"What a terrible soul control." Walter couldn't help but sigh when he saw Amon quickly gather the soul power that escaped after the breakthrough.

Although he had seen it before when Amon absorbed the fourth soul ring, he was still a little surprised.

That control that almost turned soul control into instinct was something that even many Title Douluo had never possessed.

Walter saw a bit of joy on Amon's face and said with a smile: "It seems that you are very satisfied with this harvest."

"Yes, after all, I have spent so much time and the harvest is not big, then I will lose... Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Walter." Amon nodded, without hiding it.

The loss of this operation was huge, and more than a hundred Amon clones were sacrificed before and after, which was unprecedented!

This made the already gradually sufficient manpower a little insufficient again, and Amon had to be thrifty in the use of clones in the future.

Of course, the loss was huge, and the gain was even greater!

He began to count the gains of this time in his mind.

The soul power level suddenly went from level 50 to level 56, which was expected. After all, a soul ring of nearly 50,000 years is enough to be the ninth soul ring of the Title Douluo!

The soul skills obtained are also similar to what Amon expected. As in the past, he called the skills he gained this time "Dream Stealer".

Passive skills: Like the passive skills of the fourth soul ring, it strengthens the nature of "stealing" that has been possessed since the first soul ring, making the concept of "stealing" more important.

Active skills: "Mind Reading", which can read other people's thoughts, but can only read what the other party is thinking, not memories.

The completeness and efficiency of reading information are related to the comparison of the mental strength of both parties and the psychological and emotional state of the other party.

The stronger your own spirit is than the other party, the easier it is to read. When the other party's psychology and emotions have great ups and downs, it will be much easier to read.

"Dream Stealing": "Mind Reading" is linked to "Stealing", which can steal other people's "thoughts", store them in the soul ring, and "return" them at the right time.

There is a certain limit on the number of "thoughts" stored. For some "thoughts" that he does not want to "return" to the other party, Amon can also choose to release them to himself and digest them by himself.

The relevant conditions for the success rate of "stealing dreams" are similar to those of "reading minds". Under the same conditions, "stealing dreams" is more difficult than "reading minds".

In addition, the most important point is that all clones have also been upgraded to level 41 and can use the fourth soul skill!

This is a qualitative leap in Amon's strength.

Any soul emperor is as weak as an ordinary person in front of Amon now.

If the "steal" skill specifies a soul skill of the opponent, sufficient information is required, otherwise there will be a high failure rate.

But if you do not specify a soul skill and choose to steal randomly, you can randomly steal any skill from one to four rings.

In most cases, the stolen soul skills will be one or two rings.

But Amon is not one, but a group!

As long as four clones use "steal", you can steal the first four soul skills of any opponent, and the opponent cannot use them within a day.

The fifth and sixth soul skills have a failure rate, but as long as more clones try at the same time, try more times.

With the advantage of frequency, the success rate of stealing soul skills will be close to 100%.

So, an aggregated Amon with more than a dozen time worms can beat any soul emperor.

Even most soul saints will not be the opponent of aggregated Amon.

Because the seventh soul skill, the martial soul true body, has the greatest effect after it is activated: you can use all soul skills below seven rings except the martial soul true body for 30 minutes without restriction, and the power is 150% of the original.

But if there are no soul skills from the first to the sixth ring, the greatest effect of the martial soul true body is equivalent to nothing.

Although some martial soul true bodies also have special effects, allowing soul masters to fight without relying on one to six soul rings, they are a minority after all.

And no matter what, if you lose one to six soul rings, you can only use the martial soul true body. Even if you still have good combat power, your strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

Of course, it is still difficult for Amon to be a weapon soul master at the soul saint level.

After they open their weapon souls, they can't be underestimated if they use their martial souls to fight alone, but the difficulty is not very great...

In the weapon soul true body state, directly using the weapon martial soul to attack consumes a lot of energy and consumes soul power, and even soul saints can't hit them a few times.

Just add more time worms and fight a war of attrition.

As for the children in the soul master competition... For a general team, a gathering Amon with 28 time worms can suppress the whole field.

Even if there are several soul kings in the spirit hall team, it's just a matter of adding two or three time worms.

This was expected by Amon a long time ago. In fact, he already knew it when he got the fourth soul skill.

No matter what skill the fifth soul skill is, it will not affect him to crush the soul emperor after becoming a soul king.

After the Amons sensed that the main body had successfully advanced, the clones in Hanhai City began to evacuate in an orderly manner, leaving only two as idle chess pieces.


"Are you leaving? Remember to come back to see me." The girl gave a boy wearing a monocle a hug with a hint of reluctance in her eyes.

"I will. See you again if we are lucky." The young man smiled.


"Ah, you are leaving? What a pity. It is not easy to find a diligent and smart guy like you." The owner of a tavern said with a trace of regret.

Amon, dressed in cloth, scratched his head and smiled shyly, "I know the boss of a caravan, and I want to travel more while I'm young."

The tavern owner did not try to keep him, but gave him three more silver soul coins when he settled his salary, "Be more careful, there are many bad guys these days, don't be sold and help others count money."


Amon said goodbye to his friends in the city one by one and set off on his way home.

When passing by the city gate, he heard a hapless guard complain, "Damn it, why is my wallet lost again? I suspect I was robbed!"

"Hahaha, you can't let others hear this. If people know that members of our city guard have had their wallets stolen by thieves many times, others will question our business level." One of his colleagues laughed.

"Be careful, this thief is a bit evil, you'd better pay attention to your wallet, don't let it be stolen without knowing it." The unlucky guard said unhappily.

"How can this be... but... shit!" The man who had just laughed at the unlucky guard touched his chest and found that his purse was also missing.

"Wait, mine is gone too."

"And mine."

"What the hell!"

Several Amons who had just walked a short distance showed each other their newly acquired purses with smiles on their faces.

They all looked down on Amon who had not stolen anything.


On the second-floor balcony of the Hanhai City Wuhun Hall, a young man with black hair, a black gentleman's hat, a suit of the same color, black gloves on his hands, and a cane stood by the railing, overlooking the huge city.

The wind blew the hem of his suit.

Behind him, Cardinal Pierce in a red robe slowly walked to his side, "Mr. Adam, the matter is done, why don't you leave?"

"Hehe... I am quite interested in the sea soul masters now, and don't call me by that name anymore, otherwise there will be trouble... Remember, Adam is dead." The young man in black smiled.

"Then what should I call you?"

"Um...call me Klein."


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