Emperor Xue Ye stood up with a sullen face, looked at Prince Xue Xing who was silent behind him with dissatisfaction, snorted coldly, and left.

If Prince Xue Xing hadn't interfered, Tang San and others would be wearing the school uniform of Tiandou Royal Academy now!

The first day was just a warm-up, with only this game, and the audience left one after another.

Everyone was discussing Shrek Academy. The rapid and fierce attack just now was impressive, and Tang San's fourth ring of the ten thousand year spirit ring became a topic of great interest.

Some smart businessmen were ready to go to the dean of Shrek Academy, Flanders, to discuss the title advertising.

Ma Wen came over with Morey and the others. She looked at the clothes Yan Jin was wearing with a complicated expression:

"Sorry, I had to do that before."

"Okay, I know. Although it was very annoying at the time, the final result was not bad. Morey and the others thank you for taking care of me all these years."

Yan Jin waved his hand, paused for a moment, pointed to his clothes and said:

"I will only wear this in the qualifiers, and then change to other clothes."

"Actually, it is no longer necessary. With the support of Lord Walter, the Ice Thorn Chamber of Commerce has expanded rapidly and recently has a branch in the Northland City." Ma Wen said with a smile.

"This is a promise, I will abide by it." Yan Jin said seriously, and then she looked at Morey, "You have grown up too..."

"Sister!" Morey threw herself into Yan Jin's arms.

Amon raised his hand and stroked his monocle. After Morey and the others arrived, Yan Jin looked much more mature and stable. He seemed to see the cautious "Little Qu Shuai" back then.

Yan Jin is unbridled and outspoken, but she is willing to restrain these for her brothers and sisters and be a steady big sister.

"Have you been doing well these years?" Lei Yin asked.

"Very well. Although we don't have the talent for cultivation, Aunt Ma Wen and Uncle City Lord are very caring for us." A boy in black said.

"City Lord?" Lei Yin tilted his head. He didn't have this person in his impression. "Does Shuangye City have a city lord?"

"It's Mr. Lu Wencong. He is the city lord who has never taken office." Morey said softly.

"Ah? How did he become the city lord?" Lei Yin was puzzled.

"He was originally the city lord, but because the previous two city lords died strangely, he was afraid of danger and hid in the Ice Wind Junior Soul Master Academy as a teacher." Morey replied.

Lei Yin recalled, "The city lord did change frequently in the past two years, so why did he dare to take office again?"

"Because I killed the previous city lords." Glenn said coolly.

Ma Wen smiled politely, "Since he is your teacher and has taken good care of you in the academy, I will not attack him."

Hearing this, Amon looked at Glenn with some surprise. In his impression, Glenn had no other skills except pretending to be cool and bullying gangsters and thieves. He did not expect that he could actually do some serious work.

"Hey, although I don't know who you are, at least restrain yourself and don't say some things." Franco pointed to the guards around who looked at this place with unfriendly eyes and reminded.

Glenn's face froze, and then he remembered that this was not Frost Leaf City where he, a soul master, could act tyrannically.

"You guys chat first, I'll go out for a walk." Amon did not stay for long and walked out of the fighting soul field with the crowd.

He wandered aimlessly in the city. Sometimes, he passed by an empty alley, walked in, and when he came out, he became two.

One by one, the time clones spread out in the city as Amon wandered. When leaving Beidi City, Amon took away a large number of clones, leaving only a few behind.

Beidi City was no longer valuable to him, and he needed to re-select a main active place. Tiandou City seemed to be a good choice.

However, he was still a little hesitant about whether to settle here.

The next stage of the plan had not yet begun, and he had not determined the target. Everything would be decided after the Soul Master Competition.

Amon suddenly stopped. In front of him, an old man with green hair and green eyes who looked unkempt was staring at him with a cold look.

"Good day, Your Majesty the Poison Douluo." Amon bowed slightly.

"Well, you are very good... It seems that the kid said exactly. You really came prepared a year ago, and you were able to remove my poison." Dugu Bo said sinisterly.

That kid... Amon thought for a while and realized that he was referring to Tang San.

Amon was also a little confused. Why did Tang San have such a big hostility towards him? Although he did have a plan for him, except for parasitizing "Lovesickness Heartbroken Red", nothing else had started yet.

From my own perspective, it was indeed because I made a deal with Dugu Bo first that Tang San was unable to take all the immortal herbs as in the original novel, but from Tang San's perspective, he was not aware of this.

