The next day, Amon led the people from Northland College into the fighting arena.

Today's atmosphere was even more heated than yesterday. In addition to the Shrek College and the vice-team of the Tiandou Royal College, which had already played a game, the remaining 26 teams would have 13 battles here.

Yan Jin looked around and was a little disappointed that he did not find the pile of shit green in the participating teams.

She was now very interested in Tang San. This was the third person she had ever seen, except for herself and Amon, who had a ten thousand year spirit ring in the fourth ring.

"Sister, come on!" Morey shouted with her brothers and sisters in the audience.

"Oh." Yan Jin waved her hand, then sat in the audience in the contestant area with her arms around her chest waiting. Today she was particularly quiet, mature and steady.

Lei Yin looked at Yan Jin like this, with a smile on her face, knowing that she was deliberately showing off her elder sister style in front of her brothers and sisters.

"Our opponent today is Purple Star College, and its strength level is about the same as that of the previous Northland College." Brady said.

"What was the level before?" Lei Yin asked.

Brady held his chin and pondered for two seconds:

"Well... I am probably one of the best in the team with my strength... There are two or three people who are equal to me, and then there are some weaker players."

"So weak." Romil crossed his legs, hugged his hands behind his back, and rested his head on his hands. He didn't know whether he was talking about Purple Star Academy or Brady.

Even though he had been together for a long time and was familiar with his behavior style, Brady still had a hard time not wanting to beat him up.

One team after another took the stage. Except for the five element academies that were eye-catching, the rest of the battles were mediocre. Yan Jin yawned when he saw it.

After all, she was not the leader or elder of those big forces, who would look at the participating students with a development and comparison perspective. She only knew that these were too weak and were not at the same level as her.

Of course, this was for her. For the vast majority of the audience, and even some contestants, the game on the field was still exciting, with many remarkable points.

Amon's eyes were on the VIP seats. In addition to Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, and Saras, there was another figure that deserved his attention.

It was an old man with a haggard face. He was not strong, but he was very tall, like a skeleton. His muscles and skin were shriveled, his eye sockets were deep, and a few sparse white hairs on his head were on his scalp, which made him look a little ugly.

That should be one of the two titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, Bone Douluo Gu Rong... Amon thought in his heart.

Gu Rong did not react much to Amon's sight. He just glanced at him and stopped paying attention. In such an occasion, there were many people who would pay attention to the VIP seats.

It was close to noon, and today's schedule had been halfway through.

The emcee standing on the platform said in a rhythmic voice:

"Another battle has ended, and the winner is Canghui Academy. Next, let me rest for a while and prepare for the next game.

"The two sides of this game are the Northland Advanced Soul Master Academy and the Purple Star Advanced Soul Master Academy. The game will start in fifteen minutes. Please prepare for both sides."

"Let's go." Amon stood up, patted the drowsy Yan Jin, left the audience and walked towards the waiting area.

"Ah? Oh! "Yan Jin got up with a start and followed the team.

This was the last match of the morning. The audience was not bored by the previous matches, but was even more excited.

Cheers, cheers, and shouts came like a tide, one after another.

Amon walked slowly onto the stage, with Yan Jin slightly behind his right hand. To the right were Lei Yin and Bing Lan, and to his left were Romil, Vidal, and Alia.

The leader of Purple Star Academy was a petite woman wearing dark purple clothes and a little baby fat on her face. She was not too hostile and nodded normally, as a greeting.

Amon also nodded politely and smiled back.

Not every match was as tense as Shrek and Tiandou Royal Academy.

Under the referee's auspices, the two sides stood in a row, bowed to each other, and then returned to their own preparation areas and formed their formations.

"Begin! "

As the referee gave the order, the contestants of Purple Star Academy immediately lit up their martial spirits, and the brilliant lights intertwined and were dazzling.

On the side of Northland Academy, only Romil showed his martial spirit. And he did not defend or prepare to attack, but immediately condensed a wide chair behind Amon.

"Captain, please sit down."

Amon smiled, sat down, leaned back slightly, and leaned against the back of the chair.

Sun Boyuan in the stands covered his face, feeling quite speechless about this behavior of attracting hatred.

"It seems that the students of your academy are very confident." On the side, the teacher leading the team of Purple Star Academy had a hint of unkindness in his tone.

"Haha, young people just like to do some fancy things." Sun Boyuan smiled awkwardly.

"Is this the team that had people jumping around yesterday? Grandstanding!" In the VIP area, Prince Xuexing snorted coldly.

