninety-nine games, but has never conducted the one hundredth test. It seems that he is very sensible and has no intention of challenging the road to hell."

The tall man sitting on the chair frowned and said:

"Stupid, the reason why Emperor Shura has not played the 100th game is because he is waiting for the Hell Messenger to complete the 100th test so that we can go through hell together!"

The cold girl paused suddenly, her tone full of regret, and said:

"If I had known earlier, we should have arranged for the two of them to face each other so that we could get rid of one of them."

The tall man snorted coldly: "Hmph, don't worry about them. Emperor Shura and the Hell Messenger were all sent in by the Killing God from Wuhun Palace."

"If the two of them die in the killing field or on the road to hell, even the God of Death will have nothing to say. But if we use methods to make the two of them kill each other, it will be a devastating blow to us!"

"The God of Killing who passes through the Hell Road can enter and exit the City of Killing at will. In their God of Killing domain, any soul master can resume the use of soul skills. Once the God of Killing in the Spirit Hall goes crazy, our hell The capital, but it no longer exists!"

The cold female voice stopped speaking, as if she was frightened by these words.

The King of Slaughter sighed and said:

"By opening the Hell Road, the Capital of Hell will suffer another bloodbath. I just hope that after sending Emperor Shura and the Messenger of Hell to the Hell Road, no more powerful people will come to the Capital of Hell to experience."

"Otherwise, if you open the hell road continuously, the hell capital will be exhausted."

The cold female voice stopped talking, and she had obviously foreseen the scenario where another killing god would send a young disciple to him, and open up the road to hell again, where countless fallen people would be sacrificed.

After opening the Hell Road twice in a row, even the Killing City cannot withstand this kind of consumption.

Just as the two were lamenting, the horror knight Scott came here in horror and said in a trembling voice:

"The King of Slaughter, the most terrifying God of Killing in the world, brought a young man into the city of killing!"

Hearing this, the face of the King of Slaughter suddenly froze. He really did whatever he said. Two gods of killing, do you really want me, the King of Slaughter, to be a loner? (end of this chapter)

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