Could it be that he knew from Dugu Bo that I also knew about the immortal herbs, so he thought I had a way to die? Amon teased himself in his heart.

Amon's mouth corners slightly raised: "Senior Dugu, are you here to remind me to abide by the agreement? Don't worry, I still remember, the champion of the Soul Master Competition is not a problem."

Dugu Bo did not believe it, "Huh, do you think I will still be fooled by you? No one has ever been able to play tricks on me without paying any price.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance. My poison skills have improved during this period. I want to see if you can detoxify me again."

He took out a green pill, released his soul power, and pressed it towards Amon. "Choose for yourself, either die or take this pill."

Amon said, "This doesn't seem to be within the scope of our agreement."

"Do you think I'm discussing this with you?"

"Well, it seems I have no choice." Amon shrugged, took the pill, and swallowed it.

Seeing Amon's cooperation, Dugu Bo's expression eased, "Don't worry, even if you can't find a soul bone for me, I won't kill you... Of course, you have to pay something else, such as researching poison for me."

After speaking, Dugu Bo flashed, and disappeared from sight in a few ups and downs.

Amon closed his eyes and connected his spirit with all the clones in the entire Tiandou City. At the same time, through the transmission of several clones, he connected to the original body in a small town more than ten kilometers away.

He had expected to meet Dugu Bo. It was normal for Dugu Bo to attack again after he found that he had no signs of poisoning, so Amon would certainly not let his real body go to Tiandou City.

The one who was active in the city with the team members was just a clustered clone from beginning to end.

Amon, who was forced to take the poison by Dugu Bo, said in his mind: "This is what happened. What do you think?"

"Another Amon is going to be killed. I will mourn for you."

"Dugu Bo... I think he has found a way to die." An Amon said with a smile.

"Well, kill him. He won't be used in the next few plans."

"Since he has no use value, let's kill him."

"It's not the right time yet. Wait a little longer."

The original Amon raised his right hand, took off his monocle, wiped it gently with silk, put it back on, and made the final decision:

"He's just a goalkeeper of a Titled Douluo. After the Soul Master Competition is over, we will kill him and avenge our murdered compatriots."

In Tiandou City, Amon, who had just taken the poison, felt a little complicated. I'm not dead yet...you just asserted that I was murdered?


In the Sunset Forest, three Amons climbed to the top of the mountain, looking at the steamy valley below, and adjusted their monocles in different postures.

"Should we take away the remaining herbs? Dugu Bo is not here now."

"Wait for the original's decision. We haven't contacted the outside world for too long. I don't know what the other Amons think now."

Suddenly, Amon covered his chest with a pale face. This was poisoned a year ago. After a year, the poison finally took effect.

Amon, who was standing beside him, immediately stuffed the temporary antidote into his mouth. After a long time, the poisoned Amon finally recovered.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Tsk... there is still one year."

Another Amon comforted: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you have the chance to be poisoned again. Before that, you will probably be used to your last value and sacrificed because of a dangerous mission."


In the Imperial Palace, "Xue Qinghe" saw Emperor Xue Ye coming back with some anger, and couldn't help but step forward and ask:

"Father, what happened?"

"Humph... It's not that idiot Xue Xing." Emperor Xue Ye complained, "He drove away the soul master who could have been won over."

Emperor Xue Ye didn't say much and left directly.

"Xue Qinghe" looked at Ning Fengzhi who came back with Emperor Xue Ye, "Uncle Ning, can you tell me what happened?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded and told the whole story, including the fact that Shrek Academy wanted to merge into Tiandou Royal Academy, but was blocked by Xue Beng and Xue Xing.

"Xue Qinghe" showed a look of understanding on her face. She knew what Xue Beng and Xue Xing meant, but she didn't take them seriously.

"Your Highness, if you have time, you might as well get in touch with Tang San. He is a very talented child and may bring you surprises." Ning Fengzhi recommended to "Xue Qinghe".

"Since Uncle Ning said so, I will naturally meet him. We can't let such an excellent talent be dissatisfied with the royal family."

"How about tomorrow?" Ning Fengzhi suggested.

"Okay, tomorrow." "Xue Qinghe" nodded without hesitation.

Thank you for the 2000 reward for your previous book, thank you for the 500 reward from Black Cat Missionary, thank you for the reward from Killer Queen Mother and Flame Feathers

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