Seeing that "Adam" whose head was smashed by her turned into a cold corpse, and the corpse gradually faded and disappeared, the sea witch's face turned pale.

After such a delay, she had given up hope of finding and catching up with the two people who escaped on the soul-guided speedboat.

How difficult is it to find such a small target in the vast ocean?

Although he recaptured the "Pearl of the Sea" and his sister's body, none of the enemies were killed!

In her knowledge, there are three enemies, one is the man in black who absorbed the soul ring, the other is "Adam" who stole the "Pearl of the Sea" and brought Haiyun here, and the third is the main force who killed her sister , the body of that thread clone.

She decisively chose to kill the three people on the island first instead of pursuing them, not only because of the bodies of "Pearl of the Sea" and Hai Yun, but also because two of her enemies were still on the island.

But the disappearing corpses of Amon and "Adam" undoubtedly gave her a slap in the face.

The empty "sea-breaking shuttle" beneath her rose and fell with the waves, as if silently mocking her incompetence.

The guilt of not being able to protect her sister, the regret of letting go of her enemy, and the shame of being teased all made the sea witch's anger rise uncontrollably.

She screamed "ah", and her mental and soul power centered on her, sweeping across all directions.

The terrifying power made the sea stand still.

When she withdrew her soul power, fish and shrimps appeared on the sea that could not bear the pressure and died.

The slightly stronger sea soul beasts also rushed to escape and did not dare to stay here.

"Did you hear that sound?" Walter asked in a low voice in the dark space.

"Haha... maybe the sea witch failed to find anyone and was venting her unwillingness and anger." Amon pinched his monocle and said with a relaxed expression.

At this moment, the two of them were not on the surface of the sea, but in the deep water.

Walter did not place his hope on the soul guide speedboat. During the few days waiting for "Adam", he hunted a whale and made its body into his own puppet.

After using the soul guide to leave the desert island for a certain distance, he controlled the whale corpse and swallowed the two of them.

The speedboat on the sea was driven by a clone of Amon.

While Amon's clone was driving the speedboat in a non-directional manner, he kept spreading clones to interfere with the Sea Witch's subsequent pursuit.

However, these preparations seemed redundant, as the Sea Witch did not continue the pursuit.

Amon's body and Walter used the whale puppet to slowly sail towards the mainland.

They have no plans to return to Hanhai City.

There are many sea soul masters in Hanhai City who are inextricably linked to Poseidon Island. Going to Hanhai City risks exposing them and attracting pursuit.

So they decided to land somewhere at random and then return inland immediately.

"Tsk...I overestimated her."

Amon, who was driving a speedboat on the sea, did not receive news of the death of Amon's clones for a long time, so he followed the spiritual connection to recover the clones one by one.

Several hours passed, and a strange wave came. At this moment, all the Amons felt that the invisible shackles on their bodies were broken.

They adjusted the monocle on their right eye in different positions, and raised the corners of their mouths slightly to outline a smile.

The main body has broken through to the Soul King realm!

When Amon's clone card bug was upgraded, the soul power would be raised to the limit every time, so the shackles were broken, and they immediately condensed the soul ring and upgraded it to level 41.

Amon, who was driving the soul guide speedboat, opened his eyes, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified.

He saw the sea witch standing on the sea, looking at him expressionlessly.

I was careless... With so many clones gathered together, the movement during the breakthrough was a bit loud, which attracted her here...

Soon, the smile returned to his face, and he said with a bit of sarcasm and joking:

"Your sister tastes really good."

The sea witch swung her fish tail and smashed Amon and the speedboat into pieces.

Although she killed Amon again, there was no joy on her face at all.

Seeing Amon's body gradually becoming illusory and finally disappearing, the sea witch acted very calmly, but her expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

I didn't realize it before, but now that I think about it carefully, I understand how terrifying this strange guy wearing a black robe, a pointed hat, and a monocle is on his right eye.

They were the ones who attacked the Mermaid Village before, or rather...him.

Each one possesses soul master strength, has self-awareness, and can act independently.

In the end, he was killed but nothing was left... It was a bit like a clone created by soul skills, rather than a real human being.

But, is there really any soul skill that can achieve such an effect? That’s too scary!

The main body is hidden at an unknown distance, and the clone can move and destroy at will...

Not only that, it seems that the clones can also be upgraded. The one who caused panic in the Mermaid Village before was obviously only the soul master, but the one who was shot to death by him just now had the strength of the soul master!

The fluctuations in soul power that attract him are a bit like the fluctuations produced when a soul ring is absorbed and a breakthrough is made...

Or maybe his body killed Hai Yun and absorbed her soul ring, so he broke through, and then his clone also became stronger? The sea witch thought in her mind.

But why did he go to such trouble to kill Hai Yun? If it is really just for a soul ring, is it worth spending such a high price?

With the energy he put into this, wouldn't it be better to hunt down stronger soul beasts?

The Sea Witch's mind was in a mess, with a myriad of thoughts. A faint sense of panic rose in her heart, as if there was a huge shadow lurking, slowly approaching the Sea God Island.

She glanced at the deep sea surface, and for the first time felt that the sea was so strange and so terrible, as if there was a devil in the ocean that could devour everything.

The Sea Witch fled from this place of trouble, intending to report the incident to Poseidon after bringing the "Pearl of the Sea" and her sister's body back to the Mermaid Village.

Sensing that the Amons who were sent to attract attention suddenly died after gathering together, although the dead clones did not send any information, his original body still guessed the truth.

The clones would gather again after dispersing, which probably meant that there was no danger.

Then they all died after the breakthrough, which should be the fluctuations of the breakthrough that attracted something...

It could be the Sea Witch who had never left, or it could be some powerful sea soul beast...

Amon restrained the breath around him and suppressed the dissipated soul power fluctuations.

Because when the main body breaks through, all the clones also break through. At this time, there is no clone that can maintain the first soul skill, which causes the soul power fluctuations when he breaks through to be sensed by others.

Having learned from this lesson, Amon decided to split out one or two low-level time bugs when the main body is about to absorb a new soul ring in the future, which will not drive the main body to break through even if the main body breaks through.

It is specially used to maintain the first soul skill and steal the soul power "expression" when the main body breaks through, so as to better hide himself.

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