"Hehe... I think they are showing their confidence. "Saras said with a smile. Because of Yan Jin, he was more friendly to the Northland College.

"It seems that Lord Sarath is very optimistic about this team?" Ning Fengzhi said softly.

"I'm optimistic? I can't really say... I just think their actions are interesting. If they can show the strength to match their actions, I might consider inviting them to join the Spirit Hall in person." Saras replied indifferently.

Emperor Xue Ye did not comment. He was no longer surprised by the Spirit Hall's blatant recruitment of talents. He knew the situation in the North. Although the people there were tough, the training of soul masters was relatively backward, and it was difficult for truly top talents to emerge.

"You, are you looking down on us?" The leader of the Purple Star Academy asked dissatisfiedly.

"Are you looking down on us? No, we are just facing up to our own strength." Amon replied softly, "Be careful, the battle will be over soon."

Yan Jin took two steps forward and showed a slightly arrogant smile, "I can deal with you alone."

She suddenly jumped into the sky, and with the blessing of the second soul skill "Soul Power Catapult", she jumped very high.

With the appearance of her martial soul, five soul rings also appeared.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black...

"Soul King?" Prince Xuexing shouted.

"This is impossible!" A soul master sitting in the back rows of the VIP seats stood up and said in disbelief.

Ning Fengzhi's face also changed slightly. Even Gu Rong beside him had a bit of surprise in his deep eyes.

"Or the fourth soul ring is a soul king of ten thousand years..."

"How old is that girl?"

"She looks at most seventeen or eighteen years old."

The crowd was talking.

Emperor Xue Ye glanced at Sarath on the side and whispered: "Sir Sarath seems to have anticipated this situation?"

"No... I am also very surprised." Sarath shook his head, he was really surprised.

Although it has long been known that Walter's apprentice is very talented, even surpassing the "golden generation", this is a bit too good...

Sarath knew Yan Jin's age, 15 years old. A 15-year-old soul king? Is this too outrageous?

The spirit ring revealed by Yan Jin shocked the audience, and the opponents on the ring were also shocked.

However, they remembered that this was a competition, and they came to their senses immediately.

The leader of Zixing Academy immediately said: "Wait until she lowers her altitude and attack immediately. She can't avoid it in the air."

However, before she fell, Yan Jin's fifth spirit ring lit up directly, and the stored magma poured out.

"Big fire!" Yan Jin shouted in a low voice.

A terrifying heat wave erupted in the air, and rolling magma appeared out of thin air. The air in the entire fighting spirit field seemed to become scorching.

The fiery red light attracted everyone's attention. In the eyes of horror, fear, or worry, the large ball of magma fell like a fist.

Yan Jin was not aiming at the contestants of Zixing Academy, but at the center of the ring.

After the magma fell to the ground, under her control, it rushed towards the students of Zixing Academy like a wave.

Some students used long-range attacks, but it was like drawing a knife to cut water, cutting a hole in the wave formed by magma, and then quickly closing it.

Such a scene made them feel helpless, and they could only retreat from the ring in panic.

The magma stopped at the edge of the ring and did not continue to spread.

One person, one move, and the battle ended!

Amon did not give her any assistance, Yan Jin herself had such strength.

Born with the terrible "magma" martial spirit, Amon carefully selected and absorbed soul rings beyond the age limit, plus Walter's training at all costs, and the "earth dragon golden melon" improved qualifications, this created Yan Jin who is now proud of his peers.

The entire fighting spirit field fell into a strange silence, and everyone was shocked by her overwhelming power and terrifying talent.

"Ah..." The girl leader of the Purple Star Academy screamed, "Murder!"

Just now, a student, a defensive spirit master, was hesitant to try his defense, so he retreated a step slower and was swallowed by the magma.

Yan Jin walked on the lava that covered most of the arena, stopped at the place where the student was swallowed, squatted down and reached his hand inside.

She fished a few times, lifted the student from Zixing Academy out, and threw him off the arena casually.

Yan Jin used the fourth soul skill to control the martial soul. In addition to choosing the contestants from Zixing Academy as the target of attack at the beginning to bring them a sense of crisis, he did not release the heat of the lava to them when they actually came into contact.

The student was still confused. He thought he was going to die just now, but he found that the lava was not hot, but just a little warm, like a hot spring.

Before he came to his senses, he felt someone holding his collar and pulling him out, thinking that his teammates were helping him out. Then he was dizzy and arrived under the arena.

Seeing that the student was unharmed, the referee breathed a sigh of relief and announced loudly: "The winner is the Northern Advanced Soul Master Academy!"

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