At Amon's current level, the Continental High-level Soul Master Elite Competition was no longer in his eyes.

No, he had never taken it seriously from the beginning. He had always regarded it as a gimmick.

To lure Yan Jin, attract investment, or use it as a link to contact powerful soul masters who could help him obtain the required soul rings.

What he gained along the way was what he really wanted. The acquisition of the second soul ring, the third soul ring, and even the fourth and fifth soul rings were all related to the people he contacted with this gimmick.

Otherwise, he would never be able to hunt such a suitable soul beast by himself.

Although Amon did not have much desire for the three ten thousand year soul bones awarded as the champion, he did not mind helping those who supported him in the past to get some benefits without affecting his next plan.

He had made many promises, and even if it did not have much impact on him whether he fulfilled them or not, Amon did not intend to breach them.

Sometimes, setting up an honest and trustworthy personality can better deceive people. The deception of honest people is the most unexpected and deadly!

In addition, participating in the Soul Master Competition can also make a few moves, which may not be useful, but may bring a small surprise at some point.

Considering this, Amon still pretends to be actively preparing for the Soul Master Competition, without much change.

However, some people don't seem to agree that he is actively preparing for the competition.

"Student Amon! The Soul Master Competition is coming soon. Is it really okay for you to do this?" Sun Boyuan rarely mustered up the courage to remind Amon.

"Look at the teams of other colleges. Which one is not training hard, strengthening tacit understanding, and discussing tactics at this time? Look at what you are doing?

"Alia, Vidal, Brady, and Franco, these four guys are lingering in various banquets. How can they look like they are practicing seriously?

"Yan Jin did play individual games in the fighting spirit field, but the Soul Master Competition is mainly a team competition! Except for Lei Yin, she can't cooperate with others at all.

"Romil took the scholarship for top students given by the college, and spent all day drinking and partying. Even Lei Yin was led astray by him. Don't you, the captain, care about it? ”

He was really worried about the team members at this time, worried that they were young and full of energy, proud and complacent, and would ruin a good hand.

Just looking at what the team members are doing now, it is indeed a bit of a mess.

Although Sun Boyuan's attitude was a little accusatory, knowing that he was well-intentioned, Amon didn't care. He smiled and said:

"Well... There is not much time left before the Soul Master Competition officially opens. I, the captain, have not shown up all the time. It seems inappropriate not to organize some team activities... Then let's play a few games. Teacher Sun, you can arrange it. "

Sun Boyuan's attitude is also the attitude of the academy. Amon needs to give them a reassurance.

"Okay, okay, then let's put it this way. What level are you now? I will go to the Northland Great Soul Fighting Arena to help you arrange opponents. "

"Level... I don't know what level they are, you can ask yourself... In my case, level 56. "Amon said with a smile.

When Amon said he didn't know the levels of his teammates, Sun Boyuan wanted to complain about how he was the captain.

On second thought, he, the nominal instructor, didn't know either, so he didn't seem to be qualified to say anything about him.

When Amon reported his own level, Sun Boyuan was stunned, "How much? Are you saying it again? Did I hear it right?"

"Level 56, isn't Yan Jin playing in the individual competition in the fighting arena? You should know her level." Amon asked back.

"Well... Level 53, an unprecedented genius!"

"So, it's not surprising that I, the captain, am level 56. "Amon smiled faintly.

With a team member at level 53, it is not reasonable for the captain to be less than level 50, so Amon's level is normal...

Sun Boyuan nodded as if he was convinced, and left in a daze.

After he was far away from Amon, he slapped his head and felt that his cognition was almost broken by these talented students.

He realized it belatedly, how could this be considered normal?

Although compared with Yan Jin, who was less than 15 years old, the abnormal talent of level 53 was slightly inferior, but for a young man under 20 years old, the soul power level of level 56 was terrifying enough.

Looking at Sun Boyuan's reaction, Amon was thoughtful...

Every time he absorbed a soul ring, his previous soul skills would be slightly strengthened. Sun Boyuan was obviously strengthened by the passive ability of his second soul skill that enhanced affinity. Affected, I subconsciously believed what he said.

This effect is surprisingly good... Could it be that the soul skills brought by Haiyun's soul ring are related to the mind and thinking, so the ability in related fields has been greatly enhanced? He made such a guess.

It is not easy to find a team with matching strength for the Northland team. The fighting soul field judges the team level based on the soul power level and fighting soul badge level of the highest person.

They divide registered soul masters into eight levels: iron, copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, and diamond.

The fighting soul badge level can basically be regarded as the combat power of a soul master in the same rank.

When matching, the fighting soul field first divides the level by the soul power level, and then determines the opponent by the badge level.

Only those with the same soul power level and the same fighting soul level will compete on the same stage.

Currently, the person with the highest badge level in the Soul Fighting Arena in Beidi College is Yan Jin. He has not lost a single match in the past six months and has reached the Ruby level, which is only one step away from the highest Diamond level.

Yan Jin's existence has raised the team level to a very high level.

If she also plays, the Beidi College team will have to face a Ruby level team above level 50.

The question is, is there really such a team?

Let alone the Ruby level, it is difficult to find a team above level 50.

The Soul King level is already the middle class of soul masters. Who has reached this level and still has nothing to do in the Soul Fighting Arena to play?

The city lords of many main cities in the Tiandou Empire are only soul masters of this level.

Maybe there are warmongers like Yan Jin who will hone themselves in the Soul Fighting Arena, but there are very few such people, and it is simply a fantasy to want to put together a team.

This makes Sun Boyuan a little worried, but if Yan Jin is not allowed to participate, then it will not play a role in strengthening the overall tacit understanding.

He reported his difficulties to the academy. The attitudes of the senior executives of the Northland Academy were surprisingly consistent. They were full of confidence in this team and were willing to strongly support it.

They sent people to communicate with the Great Fighting Soul Arena and asked them to temporarily form a matching team.

Although the Great Fighting Soul Arena has the support of the seven major soul master families, it is powerful and spread across the continent, but this is the Northland.

The Great Fighting Soul Arena attached great importance to the request made by the Northland Academy, which almost involved all the nobles in the Northland.

They immediately issued a task for all registered soul masters in the Fighting Soul Arena, promising high remuneration or equal remuneration. Of course, these expenses were paid by the Northland Academy.

Under the special communication means of the Fighting Soul Arena, this task was quickly sent to other places.


In Tiandou City, Flanders looked at the mission leaflet he got from the fighting arena and said with some regret:

"Why is it in the north? It would be great if it was in Tiandou or somewhere closer."

Liu Erlong chuckled: "Even if you are short of money, you don't have to think about asking those kids to help you make money all day long, right?"

"Ah? Am I that kind of person? I just thought that this is very suitable for honing them, but it's too far away." Flanders said righteously.

Yu Xiaogang on the side shook his head, "It's too early. Although Xiaosan and the others have made great progress these days, it's still difficult for them to face a team of level 50...

"Even the most ordinary team of level 50 soul masters is a big challenge for them.

"Also, don't just look at the soul power level... Flanders, look at the soul level of the team you need to face in the mission."

After hearing his reminder, Flanders moved his eyes away from the reward, and then exclaimed: "Ruby level?"

The mission of the soul fighting field did not specify that the opponent was the team of the Northland College. Although the information of the participating students was not very secret, the college would not take the initiative to spread it widely.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang and others did not know that this would be the opponent that their Shrek team would face in the near future.

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